Only in stupid people's world... now worth $1.8 million!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Jacob Blake, who wasn't killed as the MSM keeps declaring was shot in the back and now is $1.8 million richer.
Jacob Blake refused arrest and now is worth $1.8 million.
But when AN OUTSPOKEN black ex-cop sparked fury after defending the Jacob Blake shooting saying that the black dad already had a criminal record.
In a shocking Twitter rant, Brandon Tatum branded Blake a “domestic abuser and sex offender” and claimed he was known for “pulling guns”.
The black ex-cop is torn apart by the MSM!
Do you folks really understand what's going on here? I don't.

I am 77 years old. I've obeyed the law.
The one or two times I was confronted by a cop and was handcuffed... I didn't RESIST!
Why are these idiots resisting?
"OH I didn't do anything wrong"!
They had no right to arrest me!

Typical responses from totally IRRESPONSIBLE people that should be locked up!
HERE look at this video and tell me what would YOU do if you were a cop?

This idiot was stopped because he was speeding! Instead of doing like I and millions like me, this idiot well let's say he has gone away for a long time!
Finally why is it so hard for people, especially BLACK people to not follow what Chris Rock in this video tells blacks!
- How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

First shown 01/10/2006...

When will these black people grow up and become responsible?
FACTS are that in 2019 235 blacks were killed by police. while 370 whites killed by police.
SO what the hell is the problem? And please don't tell me it's because cops are "racists"!

A Black CNN commentator indicated that if a detained Black man does not fight the police “we die."
Sen. Cory Booker claimed that “many” “mostly unarmed” Black men were “being murdered by police officers.”
Is it true?
A 2016 Harvard researcher's study found that Black people are no more likely to be killed by police officers than are white people.

A 2019 study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found “no evidence of anti-Black... disparities across" fatal shootings by police. Both white and Black people are far more likely to be murdered by an acquaintance of their own race than they are to be shot dead by the police.

Screen Shot 2020-08-27 at 6.33.26 PM.png
Why is it that percentages do not matter in arguments like this one by some, but if you bring up the topic of something like Covid deaths, the people against Covid say 180,000 deaths isn't much because it is less than 1% of the population?

Of course more white people have been killed by the police, they make up over 4 times the number of Blacks in the U.S. population. Whites make up 63% while Blacks make up only 13%. Yet the raw numbers show only twice as many whites are killed by police than Blacks.
Why is it that percentages do not matter in arguments like this one by some, but if you bring up the topic of something like Covid deaths, the people against Covid say 180,000 deaths isn't much because it is less than 1% of the population?

Of course more white people have been killed by the police, they make up over 4 times the number of Blacks in the U.S. population. Whites make up 63% while Blacks make up only 13%. Yet the raw numbers show only twice as many whites are killed by police than Blacks.
Because the rate of violent crimes is much higher with black men than for white men.
Why is it that percentages do not matter in arguments like this one by some, but if you bring up the topic of something like Covid deaths, the people against Covid say 180,000 deaths isn't much because it is less than 1% of the population?

Of course more white people have been killed by the police, they make up over 4 times the number of Blacks in the U.S. population. Whites make up 63% while Blacks make up only 13%. Yet the raw numbers show only twice as many whites are killed by police than Blacks.
Because the rate of violent crimes is much higher with black men than for white men.

Wrong. I'd share all the numbers and criminological theories to show you why you are wrong, but I'd be wasting my time. You wouldn't read it, you'd say it was biased because it comes from college educated people that must be liberals, and then tell me of an anecdotal story as evidence to prove me wrong.

You still didn't touch why people are so selective of when they use percentages v. raw numbers.
Why is it that percentages do not matter in arguments like this one by some, but if you bring up the topic of something like Covid deaths, the people against Covid say 180,000 deaths isn't much because it is less than 1% of the population?

Of course more white people have been killed by the police, they make up over 4 times the number of Blacks in the U.S. population. Whites make up 63% while Blacks make up only 13%. Yet the raw numbers show only twice as many whites are killed by police than Blacks.
Black criminals commit more violent crimes than white people, therefore they obviously would have more interactions with police in these dangerous situations. They should be shot MORE often than whites, but for some reason they arent.
Why is it that percentages do not matter in arguments like this one by some, but if you bring up the topic of something like Covid deaths, the people against Covid say 180,000 deaths isn't much because it is less than 1% of the population?

