Our ball-less Commander in Cheif


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
So not only is Obama a total failure as president in every aspect imaginable, I've concluded, he's an arrogant asshole as well. One look at his foreign policy tells you everything why he's trying to change the subject to the killing of Bin laden. The Arab Spring much advertised by Obama as the beginnings of freedom and democracy in the middle east, in which he pushed out an ally in Egypt has turned out to be an Islamist Winter. Each of the Arab Spring countries has made a turn for the much worse. And if he hasn't pushed an ally out he's turned his back if not betrayed some of our closest friends. He of course doesn't have the balls to do anything about the genocide in Syria, nor can he face up to ever more belligerent pariah countries like Iran and N Korea which are dragging the world into a nuclear confrontation.

He's taken a winning situation in Afganistan and turned it into failure. In short, the world has been much worse ever since he's taken office. And let's not even talk about the economy. Of course he's going to now take credit for a heroic raid which he HAD ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH OTHER THAN GIVE THE ORDER! Seriously?! He's taking credit for getting a man that killed 3000 Americans, which we've been hunting every corner of the Earth for him last last 11 years, with a bounty of 25 million on his head?! Which aspect of the operation did he take part in? None, other than give the nod. Big decision my ass! Others wouldn't have given the order? Is this how desperate he is now? You gotta be kidding me. I saw the ad and I almost vomitted. What an arrogant cocky asshole. No humility whatsoever.
A winning situation in Afghanistan? Lol that's rich, it's been a disaster there throughout. Should've blown up every gov't building and came home, but that strategy isn't warmongery enough for democans and republicrats.

And as Catzmeow's link shows, if a president's desire to warmonger is a measure for how tough he is (as it was with neocons and Bush) then Obama is as tough as they come.

Doesn't make him tough to me, but it sure as hell should for the pro-war crowd.
"New York Times" Aka DEMOCRAT MOUTHPIECE HITJOB. This article is hogwash, roll it up and flush it. What aggressive action did Obama take? Ordered drone hits? Other than accusing our military of being torturers? "oh let's not say anything to support the Iranain protesters in 2009, it might be misunderstood as 'interference'". He bombed the shit out of Libya and pushed out Mubarek. Which unstable country has he stabilized? He's done exactly the opposite. North Korea is threatening to nuke the south, Iran is about to get nukes or get hit by Israel. The world is going to hell under this president. It's JIMMA Carter all over again.

Not one real accomplishment that I can see.
So not only is Obama a total failure as president in every aspect imaginable, I've concluded, he's an arrogant asshole as well. One look at his foreign policy tells you everything why he's trying to change the subject to the killing of Bin laden. The Arab Spring much advertised by Obama as the beginnings of freedom and democracy in the middle east, in which he pushed out an ally in Egypt has turned out to be an Islamist Winter. Each of the Arab Spring countries has made a turn for the much worse. And if he hasn't pushed an ally out he's turned his back if not betrayed some of our closest friends. He of course doesn't have the balls to do anything about the genocide in Syria, nor can he face up to ever more belligerent pariah countries like Iran and N Korea which are dragging the world into a nuclear confrontation.

He's taken a winning situation in Afganistan and turned it into failure. In short, the world has been much worse ever since he's taken office. And let's not even talk about the economy. Of course he's going to now take credit for a heroic raid which he HAD ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH OTHER THAN GIVE THE ORDER! Seriously?! He's taking credit for getting a man that killed 3000 Americans, which we've been hunting every corner of the Earth for him last last 11 years, with a bounty of 25 million on his head?! Which aspect of the operation did he take part in? None, other than give the nod. Big decision my ass! Others wouldn't have given the order? Is this how desperate he is now? You gotta be kidding me. I saw the ad and I almost vomitted. What an arrogant cocky asshole. No humility whatsoever.

To be fair we haven't won anything in Afghanistan for a long time, that whole situation has been a clusterfuck for years, as far as the Arab Spring goes its too early to tell but the signs right now point to far more repressive regimes rising up in the ashes of Mubarak, Gaddafi, Salem in Yemen etc etc
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What worries me is we have US Special Forces troops chasing Joseph Kony in the jungle in Uganda, I thought we were just there for training? now we are running and gunning in the jungle? WTF?
"New York Times" Aka DEMOCRAT MOUTHPIECE HITJOB. This article is hogwash, roll it up and flush it. What aggressive action did Obama take? Ordered drone hits? Other than accusing our military of being torturers? "oh let's not say anything to support the Iranain protesters in 2009, it might be misunderstood as 'interference'". He bombed the shit out of Libya and pushed out Mubarek. Which unstable country has he stabilized? He's done exactly the opposite. North Korea is threatening to nuke the south, Iran is about to get nukes or get hit by Israel. The world is going to hell under this president. It's JIMMA Carter all over again.

