Outsourcing = Social Justice

The chart is in current prices, and sensible. The more developed parts of the planet have per capital GDP levels at about $50,000 per year. Mexico is slightly above the Planet average of $9,000.00 or so. Way down at the bottom, anyone could guess, is Bangladesh.

The below that, that super-power nation in which, "Betrayus-Obombus, Please!" is the foregin policy of choice: There is Afghanistan.

The more developed parts of the planet are concentrated in miltary deciminations of humans, in the least developed part of the earth, and doing badly as an outcome!

Originally, post-9/11, the Taliban had offered themselves to capture Osama bin laden, and then bring Osama bin laden to Moslem Trial, their way. The Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeldt alternative was to request extraditon--"Hand Him Over"-- as though he had been captured already. They would then bring Osama bin laden to a better place, apparently, as a reward.

It would otherwise occur to anyone that it would probably make better sense to have him in Afghanistan, than even in Pakistan. The Marines even now, don't like the current rules of engagement in Afghanistan. Anyone can comment to a platoon-leader returnee, "What a waste of personnel!" Both a nod and an audible concurrence happens.

Anyone should have been able to guess why, way before going in in the first place!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Bush Adminisration likely had noticed the potential value of the poppy crop, instead! There is the Republican, Tea Party, version of serious GDP! There is, in the alternative, the usual version. Had the GOP in fact had been at supportive of a housing market, then they wouldn't have sent all the TARP money to fund banker bonuses! The "Troubled Assets" could have been dealt with in the usual manner!)
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