One of the most disgusting things I have ever seen: the "Trump Death Clock" in Times Square

Triggered, are we?

Yeah, yeah, as a matter of fact I am "triggered" and in fact if I could be alone in a room with one of these non-humans they would be in big trouble.

This is one of the most vile things I have ever seen your side of the aisle do. I truly hope there will end up being a huge price for this.

Internet Tough Guy is sobbing over Trump being held accountable for his incompetence, but has no tears for all the military deaths also caused by Trump’s incompetence. Or the stock market crash due to Trump’s incompetence. Or the $4T Trump added to the debt before this pandemic. Or the fact that Iran is now on the fast track for building nukes because of Trump.

Keep crying bitch.

Synth is back with it's usual diversionary content free responses.
Plenty of content. Which do you want to defend:

Trump/Republicans adding $4T to the debt?

Trump letting Iran off the hook?

Lol, Progressives being concerned about the debt only when a Republican is in office, and forgetting all $$ bills start in the House.

Lol, Progressives getting all faux hawky when it suits them.

Try harder, half-wit.
It is quite hilarious to watch the rabid, angry , insulting little prick trump cultists start clutching their pearls over this. Or anything, really. What a bunch of thin skinned sissy frauds you freaks are. This is the environment you wanted and thrive on. Enjoy it.
Life is cheap to the marxist Dim shitstains....
Says the “let grandma die” Trumpanzee.
Do you think grandma doesn’t have any sense? If I want to die, I won’t protect myself. If I don’t want to, I will. But it is MY choice. Not some bureaucrats. I care more about the younger people being able to pay for their roof over their head, feeding their kids, etc., I am not selfish like you are.
Triggered, are we?

Yeah, yeah, as a matter of fact I am "triggered" and in fact if I could be alone in a room with one of these non-humans they would be in big trouble.

This is one of the most vile things I have ever seen your side of the aisle do. I truly hope there will end up being a huge price for this.

Internet Tough Guy is sobbing over Trump being held accountable for his incompetence, but has no tears for all the military deaths also caused by Trump’s incompetence. Or the stock market crash due to Trump’s incompetence. Or the $4T Trump added to the debt before this pandemic. Or the fact that Iran is now on the fast track for building nukes because of Trump.

Keep crying bitch.

Synth is back with it's usual diversionary content free responses.
Plenty of content. Which do you want to defend:

Trump/Republicans adding $4T to the debt?

Trump letting Iran off the hook?

Lol, Progressives being concerned about the debt only when a Republican is in office, and forgetting all $$ bills start in the House.

Lol, Progressives getting all faux hawky when it suits them.

Try harder, half-wit.
Projecting again?
Triggered, are we?

Yeah, yeah, as a matter of fact I am "triggered" and in fact if I could be alone in a room with one of these non-humans they would be in big trouble.

This is one of the most vile things I have ever seen your side of the aisle do. I truly hope there will end up being a huge price for this.

Internet Tough Guy is sobbing over Trump being held accountable for his incompetence, but has no tears for all the military deaths also caused by Trump’s incompetence. Or the stock market crash due to Trump’s incompetence. Or the $4T Trump added to the debt before this pandemic. Or the fact that Iran is now on the fast track for building nukes because of Trump.

Keep crying bitch.

Synth is back with it's usual diversionary content free responses.
Plenty of content. Which do you want to defend:

Trump/Republicans adding $4T to the debt?

Trump letting Iran off the hook?

Lol, Progressives being concerned about the debt only when a Republican is in office, and forgetting all $$ bills start in the House.

Lol, Progressives getting all faux hawky when it suits them.

Try harder, half-wit.
Projecting again?

Just calling out your bullshit.

And if you are going to use a photo of AOC as your avatar at least use a shot that shows off her only two redeeming qualities.
Triggered, are we?

Yeah, yeah, as a matter of fact I am "triggered" and in fact if I could be alone in a room with one of these non-humans they would be in big trouble.

This is one of the most vile things I have ever seen your side of the aisle do. I truly hope there will end up being a huge price for this.
The most vile thing is the fact that our president let people die and didn't begin to act until the fucking stock market begin to fall. So you trump assholes can just be mad because these deaths are on him and only on him. A great president had this sitting on his desk:


He did not have something that said "I get to pass the buck because I am the President."
Triggered, are we?

Yeah, yeah, as a matter of fact I am "triggered" and in fact if I could be alone in a room with one of these non-humans they would be in big trouble.

This is one of the most vile things I have ever seen your side of the aisle do. I truly hope there will end up being a huge price for this.

Internet Tough Guy is sobbing over Trump being held accountable for his incompetence, but has no tears for all the military deaths also caused by Trump’s incompetence. Or the stock market crash due to Trump’s incompetence. Or the $4T Trump added to the debt before this pandemic. Or the fact that Iran is now on the fast track for building nukes because of Trump.

Keep crying bitch.

Synth is back with it's usual diversionary content free responses.
Plenty of content. Which do you want to defend:

Trump/Republicans adding $4T to the debt?

Trump letting Iran off the hook?

Lol, Progressives being concerned about the debt only when a Republican is in office, and forgetting all $$ bills start in the House.

Lol, Progressives getting all faux hawky when it suits them.

Try harder, half-wit.
Projecting again?

Just calling out your bullshit.

And if you are going to use a photo of AOC as your avatar at least use a shot that shows off her only two redeeming qualities.
It only seems like she has two brains.
It is quite hilarious to watch the rabid, angry , insulting little prick trump cultists start clutching their pearls over this. Or anything, really. What a bunch of thin skinned sissy frauds you freaks are. This is the environment you wanted and thrive on. Enjoy it.
TPM (trumpanzee panic mode)

Look you stupid idiot, no one is panicking. That's not what this is about.

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