One Year of Trumponomics already screws wage earners.

ā€œA separate Labor Department report on Friday showed inflation-adjusted wages were unchanged in July from the previous month and dropped 0.2 percent from a year earlier.ā€

Highest Core Inflation in Decade Flattens Real U.S. Wage Growth
Sho Chandra
August 10, 2018, 8:30 AM EDTUpdated on August 10, 2018, 8:53 AM EDT

What has Trumpo done for you besides making you think he is standing up for whites, Christians and nationalism?

Now it is Trumpā€™s economy now? Last week it was still Obamaā€™s economy and now today it isnā€™t? Now this report goes back to July, which is completely under Obama, according to the Obamabots.
Because he wants to fuck the working class again to stay cozy with his billionaires keeping him afloat ā€¦ā€¦. We should not ignore how little Trumpā€™s 2017 tax cuts for the rich for middle income Americans.

Aug 12, 2018
SmokeALib, post: 20552683
If everything is so bad under Trump, why is our middle-class household flourishing as it never has before?
I didnā€™t tell you everything is bad under Trumpo. I told you that the average wage, when adjusted for inflation for working Americans, has gone down, not up, over the past year.

If you donā€™t understand what ā€˜averageā€™ means, I canā€™t help you.

Perhaps you finally got a raise only because Trumpo made your wealthy boss so happy with the huge tax cut he received at the expense of the US Treasury. Lucky you. Donā€™t expect much during the next downturn other than a layoff.

Your tax cut - damn, had to use the ā€˜averageā€™ word again - may be about $800.

Average salary: $47,390

Current tax: $4,825

Tax under the Republican plan: $4,056

Percent tax cut: 15.9%

Here's what Trump's tax plan means for people at every income level from $20,000 to $269,000 a year

So if you bought an average of 30 gallons of gas a week you are now paying about $15 a week for that privilege for a total of $780 for a year. You actually get $20 bucks more to spend thanks to Trumpoā€™s massive tax cut for the wealthy and the piddlings he bequeathed to you.

Trumpo has really done nothing for his Trumporoids. (You know .. those white worker the economy left behind) The economy is booming but the average lower to middle class worker is either stagnant or losing ground when it comes to how much a paycheck will buy.

Stop suffering the grand illusion that everything is now GREAT that the top snake oil salesmen in the land is selling you.
Gas costs more, food cost more, debt is getting higher and all either side wants to do is shell out money to ā€œtheirā€ groups to buy votes and we will never learn, we just keep drinking the kool-aid.

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