How will Osama's death affect the war on terror?

I want to thank PRESIDENT BUSH for putting this in place...this operation started 4 years ago (under the Bush administration)...they've been tracking one of Bin Ladins most "trusted" couriers for 4 years now just for this reason. This is all in the news, so easy to look up, but if you want a link just let me know! When Bin Ladin was found, Obama couldn't do anything but tell them to go ahead and get him...guess he didn't want to pull a Clinton on us again. Sorry, but i give NO credit to our great leader...
And thank you to our Military! You're awsome!


You just cannot handle this success, can you?

If it was all obama's "success" then i would give it to him, but i don't believe it is at all. Also, my son is right now training in Army special forces...would you like to know what the majority of them think about obama??? Lol!

I have not seen Obama or anyone else for that matter claim MORE success for this military mission than ANY CinC would for any military mission....perhaps you can provide proof otherwise....?

Other than that, you might want to look to how much your hatred for Obama colors what should be your joy over Mission Accomplished.

As for your son training in Special he and his fellows professional enough to know that they are referring to their Commander in Chief? Are they professional enough....period?
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What I can't get over is how after 10 years of war, hundreds of thousands dead and even more displaced, and hundreds of billions of dollars spent on rockets, bombs, planes, tanks, ships, and soldiers in Afghanistan and the tribal areas of Pakistan, a single Special Ops team backed up by American and Pakistani intelligence took the guy out... not in Afghanistan or tribal Pakistan but in a mansion by the nice downtown area of a populous and developed city.

I have been saying for years, that we do not need troops on the ground in either Iraq or Afghanistan. We have the ability to plant our forces anywhere in the world in a matter of hours. It seems to me that this operation proves that.

If we are fighting a war, then in today's day and age do we really need to have troops on the ground? Maybe if they are a peace keeping force that is there for the sole purpose of maintaining the peace and a presence, but it seems to me that they are more targets than anything else at the moment.

What exactly are our troops accomplishing in Iraq and Afghanistan right now? Some say peace. They say if we leave it will create a vacuum and some other dictator will move in. As if that is not already destined to happen as things are right now. Saddam was once the buddy of the U.S. Bin Ladin was as well. Can we really expect anything different with the governments we set up in Irag and Afghanistan?


I don't know though we had alot of troops on the ground in Afghanistan, some in Pakistan as well as numerous CIA Agents and other intelligence, without a heavy presence next door in Afghanistan how would our intel been good enough to find this guy?

I don't think our intel was from military forces. Do you? I believe the intel would have come from our agents that did not wear camouflage uniforms.

I'm not positive on that. Maybe I have watched too many movies?

This is all over Fox right now, and local radio. Saw it on CNN too. The intell for this operation began 4 years ago (thats 2007, under GWB). It was gathered from detainees. Yep, thats Gitmo. It was gathered 4 yrs ago, at Gitmo, under GWB, using enhanced interrogation, aka "torture". That intell, as reported, led to a relative speaking of some strange, massive house with 18 feet walls being built in Pakistan. That led to them discussing some new family living there, matching Osama Bin Laden's info. That 4 year long investigation, accomplished through detainee interrogation, Gitmo, and 2 different presidents, led to this.

Yes. Libs are right. Close Gitmo. End interrogation. Thank goodness Bush, AND Obama, didn't listen to their whining.

Interesting and probably accurate, too.

STILL not ironic, though.
I agree. Fuck pakistan.

I think they knew where he was all along. I also think that if we shared information about this action that osama would have been tipped off and escaped again.

Fuck them.
I agree. Fuck pakistan.

I think they knew where he was all along. I also think that if we shared information about this action that osama would have been tipped off and escaped again.

Fuck them.

Pakistan has been playing a double game ever since we went into Afghanistan, smile in our faces and take US Money, have us believe they are our friends, and spit at us behind our backs and aid and abeit the Taliban and Al Qaeda and you are damn right Syrenn, if we alerted the Pakistanis on what we were doing Bin Laden would have been long gone, this double game is what has kept Bin Laden alive all these years, if the Pakistanis were serious about helping us we would have killed this clown 5-6 years ago.:evil:
he was hiding within plain sight for a loooooong time.. this shows that the talibani/pakistani relocation program works well.

