Other Monuments to Slave Owners We Must Also Tear Down


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Seriously, the leftwing Nazis will get to them too if we all fold on the Confederate monuments.


Well if they were slave owners, apparently they will.

The lefties hate this country and their protest against the Confederate Battle Flag in S Carolina did not stop when Haly took it down, they just went on to attacking and disgracing the American flag.

These Marxists are trying to destabelize our nation, they dont give a flying fuck about anyone or any cause other than to tear us down.
Well if they were slave owners, apparently they will.

The lefties hate this country and their protest against the Confederate Battle Flag in S Carolina did not stop when Haly took it down, they just went on to attacking and disgracing the American flag.

These Marxists are trying to destabelize our nation, they dont give a flying fuck about anyone or any cause other than to tear us down.

Ha ha ha, yeah, your nation was all stable and shit before last weekend.
Seriously, the leftwing Nazis will get to them too if we all fold on the Confederate monuments.

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What are we going to do about this these leftist brain damaged pos idiot are stripping away our history that's all it is is " HISTORY" these statues teach us what mistakes NOT to repeat, or what we should continue in order to keep out Nation free.

It isn't about racist this or that and these gawd dam mother fkn brain dead son og bitchen idiots who have been brainwashed my liberal minded asshole professors who have also been taught this all compliments of the BILL AYRES idiot cult leader .............................this is why these assholes think this bs.

Gawd these idiots sicken me going around doing this bs and the best part is it's all based of MSM thought control weak minds are easily manipulated.
Seriously, the leftwing Nazis will get to them too if we all fold on the Confederate monuments.

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George Washington never had a slave, until he married his wife. Free blacks back in the 1700's also had black slaves. The northern states couldn't ban slavery because the states had to unite against the Brits, or be defeated and forever under the rule of the king. After the war for independence, the states started ratifying the freedom for all people.

As I've been saying for quite sometime now, the alt-left will be coming for the Washington Monument and the Jefferson Memorial soon.
In the meantime, look for them to be trying to find ways passed security, in order to damage and deface these places as well as Mt Rushmore and other monuments.
Conservatives, being the dumbest 'effin humans on the planet, don't seem to get that nobody is calling to remove the monuments of every slave owner. Or maybe they're just lying. After all, conservatives always lie. Satan has their souls snagged in his infernal vice-grip pliers.

People are calling for removal of monuments to terrorism. That is, the monuments that were erected post-civil-war for the express purpose of reminding blacks that the Confederacy was still around, and still ready to kill them.

That's why the racist terrorists on this thread are so upset. They did so love their monuments to terrorism, and their side's use of terrorism, which continues into the present.
And what do we do with Mount Rushmore? Lefties have been hating on it for decades now.

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Oh gawd Jim don't give these lunatics any more ideas LOL

Don't think for a minute they haven't already been thinking about it.
The lefts heroes behind those masks at places like Charlottesville have been proving for quite sometime they are capable of vandalism, rioting, and violence.
Conservatives, being the dumbest 'effin humans on the planet, don't seem to get that nobody is calling to remove the monuments of every slave owner. Or maybe they're just lying. After all, conservatives always lie. Satan has their souls snagged in his infernal vice-grip pliers.

People are calling for removal of monuments to terrorism. That is, the monuments that were erected post-civil-war for the express purpose of reminding blacks that the Confederacy was still around, and still ready to kill them.

That's why the racist terrorists on this thread are so upset. They did so love their monuments to terrorism, and their side's use of terrorism, which continues into the present.

And you are truly the dumbest fuck on the planet if you believe this ISN'T where we will eventually head.
And you are truly the dumbest fuck on the planet if you believe this ISN'T where we will eventually head.

We won't head there, because we'll keep exposing and humiliating you. If you go out in public again, you better put the sheets back on.

That's why you're crying. Your free pass to behave badly has expired, and you don't know any other way to behave.
Conservatives, being the dumbest 'effin humans on the planet, don't seem to get that nobody is calling to remove the monuments of every slave owner. Or maybe they're just lying. After all, conservatives always lie. Satan has their souls snagged in his infernal vice-grip pliers.

People are calling for removal of monuments to terrorism. That is, the monuments that were erected post-civil-war for the express purpose of reminding blacks that the Confederacy was still around, and still ready to kill them.

That's why the racist terrorists on this thread are so upset. They did so love their monuments to terrorism, and their side's use of terrorism, which continues into the present.

And you are truly the dumbest fuck on the planet if you believe this ISN'T where we will eventually head.

That statement needed no qualifier.

Mamooth is the dumbest fuck on the planet, but it is a statistical tie between her and OldShits, LungLapper, JoeBitch666, and many others on my ignore list for so long I cant remember their account names.
Conservatives, being the dumbest 'effin humans on the planet, don't seem to get that nobody is calling to remove the monuments of every slave owner. Or maybe they're just lying. After all, conservatives always lie. Satan has their souls snagged in his infernal vice-grip pliers.

People are calling for removal of monuments to terrorism. That is, the monuments that were erected post-civil-war for the express purpose of reminding blacks that the Confederacy was still around, and still ready to kill them.

That's why the racist terrorists on this thread are so upset. They did so love their monuments to terrorism, and their side's use of terrorism, which continues into the present.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths(MAMOOTH) are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
And you are truly the dumbest fuck on the planet if you believe this ISN'T where we will eventually head.

We won't head there, because we'll keep exposing and humiliating you. If you go out in public again, you better put the sheets back on.

That's why you're crying. Your free pass to behave badly has expired, and you don't know any other way to behave.

"We", who's we? You mean you and your brethren who have been out rioting in places like Berkeley and Portland?

And I've got news for you, whether you personally "head there" or not, you are a knuckle-dragging imbecile if you don't realize they're are many in your ranks that would love to see founders like Washington and Jefferson completely illegitmized in the future.
They were after all, slave owners, so it's simply a matter of time before your alt-left brethren focus on their names around the country.
Right now for instance, there are places around the country where there are calls to remove 'Woodrow Wilson's' name from schools, and other government buildings.
Your side will eventually come for the big fish such as Washington and Jefferson.

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