Of course more white people have been killed by the police, they make up over 4 times the number of Blacks in the U.S. population. Whites make up 63% while Blacks make up only 13%. Yet the raw numbers show only twice as many whites are killed by police than Blacks.
Because the rate of violent crimes is much higher with black men than for white men.

Wrong. I'd share all the numbers and criminological theories to show you why you are wrong, but I'd be wasting my time. You wouldn't read it, you'd say it was biased because it comes from college educated people that must be liberals, and then tell me of an anecdotal story as evidence to prove me wrong.

You still didn't touch why people are so selective of when they use percentages v. raw numbers.
Only 31 percent of black children under age 18 grow up in a household with two married parents (by a first or second marriage).
In contrast, 71 percent of white children grow up with two married parents (by a first or second marriage).
Now even if you are a non-college educated person, it would be apparent that two parents are more impactful, according to these statistics
than a single mother.

A family built around two parents has many advantages.
  • Two-parent families are statistically less likely to be poor.
  • They are also less likely to suffer addictions or engage in criminal behavior.
  • Children who grow up in homes where both mom and dad live under one roof have a greater chance to live successful, well-adjusted lives and create stable familial relationships for themselves.
So as a supposedly "college educated person" even the basic distinction as presented above should be obvious.
But just in case:
Blacks males especially without a father figure..(18 %) have a distrust of authority figures.
Now this 174 page study The Effect of Father Absence and Father Alternatives on Female and Male Rates of Violence
Shows the importance of the Father authority figure.
According to a report in "Fathers and Their Impact on Children's Well-Being":
Even from birth, children who have an involved father are more likely to be emotionally secure, be confident to explore their surroundings, and, as they grow older, have better social connections.

What this means is the violence of young blacks (with 82% no fathers) also shows resistance to authority. Hence again... if you don't understand this then you probably grew up in a father-less family and you won't get what Chris Rock shows:
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

First shown 01/10/2006...
Why is it that percentages do not matter in arguments like this one by some, but if you bring up the topic of something like Covid deaths, the people against Covid say 180,000 deaths isn't much because it is less than 1% of the population?

Of course more white people have been killed by the police, they make up over 4 times the number of Blacks in the U.S. population. Whites make up 63% while Blacks make up only 13%. Yet the raw numbers show only twice as many whites are killed by police than Blacks.
Because the rate of violent crimes is much higher with black men than for white men.

Wrong. I'd share all the numbers and criminological theories to show you why you are wrong, but I'd be wasting my time. You wouldn't read it, you'd say it was biased because it comes from college educated people that must be liberals, and then tell me of an anecdotal story as evidence to prove me wrong.

You still didn't touch why people are so selective of when they use percentages v. raw numbers.
Only 31 percent of black children under age 18 grow up in a household with two married parents (by a first or second marriage).
In contrast, 71 percent of white children grow up with two married parents (by a first or second marriage).
Now even if you are a non-college educated person, it would be apparent that two parents are more impactful, according to these statistics
than a single mother.

A family built around two parents has many advantages.
  • Two-parent families are statistically less likely to be poor.
  • They are also less likely to suffer addictions or engage in criminal behavior.
  • Children who grow up in homes where both mom and dad live under one roof have a greater chance to live successful, well-adjusted lives and create stable familial relationships for themselves.
So as a supposedly "college educated person" even the basic distinction as presented above should be obvious.
But just in case:
Blacks males especially without a father figure..(18 %) have a distrust of authority figures.
Now this 174 page study The Effect of Father Absence and Father Alternatives on Female and Male Rates of Violence
Shows the importance of the Father authority figure.
According to a report in "Fathers and Their Impact on Children's Well-Being":
Even from birth, children who have an involved father are more likely to be emotionally secure, be confident to explore their surroundings, and, as they grow older, have better social connections.

What this means is the violence of young blacks (with 82% no fathers) also shows resistance to authority. Hence again... if you don't understand this then you probably grew up in a father-less family and you won't get what Chris Rock shows:
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

First shown 01/10/2006...

Yes, children growing up in a single parent home is very detrimental. Know why so many do? Like I said, I'm not going to waste my time explaining it because you all will not read it. I'll just say there are three major factors, the "War on drugs" including the 100 to 1 law that was only recently changed but still not equalized, Broken Windows & Hot Spot policing, and finally mandatory minimum laws on non-violent crimes.
Why is it that percentages do not matter in arguments like this one by some, but if you bring up the topic of something like Covid deaths, the people against Covid say 180,000 deaths isn't much because it is less than 1% of the population?