Yes but during all this time the Pakistani government swore up and down he was not in the country and low and behold, there he was living in a $1 million house in a Pakistani city, he wasn't hiding in no cave or mine shaft. We had to violate Pakistani soveirgnty to get him but I could give a fuck less at this point.:evil:
This is all over Fox right now, and local radio. Saw it on CNN too. The intell for this operation began 4 years ago (thats 2007, under GWB). It was gathered from detainees. Yep, thats Gitmo. It was gathered 4 yrs ago, at Gitmo, under GWB, using enhanced interrogation, aka "torture". That intell, as reported, led to a relative speaking of some strange, massive house with 18 feet walls being built in Pakistan. That led to them discussing some new family living there, matching Osama Bin Laden's info. That 4 year long investigation, accomplished through detainee interrogation, Gitmo, and 2 different presidents, led to this.

Yes. Libs are right. Close Gitmo. End interrogation. Thank goodness Bush, AND Obama, didn't listen to their whining.

Its funny not one liberal can address your point.

Bush's "torture" system helped prevent several attacks and helped in locating OBL.

But these rabid liberals can only view events in a political prism and how it will make Obama look.

All they can do is rant and rave "Obama got him", all while completely ignoring the fact that the military has been using the same techniques for gathering information.

I'll address it.

First of all, there's bucs-0's ASSumption the information was gained by torture, which BTW, the right has always denied as occurring. It most likely was gained by conventional interrogation techniques, which provide reliable results.

Second, I will quote the man who headed the team of interrogators who successfully hunted down Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq and the mastermind of the campaign of suicide bombings that had helped plunge Iraq into civil war.

A) Torture doesn't work

"Torture is extremely ineffective, and it's counterproductive to what we're trying to accomplish," he told reporters. "When we torture somebody, it hardens their resolve," Alexander explained. "The information that you get is unreliable ... And even if you do get reliable information, you're able to stop a terrorist attack, Al-Qaeda's then going to use the fact that we torture people to recruit new members." Alexander says torture techniques used in Iraq consistently failed to produce actionable intelligence and that methods outlined in the US Army Field Manual, which rest on confidence building, consistently worked and gave the interrogators access to critical information.

B) Torture and abuse cost American lives.

I learned in Iraq that the No. 1 reason foreign fighters flocked there to fight were the abuses carried out at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. Our policy of torture was directly and swiftly recruiting fighters for al-Qaeda in Iraq. The large majority of suicide bombings in Iraq are still carried out by these foreigners. They are also involved in most of the attacks on U.S. and coalition forces in Iraq. It's no exaggeration to say that at least half of our losses and casualties in that country have come at the hands of foreigners who joined the fray because of our program of detainee abuse. The number of U.S. soldiers who have died because of our torture policy will never be definitively known, but it is fair to say that it is close to the number of lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001. How anyone can say that torture keeps Americans safe is beyond me -- unless you don't count American soldiers as Americans.


Welcome to Right wing Ignoresville, Bfgrn.
This is all over Fox right now, and local radio. Saw it on CNN too. The intell for this operation began 4 years ago (thats 2007, under GWB). It was gathered from detainees. Yep, thats Gitmo. It was gathered 4 yrs ago, at Gitmo, under GWB, using enhanced interrogation, aka "torture". That intell, as reported, led to a relative speaking of some strange, massive house with 18 feet walls being built in Pakistan. That led to them discussing some new family living there, matching Osama Bin Laden's info. That 4 year long investigation, accomplished through detainee interrogation, Gitmo, and 2 different presidents, led to this.

Yes. Libs are right. Close Gitmo. End interrogation. Thank goodness Bush, AND Obama, didn't listen to their whining.

I heard about that also. Water boarding anyone?

This thread isn't about Sean Hannity.
Its funny not one liberal can address your point.

Bush's "torture" system helped prevent several attacks and helped in locating OBL.

But these rabid liberals can only view events in a political prism and how it will make Obama look.

All they can do is rant and rave "Obama got him", all while completely ignoring the fact that the military has been using the same techniques for gathering information.

Did you notice that Obama did NOT say that he "inherited" the solution!?
Did you notice none of the CON$ are saying Boooooooosh is not the president?

That, sir, has been obvious for years.
This is all over Fox right now, and local radio. Saw it on CNN too. The intell for this operation began 4 years ago (thats 2007, under GWB). It was gathered from detainees. Yep, thats Gitmo. It was gathered 4 yrs ago, at Gitmo, under GWB, using enhanced interrogation, aka "torture". That intell, as reported, led to a relative speaking of some strange, massive house with 18 feet walls being built in Pakistan. That led to them discussing some new family living there, matching Osama Bin Laden's info. That 4 year long investigation, accomplished through detainee interrogation, Gitmo, and 2 different presidents, led to this.

Yes. Libs are right. Close Gitmo. End interrogation. Thank goodness Bush, AND Obama, didn't listen to their whining.

