One World Government


Dec 19, 2012
At the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, the primary goal of almost every human being - their first priority - was the acquisition of food and shelter on a daily basis, which was for the most part accomplished individually by farming, hunting and building, with small amounts of bartering and currency-based trading mixed in. After 50 years of industrialization, that goal changed into the acquisition of currency, i.e; getting a job or operating a business so that others would give you money. This became true for every human that lived in an industrial country. You began to pay others for your food and shelter. Thus began our enslavement to currency - both in real-life terms and in the mindset. The more money you obtained, the more security you possessed. In fact, if you acquired enough wealth, you held the power of plenty or starvation - the power of life and death, as it were - over others.

The Great Depression, the first truly global financial crisis, was a child of overwhelming debt, both public and private. This situation was not resolved until the culmination of a war which caused the deaths of 60-75 million people, the disruption of the lives of hundreds of millions more, an a global reset to a New order, in which the United States, having the bulk of the world's remaining natural resources and an undamaged infrastructure, became the dominant force. And because no one wanted to see a repeat of the devastation, governments in the industrialized world were allowed to manipulate economics as never before.

The second great global economic crisis is in its early childhood, again born of massive debt, both public and private. Governments the world over are spending beyond their limits, not only to keep their individual economies afloat, but to expand their power base. There are two huge differences, however, that will make performing a reset extremely difficult. Human now possess the capacity to inflict massive military damage on each other in the blink of an eye. The other, far more disturbing difference:

There's no new "stuff" to find. We have populated every corner of the globe that is remotely habitable. There's no place else to live. There are no huge, undiscovered oil fields - in fact, we are returning to the old sources with expensive technology to extract even more. There are no huge, undiscovered sources of gold, silver, iron, copper and all the other resources that make modern life possible. There are no new forests to carve away. We are growing as much food on as much arable land as our technology allows - there is no huge, undiscovered farming belt. Even the oceans are being picked clean. The price of every single thing you need to survive will continue to rise.

Sometime in the nxt 30-50 years, this current economic crisis will explode into something the world has never seen and cannot possibly imagine. Currency will become worthless. The only way out will be another massive reset, but this will not be accomplished through warfare. The leaders of the industrial powers will gather together and tell us that we have to unite. All governmental debt will then be erased. A one-world currency will be established, which will lead, inevitably, to a one-world government.

Whihc is exactly what the plan is.

The governmental spending in the United States (Federal, State and Local) currently sits at around 5 trillion dollars. It's over 1/3 of GDP. Every year. Take ANY of that away, and the world economy collapses. Life as we know it ends. We simply have no choice but to let it continue. The power knows this. It has wrapped its tenticles around every aspect of our lives, because we need its money in order to survive. And that's just America.

When currency, the medium you used to get what you need to survive, is worthless, and their are no new resources to find (this has already happened), that's when the power will offer up its saving hand. Only it won't play out that way. It will gain ever more control. You will be told what to do in every aspect of your life, and if you don't like it, they will eliminate your ability to purchace anything. There will be no place to run. You will be told where to live, how many offspring to have, and how much energy you are allowed to consume. All resources, even food, will be rationed, and you won't be able to buy your way into the club, because money will be inconsequential. You will perform some "duty" in return for your "share".

The only alternatives? A war of unimaginable consequences where billions die, and a new Dark Age. Or, you can try to figure out a way to leave the planet.

The concepts of self-determination and freedom will vanish. Everything and everyone will take a backseat to the state. I'm glad I'm not young.

Yes, our doom has been forecast before. But this is not DOOM - you'll be alive. But I doubt that you'll enjoy it much. The only truly untapped natural resource left any longer is the mass of humanity that has proliferated on the planet in the last 100 years. And in order to control it, the power will make sure everyone has exactly what they need to survive, and no more. Every human being will be dependant on the state. 1984? Yep, just 100 years later. This is not socialism, it's far more sinister. It's complete and abject control.

There will NOT be the massive war I've talked about. The power doesn't want that. A devastated civilization is useless to it. What it wants is control. And for the first time in human history, it will have the power to get it. Because in order to avert catasthrophe, we will all willingly cede it.

They will take over without firing a shot.
None of that should come as any surprise to anyone with even a passing knowledge of Biblical prophesy. It was all foretold more than 2000 years ago.
None of that should come as any surprise to anyone with even a passing knowledge of Biblical prophesy. It was all foretold more than 2000 years ago.

This isn't biblical. It's because humans have become currency-driven as opposed to self-sufficient.

When the one-world state controls the ONLY currency, they will have the ultimate power. You won't be able to do anything without their currency. All they'll have to do is "cut up your card", so to speak, to eliminate you.

Could you grow enough food on your own property to be able to sustain yourself? Would you have access to clean water without currency?

That is the level of control the state will have. It will be that refined, and that complete.
None of that should come as any surprise to anyone with even a passing knowledge of Biblical prophesy. It was all foretold more than 2000 years ago.

When one cannot buy, sell, or trade, without it, it is Biblical. Thankfully, there are things that even the control freaks cannot control. Keep the Faith. :)

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