Of course more white people have been killed by the police, they make up over 4 times the number of Blacks in the U.S. population. Whites make up 63% while Blacks make up only 13%. Yet the raw numbers show only twice as many whites are killed by police than Blacks.

Perhaps the numbers would be more equitable if blacks weren't 10 times more likely to break the law. But hey, those kinds of numbers are irrelevant to you propagandist, RIGHT?

Why is it that percentages do not matter in arguments like this one by some, but if you bring up the topic of something like Covid deaths, the people against Covid say 180,000 deaths isn't much because it is less than 1% of the population?

Of course more white people have been killed by the police, they make up over 4 times the number of Blacks in the U.S. population. Whites make up 63% while Blacks make up only 13%. Yet the raw numbers show only twice as many whites are killed by police than Blacks.
Because the rate of violent crimes is much higher with black men than for white men.

Wrong. I'd share all the numbers and criminological theories to show you why you are wrong, but I'd be wasting my time. You wouldn't read it, you'd say it was biased because it comes from college educated people that must be liberals, and then tell me of an anecdotal story as evidence to prove me wrong.

You still didn't touch why people are so selective of when they use percentages v. raw numbers.
Only 31 percent of black children under age 18 grow up in a household with two married parents (by a first or second marriage).
In contrast, 71 percent of white children grow up with two married parents (by a first or second marriage).
Now even if you are a non-college educated person, it would be apparent that two parents are more impactful, according to these statistics
than a single mother.

A family built around two parents has many advantages.
  • Two-parent families are statistically less likely to be poor.
  • They are also less likely to suffer addictions or engage in criminal behavior.
  • Children who grow up in homes where both mom and dad live under one roof have a greater chance to live successful, well-adjusted lives and create stable familial relationships for themselves.
So as a supposedly "college educated person" even the basic distinction as presented above should be obvious.
But just in case:
Blacks males especially without a father figure..(18 %) have a distrust of authority figures.
Now this 174 page study The Effect of Father Absence and Father Alternatives on Female and Male Rates of Violence
Shows the importance of the Father authority figure.
According to a report in "Fathers and Their Impact on Children's Well-Being":
Even from birth, children who have an involved father are more likely to be emotionally secure, be confident to explore their surroundings, and, as they grow older, have better social connections.

What this means is the violence of young blacks (with 82% no fathers) also shows resistance to authority. Hence again... if you don't understand this then you probably grew up in a father-less family and you won't get what Chris Rock shows:
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

First shown 01/10/2006...

Yes, children growing up in a single parent home is very detrimental. Know why so many do? Like I said, I'm not going to waste my time explaining it because you all will not read it. I'll just say there are three major factors, the "War on drugs" including the 100 to 1 law that was only recently changed but still not equalized, Broken Windows & Hot Spot policing, and finally mandatory minimum laws on non-violent crimes.

ROFLMAO, those kinds of policies took NYC from a crime ridden hell hole to the safest large city in the country. Now they have been done away with, by you commies, crime is rising at an unprecedented rate. People in NYC are afraid again, that's why there is an exodus by those who have the ability to leave.

Why did the founding fathers resist?
They should have submitted and let the British kneel on their necks. Like good Americans.
Well the "good Americans" wouldn't BE in the position of having knees on their necks. Evidently they were smarter than people that resisted authority in the first place...i.e. knowing when and how one should resist and obviously they survived i.e. smarter!
Obviously you and others are truly ignorant of American history.
Why is it that percentages do not matter in arguments like this one by some, but if you bring up the topic of something like Covid deaths, the people against Covid say 180,000 deaths isn't much because it is less than 1% of the population?

Of course more white people have been killed by the police, they make up over 4 times the number of Blacks in the U.S. population. Whites make up 63% while Blacks make up only 13%. Yet the raw numbers show only twice as many whites are killed by police than Blacks.
Because the rate of violent crimes is much higher with black men than for white men.

Wrong. I'd share all the numbers and criminological theories to show you why you are wrong, but I'd be wasting my time. You wouldn't read it, you'd say it was biased because it comes from college educated people that must be liberals, and then tell me of an anecdotal story as evidence to prove me wrong.

You still didn't touch why people are so selective of when they use percentages v. raw numbers.
Only 31 percent of black children under age 18 grow up in a household with two married parents (by a first or second marriage).
In contrast, 71 percent of white children grow up with two married parents (by a first or second marriage).
Now even if you are a non-college educated person, it would be apparent that two parents are more impactful, according to these statistics
than a single mother.

