Outspoken climate activist Steven Spielberg has taken delivery of his $250 million superyacht – Even longer than a football field, the diesel......


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Outspoken climate activist Steven Spielberg has taken delivery of his $250 million superyacht – Even longer than a football field, the diesel-powered 4,444 ton vessel has two swimming pools and, in all possibility, a plush movie theater and a helipad.

The thing about superyachts is that once you get on them, you never get off. Not literally but metaphorically. It stays in your spirit, features in your holiday plans, and there will never be a better way to unwind. This could be why despite selling the 282-foot-long superyacht Seven Seas for $150 million, Spielberg commissioned another Oceanco yacht, also called Seven Seas (named after his seven children). The original Seven Seas is now called Man Of Steel and is owned by Canadian steel billionaire Barry Zekelman.

Well, there he is....with meryl Streep. They remind me of leonardo difagio when he made this speech at THE UN LECTURING THE WORLD....

And then......and then rents a $300 million yacht from an oil tycoon from the ME to party at the Olympic in Brazil having countless orgies with what we can assume underage women.

Here he is, with his beard....lol


Oh and he just purchased this.....

His own yacht with a helicopter.

😆 🤣 😂 at the left.
Disingenuous scumbag Hollywood do nothing.... paid way more than he is worth... does nothing for humanity but take up space....
DIesel, no less the dirtiest carbon fuel there is. Hey peasants, do as I say not as I do!

Yes, Diesel. But the yacht has a greener, more environmentally-conscious backup propulsion system.

Except they'll have to stop in the Caribbean to board the slaves to operate the oars. Those oars ain't gonna row themselves, ya know.
What does any of this have to the proven fact of global warming?

Oh, that's right, nothing . The hard data has made the denier losers look extra-stupid lately, so they need some way to deflect. Whining about Hollywood is one of their go-to deflections for any topic.
I'm sure the yacht & helicopter are both run by batteries powered by solar panels & wind.

These climate change virtue signal douchebags are the worst hypocrites in the world.

But hey, they are much more important than the rest of us sub-human useless eaters that have to make do with a bicycle & Soylent Green
What does any of this have to the proven fact of global warming?

Oh, that's right, nothing . The hard data has made the denier losers look extra-stupid lately, so they need some way to deflect. Whining about Hollywood is one of their go-to deflections for any topic.
You climate change bed wetters are a pathetic lot of indoctrinated rubes that believe any scary story they sell you.

It doesn't matter how many times they are wrong, they will plop a pile of steaming AGW BS on your plate & laugh as you beg for more
What does any of this have to the proven fact of global warming?

Oh, that's right, nothing . The hard data has made the denier losers look extra-stupid lately, so they need some way to deflect. Whining about Hollywood is one of their go-to deflections for any topic.

Oh look! Someone who thinks men can get pregnant just said global warming is a "proven fact."

Oh look! Someone who thinks men can get pregnant just said global warming is a "proven fact."
As my point was that cult losers like you can only deflect, given that all the data says you're loony cult nitwits, I thank you for proving that point so conclusively.

You're useful, because of how goddamned stupid you are. You can't help it. Your butthurt drives you to be stupid.
You climate change bed wetters are a pathetic lot of indoctrinated rubes that believe any scary story they sell you.
See? There's another. Just screams insults, and runs in tears from the facts.

Needless to say, you don't see any rational people screaming idiot poltical conspiracy theories. We don't have to. The science backs us up, so we talk about the science.
See? There's another. Just screams insults, and runs in tears from the facts.

Needless to say, you don't see any rational people screaming idiot poltical conspiracy theories. We don't have to. The science backs us up, so we talk about the science.
What you call "facts" we laugh at for the clear propaganda it actually is.

Your own "scientists" admit it's OK to lie to you & that this is all about changing the economy/power structure of the world.
But you believe their BS anyway, no matter how often they are completely wrong.
You are clueless rubes
The leftist's own icons provide proof positive by their own personal actions/habits that climate change is the biggest hoax ever foisted upon mankind since religion and I discount anything they have to say out of hand for the tripe that it is.
Someone let me know when you see one, just one leftist living as the Amish do and expect me, you and every other capitalist American to, but of course not them nor any Chinese leader who pollute the planet at twice the rate than here. Nor do they ever complain about anyone in India or oil drillers and consumers in the ME.

Somehow only the western free nations that are supposedly WHITE.

They are such transparent hypocritical monkeys.
The leftist's own icons provide proof positive by their own personal actions/habits that climate change is the biggest hoax ever foisted upon mankind since religion and I discount anything they have to say out of hand for the tripe that it is.

The biggest hoax and criminal enterprise of the 20th and 21st centuries, even far eclipsing the 2020 elections. The cult of "climate" change has stolen trillions of dollars from civilized countries and dumped them in the laps of barbaric shithole countries that welcome the idea of the collapse of western civilization.
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Curtailment of lifestyle and personal freedoms for THEE, not for ME.

But there is still justice in this world. Perhaps the yacht will run aground on one of the few remaining islands populated by cannibals, and the yacht's inhabitants will be recycled.

It could happen.
See? There's another. Just screams insults, and runs in tears from the facts.

Needless to say, you don't see any rational people screaming idiot poltical conspiracy theories. We don't have to. The science backs us up, so we talk about the science.
Have a problem with the "CARBON FOOTPRINT" of your wealthy Lolita Epstein island resident and globalist activist left winger by purchasing a longer than a football field yacht, diesel-powered 4,444 ton vessel has two swimming pools and, in all possibility, a plush movie theater and a helipad?

No? Why not? Cause he speaks out how Americans are climate polluters and should change?

You're a loser.
See? There's another. Just screams insults, and runs in tears from the facts.

Needless to say, you don't see any rational people screaming idiot poltical conspiracy theories. We don't have to. The science backs us up, so we talk about the science.

You're a fuckin' idiot. It's not "screams insults, and runs in tears from the facts", it called "guerrilla warfare." You liberals are virtually being meme'd to death by a thousand cuts on social media.

You morons couldn't even defeat a bunch of Vietnamese rice farmers or Middle eastern goat herders, how the fuck are you going to beat 71 million determined Americans who think you are a threat to their freedom?
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