Not one real accomplishment that I can see.

Hey look everyone, another self proclaimed small government conservative who thinks the president and U.S. gov't are responsible for keeping the world stable.
So not only is Obama a total failure as president in every aspect imaginable, I've concluded, he's an arrogant asshole as well. One look at his foreign policy tells you everything why he's trying to change the subject to the killing of Bin laden. The Arab Spring much advertised by Obama as the beginnings of freedom and democracy in the middle east, in which he pushed out an ally in Egypt has turned out to be an Islamist Winter. Each of the Arab Spring countries has made a turn for the much worse. And if he hasn't pushed an ally out he's turned his back if not betrayed some of our closest friends. He of course doesn't have the balls to do anything about the genocide in Syria, nor can he face up to ever more belligerent pariah countries like Iran and N Korea which are dragging the world into a nuclear confrontation.

He's taken a winning situation in Afganistan and turned it into failure. In short, the world has been much worse ever since he's taken office. And let's not even talk about the economy. Of course he's going to now take credit for a heroic raid which he HAD ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH OTHER THAN GIVE THE ORDER! Seriously?! He's taking credit for getting a man that killed 3000 Americans, which we've been hunting every corner of the Earth for him last last 11 years, with a bounty of 25 million on his head?! Which aspect of the operation did he take part in? None, other than give the nod. Big decision my ass! Others wouldn't have given the order? Is this how desperate he is now? You gotta be kidding me. I saw the ad and I almost vomitted. What an arrogant cocky asshole. No humility whatsoever.

i think you're confusing him with shrub.

your post is nonsense

but it's funny you should call this president's policies a failure after the nightmare that was the last admin's foreign policy.
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It's not fair to say obama is ball-less. He merely has better things to do than the country's business. He's campaigning for reelection and has been campaigning for reelection since the day he was elected.
So not only is Obama a total failure as president in every aspect imaginable, I've concluded, he's an arrogant asshole as well. One look at his foreign policy tells you everything why he's trying to change the subject to the killing of Bin laden. The Arab Spring much advertised by Obama as the beginnings of freedom and democracy in the middle east, in which he pushed out an ally in Egypt has turned out to be an Islamist Winter. Each of the Arab Spring countries has made a turn for the much worse. And if he hasn't pushed an ally out he's turned his back if not betrayed some of our closest friends. He of course doesn't have the balls to do anything about the genocide in Syria, nor can he face up to ever more belligerent pariah countries like Iran and N Korea which are dragging the world into a nuclear confrontation.

He's taken a winning situation in Afganistan and turned it into failure. In short, the world has been much worse ever since he's taken office. And let's not even talk about the economy. Of course he's going to now take credit for a heroic raid which he HAD ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH OTHER THAN GIVE THE ORDER! Seriously?! He's taking credit for getting a man that killed 3000 Americans, which we've been hunting every corner of the Earth for him last last 11 years, with a bounty of 25 million on his head?! Which aspect of the operation did he take part in? None, other than give the nod. Big decision my ass! Others wouldn't have given the order? Is this how desperate he is now? You gotta be kidding me. I saw the ad and I almost vomitted. What an arrogant cocky asshole. No humility whatsoever.

To be fair we haven't won anything in Afghanistan for a long time, that whole situation has been a clusterfuck for years, as far as the Arab Spring goes its too early to tell but the signs right now point to far more repressive regimes rising up in the ashes of Mubarak, Gaddafi, Salem in Yemen etc etc
Afganistan was more stable when Obama took office. He tried to copy Bush's surge strategy in Iraq (which he opposed) in Afganistan, and now it's on the verge of total collapse. Afgan leaders, the ones we helped bring to power, protect and finance, our trashing America instead of thanking us. This was not the same relationship when Obama took office. Obama has done nothing but alienate and bad mouth our military to garner support among our enemies. It hasn't worked.
It's not fair to say obama is ball-less. He merely has better things to do than the country's business. He's campaigning for reelection and has been campaigning for reelection since the day he was elected.
He's a ball-less bullshit artist that has managed to con an entire nation.
So not only is Obama a total failure as president in every aspect imaginable, I've concluded, he's an arrogant asshole as well. One look at his foreign policy tells you everything why he's trying to change the subject to the killing of Bin laden. The Arab Spring much advertised by Obama as the beginnings of freedom and democracy in the middle east, in which he pushed out an ally in Egypt has turned out to be an Islamist Winter. Each of the Arab Spring countries has made a turn for the much worse. And if he hasn't pushed an ally out he's turned his back if not betrayed some of our closest friends. He of course doesn't have the balls to do anything about the genocide in Syria, nor can he face up to ever more belligerent pariah countries like Iran and N Korea which are dragging the world into a nuclear confrontation.