A family built around two parents has many advantages.
  • Two-parent families are statistically less likely to be poor.
  • They are also less likely to suffer addictions or engage in criminal behavior.
  • Children who grow up in homes where both mom and dad live under one roof have a greater chance to live successful, well-adjusted lives and create stable familial relationships for themselves.
So as a supposedly "college educated person" even the basic distinction as presented above should be obvious.
But just in case:
Blacks males especially without a father figure..(18 %) have a distrust of authority figures.
Now this 174 page study The Effect of Father Absence and Father Alternatives on Female and Male Rates of Violence
Shows the importance of the Father authority figure.
According to a report in "Fathers and Their Impact on Children's Well-Being":
Even from birth, children who have an involved father are more likely to be emotionally secure, be confident to explore their surroundings, and, as they grow older, have better social connections.

What this means is the violence of young blacks (with 82% no fathers) also shows resistance to authority. Hence again... if you don't understand this then you probably grew up in a father-less family and you won't get what Chris Rock shows:
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

First shown 01/10/2006...

Yes, children growing up in a single parent home is very detrimental. Know why so many do? Like I said, I'm not going to waste my time explaining it because you all will not read it. I'll just say there are three major factors, the "War on drugs" including the 100 to 1 law that was only recently changed but still not equalized, Broken Windows & Hot Spot policing, and finally mandatory minimum laws on non-violent crimes.

BUT why do black women continue to have abortions and children out of wedlock?
As I pointed out the major reason is missing father authority figures. It is a fact.
Even from birth, children who have an involved father are more likely to be emotionally secure, be confident to explore their surroundings, and, as they grow older, have better social connections.
And you are totally ignorant of this:
Percent of welfare recipients who are white: 38.8%
Percent of welfare recipients who are black: 39.8%
(Note: Many people confuse these statistics. This does not mean that 38.8% of all white Americans, and 39.8% of all Black Americans are on welfare. It means that 39.8% of all the actual welfare recipients are Black, and 38.8% of all the welfare recipients are white.)
Why is it that percentages do not matter in arguments like this one by some, but if you bring up the topic of something like Covid deaths, the people against Covid say 180,000 deaths isn't much because it is less than 1% of the population?

Of course more white people have been killed by the police, they make up over 4 times the number of Blacks in the U.S. population. Whites make up 63% while Blacks make up only 13%. Yet the raw numbers show only twice as many whites are killed by police than Blacks.
Because the rate of violent crimes is much higher with black men than for white men.

Wrong. I'd share all the numbers and criminological theories to show you why you are wrong, but I'd be wasting my time. You wouldn't read it, you'd say it was biased because it comes from college educated people that must be liberals, and then tell me of an anecdotal story as evidence to prove me wrong.

You still didn't touch why people are so selective of when they use percentages v. raw numbers.
Only 31 percent of black children under age 18 grow up in a household with two married parents (by a first or second marriage).
In contrast, 71 percent of white children grow up with two married parents (by a first or second marriage).
Now even if you are a non-college educated person, it would be apparent that two parents are more impactful, according to these statistics
than a single mother.

A family built around two parents has many advantages.
  • Two-parent families are statistically less likely to be poor.
  • They are also less likely to suffer addictions or engage in criminal behavior.
  • Children who grow up in homes where both mom and dad live under one roof have a greater chance to live successful, well-adjusted lives and create stable familial relationships for themselves.
So as a supposedly "college educated person" even the basic distinction as presented above should be obvious.
But just in case:
Blacks males especially without a father figure..(18 %) have a distrust of authority figures.
Now this 174 page study The Effect of Father Absence and Father Alternatives on Female and Male Rates of Violence
Shows the importance of the Father authority figure.
According to a report in "Fathers and Their Impact on Children's Well-Being":
Even from birth, children who have an involved father are more likely to be emotionally secure, be confident to explore their surroundings, and, as they grow older, have better social connections.

What this means is the violence of young blacks (with 82% no fathers) also shows resistance to authority. Hence again... if you don't understand this then you probably grew up in a father-less family and you won't get what Chris Rock shows:
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

First shown 01/10/2006...

Yes, children growing up in a single parent home is very detrimental. Know why so many do? Like I said, I'm not going to waste my time explaining it because you all will not read it. I'll just say there are three major factors, the "War on drugs" including the 100 to 1 law that was only recently changed but still not equalized, Broken Windows & Hot Spot policing, and finally mandatory minimum laws on non-violent crimes.