I heard about that also. Water boarding anyone?

This thread isn't about Sean Hannity.

give it time

You just cannot handle this success, can you?

If it was all obama's "success" then i would give it to him, but i don't believe it is at all. Also, my son is right now training in Army special forces...would you like to know what the majority of them think about obama??? Lol!

I have not seen Obama or anyone else for that matter claim MORE success for this military mission than ANY CinC would for any military mission....perhaps you can provide proof otherwise....?

Other than that, you might want to look to how much your hatred for Obama colors what should be your joy over Mission Accomplished.

As for your son training in Special he and his fellows professional enough to know that they are referring to their Commander in Chief? Are they professional enough....period?

Other than his "I I I I " and "WE WE WE" statements? You know what? It really doesn't matter. I don't "hate" obama, i dislike the guy alot and i don't trust him at all, but i don't hate him. You know he was always against this war anyway....he campaigned on bringing our military home. He campaigned on alot of stuff that hasn't happened was all talk and he still is.
I think it's fantastic that this has happened...i couldn't be more proud of our military. Yes, my son knows who his CinC is, and they will all do the jobs that they have to do, but it doesn't mean they have to like him.
This is all over Fox right now, and local radio. Saw it on CNN too. The intell for this operation began 4 years ago (thats 2007, under GWB). It was gathered from detainees. Yep, thats Gitmo. It was gathered 4 yrs ago, at Gitmo, under GWB, using enhanced interrogation, aka "torture". That intell, as reported, led to a relative speaking of some strange, massive house with 18 feet walls being built in Pakistan. That led to them discussing some new family living there, matching Osama Bin Laden's info. That 4 year long investigation, accomplished through detainee interrogation, Gitmo, and 2 different presidents, led to this.

Yes. Libs are right. Close Gitmo. End interrogation. Thank goodness Bush, AND Obama, didn't listen to their whining.

I heard about that also. Water boarding anyone?

This thread isn't about Sean Hannity.

water boarding works thank Bush for what you did for obama.:lol:

You just cannot handle this success, can you?

If it was all obama's "success" then i would give it to him, but i don't believe it is at all. Also, my son is right now training in Army special forces...would you like to know what the majority of them think about obama??? Lol!

I'm sorry...but i am not going to argue this today

But I think your response is a horrid partisan reaction to an event all Americans should be celebrating

You make me sick

Well, don't argue then :)
I think what's happened is great...i applaud everyone involved in this (yes, even obama).

You mention celebrating...that to me is horrid. Did you look at the pictures of all the americans celebrating this death? Dancing in the streets and carrying on? I understand it's a huge deal, and everyone can finally (hopefully) find peace in all the tragedy. But to celebrate any death like this is not right. If you really think about it, all those people looked just like the people in the middle east that were dancing and singing in the streets when we lost so many people on 9/11. Remember how that really pissed us off?? We already know there's going to be retaliation for this, and seeing the people celebrating like this is only going to fuel the fire. It doesn't matter that this is the same thing that the muslims did on 9/'s just going to make them hate us more. I think we're in for a hard time.
They didn't according to news sources Pakistan was not informed about the operation.

Osama was living next to a Pakistani military complex, in a neighborhood where lots of high officers live. The question that we really should ask is: did the Pakistani government protect the enemy n°1 of the USA?

And if so, then why the fuck are we still giving them billions of $?
If it was all obama's "success" then i would give it to him, but i don't believe it is at all. Also, my son is right now training in Army special forces...would you like to know what the majority of them think about obama??? Lol!

I'm sorry...but i am not going to argue this today

But I think your response is a horrid partisan reaction to an event all Americans should be celebrating

You make me sick

Well, don't argue then :)
I think what's happened is great...i applaud everyone involved in this (yes, even obama).

You mention celebrating...that to me is horrid. Did you look at the pictures of all the americans celebrating this death? Dancing in the streets and carrying on? I understand it's a huge deal, and everyone can finally (hopefully) find peace in all the tragedy. But to celebrate any death like this is not right. If you really think about it, all those people looked just like the people in the middle east that were dancing and singing in the streets when we lost so many people on 9/11. Remember how that really pissed us off?? We already know there's going to be retaliation for this, and seeing the people celebrating like this is only going to fuel the fire. It doesn't matter that this is the same thing that the muslims did on 9/'s just going to make them hate us more. I think we're in for a hard time.

I have no problem with Americans celebrating the death of a mass murderer and in no way equate it to people celebrating the deaths of 3000 innocent civilians

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