He's taken a winning situation in Afganistan and turned it into failure. In short, the world has been much worse ever since he's taken office. And let's not even talk about the economy. Of course he's going to now take credit for a heroic raid which he HAD ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH OTHER THAN GIVE THE ORDER! Seriously?! He's taking credit for getting a man that killed 3000 Americans, which we've been hunting every corner of the Earth for him last last 11 years, with a bounty of 25 million on his head?! Which aspect of the operation did he take part in? None, other than give the nod. Big decision my ass! Others wouldn't have given the order? Is this how desperate he is now? You gotta be kidding me. I saw the ad and I almost vomitted. What an arrogant cocky asshole. No humility whatsoever.

To be fair we haven't won anything in Afghanistan for a long time, that whole situation has been a clusterfuck for years, as far as the Arab Spring goes its too early to tell but the signs right now point to far more repressive regimes rising up in the ashes of Mubarak, Gaddafi, Salem in Yemen etc etc
Afganistan was more stable when Obama took office. He tried to copy Bush's surge strategy in Iraq (which he opposed) in Afganistan, and now it's on the verge of total collapse. Afgan leaders, the ones we helped bring to power, protect and finance, our trashing America instead of thanking us. This was not the same relationship when Obama took office. Obama has done nothing but alienate and bad mouth our military to garner support among our enemies. It hasn't worked.

The best strategy we can have for Afghanistan to leave, let the Taliban hang Karzai from a lamp post by his balls, fuck him.
To be fair we haven't won anything in Afghanistan for a long time, that whole situation has been a clusterfuck for years, as far as the Arab Spring goes its too early to tell but the signs right now point to far more repressive regimes rising up in the ashes of Mubarak, Gaddafi, Salem in Yemen etc etc
Afganistan was more stable when Obama took office. He tried to copy Bush's surge strategy in Iraq (which he opposed) in Afganistan, and now it's on the verge of total collapse. Afgan leaders, the ones we helped bring to power, protect and finance, our trashing America instead of thanking us. This was not the same relationship when Obama took office. Obama has done nothing but alienate and bad mouth our military to garner support among our enemies. It hasn't worked.

The best strategy we can have for Afghanistan to leave, let the Taliban hang Karzai from a lamp post by his balls, fuck him.

His family's drug money along with U.S. support has been able to give him quite the security force, let's see how he does when it's just him and the people.
A winning situation in Afghanistan? Lol that's rich, it's been a disaster there throughout. Should've blown up every gov't building and came home, but that strategy isn't warmongery enough for democans and republicrats.

And as Catzmeow's link shows, if a president's desire to warmonger is a measure for how tough he is (as it was with neocons and Bush) then Obama is as tough as they come.

Doesn't make him tough to me, but it sure as hell should for the pro-war crowd.

It's a sign of the defeatist attitude of the West that the concept of carpet bombing an enemy, without the requisite "nation building" caused great hand wringing.

I'm not a big fan of Bill Clinton, but in this he had the right approach. Bomb them to dust, but never land troops. Shock and Awe in Iraq was a tremendous success. If Bush had had a brain, that would have been the end of it, leave it to the Iraqi people to rebuild.

Afghanistan is more of a challenge, these are stone age savages, not much infrastructure to destroy. So bomb the Taliban and the Al Qaeda caves. Every time they start to rebuild, bomb them again. But "boots on the ground" should never be done.

Yes, the ninnys will decry how awful we are, but the nation building in Iraq didn't exactly endear us to them, in fact, it did nothing for us.
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Afganistan was more stable when Obama took office. He tried to copy Bush's surge strategy in Iraq (which he opposed) in Afganistan, and now it's on the verge of total collapse. Afgan leaders, the ones we helped bring to power, protect and finance, our trashing America instead of thanking us. This was not the same relationship when Obama took office. Obama has done nothing but alienate and bad mouth our military to garner support among our enemies. It hasn't worked.

The best strategy we can have for Afghanistan to leave, let the Taliban hang Karzai from a lamp post by his balls, fuck him.

His family's drug money along with U.S. support has been able to give him quite the security force, let's see how he does when it's just him and the people.