The main reason is black teenagers getting pregnant without being married.

Who are you trying to kid?
Why is it that percentages do not matter in arguments like this one by some, but if you bring up the topic of something like Covid deaths, the people against Covid say 180,000 deaths isn't much because it is less than 1% of the population?

Of course more white people have been killed by the police, they make up over 4 times the number of Blacks in the U.S. population. Whites make up 63% while Blacks make up only 13%. Yet the raw numbers show only twice as many whites are killed by police than Blacks.
Because the rate of violent crimes is much higher with black men than for white men.

Wrong. I'd share all the numbers and criminological theories to show you why you are wrong, but I'd be wasting my time. You wouldn't read it, you'd say it was biased because it comes from college educated people that must be liberals, and then tell me of an anecdotal story as evidence to prove me wrong.

You still didn't touch why people are so selective of when they use percentages v. raw numbers.
Only 31 percent of black children under age 18 grow up in a household with two married parents (by a first or second marriage).
In contrast, 71 percent of white children grow up with two married parents (by a first or second marriage).
Now even if you are a non-college educated person, it would be apparent that two parents are more impactful, according to these statistics
than a single mother.

A family built around two parents has many advantages.
  • Two-parent families are statistically less likely to be poor.
  • They are also less likely to suffer addictions or engage in criminal behavior.
  • Children who grow up in homes where both mom and dad live under one roof have a greater chance to live successful, well-adjusted lives and create stable familial relationships for themselves.
So as a supposedly "college educated person" even the basic distinction as presented above should be obvious.
But just in case:
Blacks males especially without a father figure..(18 %) have a distrust of authority figures.
Now this 174 page study The Effect of Father Absence and Father Alternatives on Female and Male Rates of Violence
Shows the importance of the Father authority figure.
According to a report in "Fathers and Their Impact on Children's Well-Being":
Even from birth, children who have an involved father are more likely to be emotionally secure, be confident to explore their surroundings, and, as they grow older, have better social connections.

What this means is the violence of young blacks (with 82% no fathers) also shows resistance to authority. Hence again... if you don't understand this then you probably grew up in a father-less family and you won't get what Chris Rock shows:
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

First shown 01/10/2006...

Yes, children growing up in a single parent home is very detrimental. Know why so many do? Like I said, I'm not going to waste my time explaining it because you all will not read it. I'll just say there are three major factors, the "War on drugs" including the 100 to 1 law that was only recently changed but still not equalized, Broken Windows & Hot Spot policing, and finally mandatory minimum laws on non-violent crimes.

Most of these absent fathers aren't absent because they are continuously incarcerated, they are absent because government can take their place supporting their kids, and there is no more shame about fathering multiple kids with multiple women out of wedlock.

When you subsidize a behavior, you get more of it.
Why is it that percentages do not matter in arguments like this one by some, but if you bring up the topic of something like Covid deaths, the people against Covid say 180,000 deaths isn't much because it is less than 1% of the population?

Of course more white people have been killed by the police, they make up over 4 times the number of Blacks in the U.S. population. Whites make up 63% while Blacks make up only 13%. Yet the raw numbers show only twice as many whites are killed by police than Blacks.
Because the rate of violent crimes is much higher with black men than for white men.

Wrong. I'd share all the numbers and criminological theories to show you why you are wrong, but I'd be wasting my time. You wouldn't read it, you'd say it was biased because it comes from college educated people that must be liberals, and then tell me of an anecdotal story as evidence to prove me wrong.

You still didn't touch why people are so selective of when they use percentages v. raw numbers.
Only 31 percent of black children under age 18 grow up in a household with two married parents (by a first or second marriage).
In contrast, 71 percent of white children grow up with two married parents (by a first or second marriage).
Now even if you are a non-college educated person, it would be apparent that two parents are more impactful, according to these statistics
than a single mother.

A family built around two parents has many advantages.
  • Two-parent families are statistically less likely to be poor.
  • They are also less likely to suffer addictions or engage in criminal behavior.
  • Children who grow up in homes where both mom and dad live under one roof have a greater chance to live successful, well-adjusted lives and create stable familial relationships for themselves.
So as a supposedly "college educated person" even the basic distinction as presented above should be obvious.
But just in case:
Blacks males especially without a father figure..(18 %) have a distrust of authority figures.
Now this 174 page study The Effect of Father Absence and Father Alternatives on Female and Male Rates of Violence
Shows the importance of the Father authority figure.
According to a report in "Fathers and Their Impact on Children's Well-Being":
Even from birth, children who have an involved father are more likely to be emotionally secure, be confident to explore their surroundings, and, as they grow older, have better social connections.

