One step to stop criminals with Plea Bargains for gun crimes....Ohio Prosecutor has the right idea...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Hey......they way you stop gun crime and gun murder? You arrest....and now this is the important part....and keep the actual gun criminals locked up in jail and prison. Almost all of our gun crime is committed by a tiny number of violent criminals in the cities totally controlled by the democrat party.

After the police in these cities arrest the violent gun criminals...the democrat party goes to work overtime to make sure they get released over and over again no matter how many prior arrests they have for illegal gun possession, actual gun crime and gun murder...

And then they make laws that target normal gun know, the people who do not use their legal guns for crime or violence.....

This Ohio prosecutor finally got a clue...

The top prosecutor in one of Ohio’s most populous counties has decided that his office will no longer offer plea bargains in any cases involving gun violence or possession of illegal firearms.
Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters announced his decision Tuesday, saying it will take effect immediately.

The directive comes in the wake of a violent holiday weekend in Cincinnati.
Among the incidents was a Fourth of July shooting at a downtown park where authorities say a 19-year-old man and a 16-year-old boy opened fire on each other, leaving both of them dead and three innocent bystanders wounded.

Hey......they way you stop gun crime and gun murder?
Why are so concerned about murders committed with firearms than murders committed by other means which are often more effective and easier to conceal?

If you shoot someone, and there's a dead body with a bullet wound, it's very difficult to conceal what you did.

However if you work as a cook or a waitress at a restaurant, there are easier ways to kill, which you are much more likely to get away with.
Hey......they way you stop gun crime and gun murder?
Why are so concerned about murders committed with firearms than murders committed by other means which are often more effective and easier to conceal?

If you shoot someone, and there's a dead body with a bullet wound, it's very difficult to conceal what you did.

However if you work as a cook or a waitress at a restaurant, there are easier ways to kill, which you are much more likely to get away with.
Nurses do rather well in concealing their murders in hospitals and retirement homes.
Hey......they way you stop gun crime and gun murder?
Why are so concerned about murders committed with firearms than murders committed by other means which are often more effective and easier to conceal?

If you shoot someone, and there's a dead body with a bullet wound, it's very difficult to conceal what you did.

However if you work as a cook or a waitress at a restaurant, there are easier ways to kill, which you are much more likely to get away with.
Nurses do rather well in concealing their murders in hospitals and retirement homes.
I wouldn't doubt it. You've got a fucking V.A. that hires foreigners for that sort of work.
Hey......they way you stop gun crime and gun murder?
Why are so concerned about murders committed with firearms than murders committed by other means which are often more effective and easier to conceal?

If you shoot someone, and there's a dead body with a bullet wound, it's very difficult to conceal what you did.

However if you work as a cook or a waitress at a restaurant, there are easier ways to kill, which you are much more likely to get away with.
Nurses do rather well in concealing their murders in hospitals and retirement homes.
I wouldn't doubt it. You've got a fucking V.A. that hires foreigners for that sort of work.
I've yet to see a foreigners nurse.
I've yet to see a foreigners nurse.
There's fraternization in the military ranks, and some of the officers have been picking up foreign ladies. A few too many have been invited into the country on that basis, and given jobs in and around the U.S. military.
I never did like the plea bargain system they created..
Plea bargains short circuit the justice system and lead to over charging and people pleading guilty to crimes they didn't commit to avoid being tried for other crimes. Everybody is entitled to a jury trial and should get one. Make the prosecutors earn their money by proving their cases before a jury instead of making back room deals.
Almost all of our gun crime is committed by a tiny number of violent criminals in the cities totally controlled by the democrat party
Repeal the Gun Control Act of 1968.
Repeal every last mental health conservatorship and guardianship law on the books.
Drag those psychiatrists and lawyers kicking and screaming out of their offices, and put them in federal prison forever.
Doctors need to be tortured, because no punishment is too cruel or too unusual for a doctor.
Hey......they way you stop gun crime and gun murder? You arrest....and now this is the important part....and keep the actual gun criminals locked up in jail and prison. Almost all of our gun crime is committed by a tiny number of violent criminals in the cities totally controlled by the democrat party.