Well Karzai has cash in Switzerland and a huge flat in London, if Kabul starts to fall to the Taliban he will be in England before you can say Bob is your uncle.
A winning situation in Afghanistan? Lol that's rich, it's been a disaster there throughout. Should've blown up every gov't building and came home, but that strategy isn't warmongery enough for democans and republicrats.

And as Catzmeow's link shows, if a president's desire to warmonger is a measure for how tough he is (as it was with neocons and Bush) then Obama is as tough as they come.

Doesn't make him tough to me, but it sure as hell should for the pro-war crowd.

It's a sign of the defeatist attitude of the West that the concept of carpet bombing an enemy, without the requisite "nation building" caused great hand wringing.

I'm not a big fan of Bill Clinton, but in this he had the right approach. Bomb them to dust, but never land troops. Shock and Awe in Iraq was a tremendous success. If Bush had had a brain, that would have been the end of it, leave it to the Iraqi people to rebuild.

Afghanistan is more of a challenge, these are stone age savages, not much infrastructure to destroy. So bomb the Taliban and the Al Qaeda caves. Every time they start to rebuild, bomb them again. But "boots on the ground" should never be done.

Yes, the ninnys will decry how awful we are, but the nation building in Iraq didn't exactly endear us to them, in fact, it did nothing for us.

Plus the fact that it seems like the people of afghanistan don't want democracy, they want a hardcore islamic dictatorship. We're trying to force freedoms on people who don't want them.
To be fair we haven't won anything in Afghanistan for a long time, that whole situation has been a clusterfuck for years, as far as the Arab Spring goes its too early to tell but the signs right now point to far more repressive regimes rising up in the ashes of Mubarak, Gaddafi, Salem in Yemen etc etc
Afganistan was more stable when Obama took office. He tried to copy Bush's surge strategy in Iraq (which he opposed) in Afganistan, and now it's on the verge of total collapse. Afgan leaders, the ones we helped bring to power, protect and finance, our trashing America instead of thanking us. This was not the same relationship when Obama took office. Obama has done nothing but alienate and bad mouth our military to garner support among our enemies. It hasn't worked.

The best strategy we can have for Afghanistan to leave, let the Taliban hang Karzai from a lamp post by his balls, fuck him.
At this point yes, we should leave and in a few years it will turn into the dump it was. But that was not the situation when Obama took office. We had a working relationship and were well on the way in training it's military to take care of its own business. He said he was going to make things better, remember?
A winning situation in Afghanistan? Lol that's rich, it's been a disaster there throughout. Should've blown up every gov't building and came home, but that strategy isn't warmongery enough for democans and republicrats.

And as Catzmeow's link shows, if a president's desire to warmonger is a measure for how tough he is (as it was with neocons and Bush) then Obama is as tough as they come.

Doesn't make him tough to me, but it sure as hell should for the pro-war crowd.

It's a sign of the defeatist attitude of the West that the concept of carpet bombing an enemy, without the requisite "nation building" caused great hand wringing.

I'm not a big fan of Bill Clinton, but in this he had the right approach. Bomb them to dust, but never land troops. Shock and Awe in Iraq was a tremendous success. If Bush had had a brain, that would have been the end of it, leave it to the Iraqi people to rebuild.

Afghanistan is more of a challenge, these are stone age savages, not much infrastructure to destroy. So bomb the Taliban and the Al Qaeda caves. Every time they start to rebuild, bomb them again. But "boots on the ground" should never be done.

Yes, the ninnys will decry how awful we are, but the nation building in Iraq didn't exactly endear us to them, in fact, it did nothing for us.

Well just bombing a country doesn't bring down the regime necessarily, we bombed the shit out of Iraq in the 90's numerous times and Saddam never went anywhere. Just bombing them in 2003 wouldn't do anything because the leaders and important people would just hide in bunkers while innocent people and cannon fodder soldiers get killed by our missiles, it takes ground forces to go in there and grab those fuckers by the balls to take down a regime, I am not saying whether the Iraq invasion was right or wrong but no US Troops on the ground in 2003 equals Saddam Hussein still running Iraq.
i think you're confusing him with shrub.

I think you're just a mindless hack.

Actually, I know for a fact that you're a mindless hack.

Obama has consistently engaged in military adventurism to mask his abysmal economic and domestic failures.

your post is nonsense

Rich irony.

but it's funny you should call this president's policies a failure after the nightmare that was the last admin's foreign policy.

It would be funny that you continue to attack Bush, nearly 4 years into Obummer's term - but then, you can't exactly tout your little tin Messiah®'s successes...

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