What this means is the violence of young blacks (with 82% no fathers) also shows resistance to authority. Hence again... if you don't understand this then you probably grew up in a father-less family and you won't get what Chris Rock shows:
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

First shown 01/10/2006...

Yes, children growing up in a single parent home is very detrimental. Know why so many do? Like I said, I'm not going to waste my time explaining it because you all will not read it. I'll just say there are three major factors, the "War on drugs" including the 100 to 1 law that was only recently changed but still not equalized, Broken Windows & Hot Spot policing, and finally mandatory minimum laws on non-violent crimes.

ROFLMAO, those kinds of policies took NYC from a crime ridden hell hole to the safest large city in the country. Now they have been done away with, by you commies, crime is rising at an unprecedented rate. People in NYC are afraid again, that's why there is an exodus by those who have the ability to leave.


broken widows policing did two things, it made criminals realize they cops will even go after the small shit, and it caught people out on warrants for big shit when they got caught doing small shit.

Ignore the small shit and you end up encouraging bad behavior and losing out chances to pick up bigger fish.
Why is it that percentages do not matter in arguments like this one by some, but if you bring up the topic of something like Covid deaths, the people against Covid say 180,000 deaths isn't much because it is less than 1% of the population?

Of course more white people have been killed by the police, they make up over 4 times the number of Blacks in the U.S. population. Whites make up 63% while Blacks make up only 13%. Yet the raw numbers show only twice as many whites are killed by police than Blacks.
Because the rate of violent crimes is much higher with black men than for white men.

Wrong. I'd share all the numbers and criminological theories to show you why you are wrong, but I'd be wasting my time. You wouldn't read it, you'd say it was biased because it comes from college educated people that must be liberals, and then tell me of an anecdotal story as evidence to prove me wrong.

You still didn't touch why people are so selective of when they use percentages v. raw numbers.
Only 31 percent of black children under age 18 grow up in a household with two married parents (by a first or second marriage).
In contrast, 71 percent of white children grow up with two married parents (by a first or second marriage).
Now even if you are a non-college educated person, it would be apparent that two parents are more impactful, according to these statistics
than a single mother.

A family built around two parents has many advantages.
  • Two-parent families are statistically less likely to be poor.
  • They are also less likely to suffer addictions or engage in criminal behavior.
  • Children who grow up in homes where both mom and dad live under one roof have a greater chance to live successful, well-adjusted lives and create stable familial relationships for themselves.
So as a supposedly "college educated person" even the basic distinction as presented above should be obvious.
But just in case:
Blacks males especially without a father figure..(18 %) have a distrust of authority figures.
Now this 174 page study The Effect of Father Absence and Father Alternatives on Female and Male Rates of Violence
Shows the importance of the Father authority figure.
According to a report in "Fathers and Their Impact on Children's Well-Being":
Even from birth, children who have an involved father are more likely to be emotionally secure, be confident to explore their surroundings, and, as they grow older, have better social connections.

What this means is the violence of young blacks (with 82% no fathers) also shows resistance to authority. Hence again... if you don't understand this then you probably grew up in a father-less family and you won't get what Chris Rock shows:
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

First shown 01/10/2006...

Yes, children growing up in a single parent home is very detrimental. Know why so many do? Like I said, I'm not going to waste my time explaining it because you all will not read it. I'll just say there are three major factors, the "War on drugs" including the 100 to 1 law that was only recently changed but still not equalized, Broken Windows & Hot Spot policing, and finally mandatory minimum laws on non-violent crimes.

ROFLMAO, those kinds of policies took NYC from a crime ridden hell hole to the safest large city in the country. Now they have been done away with, by you commies, crime is rising at an unprecedented rate. People in NYC are afraid again, that's why there is an exodus by those who have the ability to leave.


broken widows policing did two things, it made criminals realize they cops will even go after the small shit, and it caught people out on warrants for big shit when they got caught doing small shit.

Ignore the small shit and you end up encouraging bad behavior and losing out chances to pick up bigger fish.

I can't send you books full of information of why you are wrong, but this article will have to do. It is quite long and I doubt you guys will read it, but at least I tried to guide you. It is amazing how so many of you guys think you know what is really going on and how far off you are.


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