After the police in these cities arrest the violent gun criminals...the democrat party goes to work overtime to make sure they get released over and over again no matter how many prior arrests they have for illegal gun possession, actual gun crime and gun murder...

And then they make laws that target normal gun know, the people who do not use their legal guns for crime or violence.....

This Ohio prosecutor finally got a clue...

The top prosecutor in one of Ohio’s most populous counties has decided that his office will no longer offer plea bargains in any cases involving gun violence or possession of illegal firearms.
Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters announced his decision Tuesday, saying it will take effect immediately.

The directive comes in the wake of a violent holiday weekend in Cincinnati.
Among the incidents was a Fourth of July shooting at a downtown park where authorities say a 19-year-old man and a 16-year-old boy opened fire on each other, leaving both of them dead and three innocent bystanders wounded.

Its too bad that the libs posting here are not taking this story seriously

That's how you keep crime low, you make people afraid of the consequences of committing a crime.

It's easy, don't want to go to jail? Don't commit a crime.

Saudi Arabia has the right idea, steal get your hand cut off. I'd been there. You could drop a roll of 100 dollar bills in a market and people will back the fuck up, no one wants to touch it because they don't want to be punished. Now cutting off hands might be a bit extreme for here, but the principle still stands, if you punish Everytime and you punish harshly you have to punish less often.

That's how you keep crime low, you make people afraid of the consequences of committing a crime.

It's easy, don't want to go to jail? Don't commit a crime.

Saudi Arabia has the right idea, steal get your hand cut off. I'd been there. You could drop a roll of 100 dollar bills in a market and people will back the fuck up, no one wants to touch it because they don't want to be punished. Now cutting off hands might be a bit extreme for here, but the principle still stands, if you punish Everytime and you punish harshly you have to punish less often.

If you actually wanted to stop gun crime, the idea would be to keep actual, violent gun criminals locked up for a long time. That leads to a question....why do democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicans keep reducing sentences for illegal gun crimes, keep releasing known, violent gun offenders over and over again?

Legal gun owners own almost all of the guns......they do not use those guns for crime...they do not shoot people.

It is hard to stampede normal Americans into backing gun control, gun bans and gun confiscation if there are no bodies on the the only ones dropping bodies with guns are the criminals who get captured by, to keep the bodies dropping they need to have those gun criminals on the street.....

Yes...there are other reasons the democrats keep releasing all kinds of criminals over and over again....but this is one of the reasons.
Hey......they way you stop gun crime and gun murder? You arrest....and now this is the important part....and keep the actual gun criminals locked up in jail and prison. Almost all of our gun crime is committed by a tiny number of violent criminals in the cities totally controlled by the democrat party.

After the police in these cities arrest the violent gun criminals...the democrat party goes to work overtime to make sure they get released over and over again no matter how many prior arrests they have for illegal gun possession, actual gun crime and gun murder...

And then they make laws that target normal gun know, the people who do not use their legal guns for crime or violence.....

This Ohio prosecutor finally got a clue...

The top prosecutor in one of Ohio’s most populous counties has decided that his office will no longer offer plea bargains in any cases involving gun violence or possession of illegal firearms.
Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters announced his decision Tuesday, saying it will take effect immediately.

The directive comes in the wake of a violent holiday weekend in Cincinnati.
Among the incidents was a Fourth of July shooting at a downtown park where authorities say a 19-year-old man and a 16-year-old boy opened fire on each other, leaving both of them dead and three innocent bystanders wounded.

You do know that Hamilton is Democratic, don’t you?
Repeal the Gun Control Act of 1968.
Repeal every last mental health conservatorship and guardianship law on the books.
Drag those psychiatrists and lawyers kicking and screaming out of their offices, and put them in federal prison forever.
Doctors need to be tortured, because no punishment is too cruel or too unusual for a doctor.
You belong in a mental ward.

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