One Caliphate, One Sultan, One Erdogan


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
The Ottoman Empire is going to be resurrect by Erdogan, European brainless ameba like moron 'politicians' already begin to kiss Sultan on his a..Just for remembrance: A hundred years ago Turks were masters of almost all Muslim world, now they can add to their Empire almost all European Union.

I think we need a new Warrior Pope to take back Constantinople!

Do if for Jesus.
Turkroach leader Erdogan has masturbatory fantasies of another Ottoman Caliphate...that is about as far as those dreams will get....his jerk hand.
The Ottoman Empire is going to be resurrect by Erdogan, European brainless ameba like moron 'politicians' already begin to kiss Sultan on his a..Just for remembrance: A hundred years ago Turks were masters of almost all Muslim world, now they can add to their Empire almost all European Union.

Hey President Trump congratulated Emperor Erdogan so don't diss the man.
Turkroach leader Erdogan has masturbatory fantasies of another Ottoman Caliphate...that is about as far as those dreams will get....his jerk hand.

you are over confident
Mois? Please elaborate on the progression of this sultanate. I would love to read about Erdogan's prowess....faaap..

He needs no actual prowess----he need only EMULATE AL NABI and the successors of AL NABI
Exactly...That is why I wear a crown around my house and force the maid and gardener to refer to me as King. We can be anything we want as long as someone, anyone recognizes it. Erdogan is a Turkroach tin pot dictator...nothing more nothing less.
Turkroach leader Erdogan has masturbatory fantasies of another Ottoman Caliphate...that is about as far as those dreams will get....his jerk hand.

you are over confident
Mois? Please elaborate on the progression of this sultanate. I would love to read about Erdogan's prowess....faaap..

He needs no actual prowess----he need only EMULATE AL NABI and the successors of AL NABI
Exactly...That is why I wear a crown around my house and force the maid and gardener to refer to me as King. We can be anything we want as long as someone, anyone recognizes it. Erdogan is a Turkroach tin pot dictator...nothing more nothing less.

Its the Islamic model of society-------The caliph is the SUCCESSOR TO
MUHUMMAD------so appointed by allah, himself. The caliph speaks
FOR allah -----makes muslims feel all fuzzy inside. AND... if the caliph and
caliphate can EXPAND------the people KNOW that allah and the caliph
are *) GREAT (* and they feel even MORE FUZZY inside. Erdogan's
charisma could extend even beyond the borders of Turkey ----allah-willing
Turkroach leader Erdogan has masturbatory fantasies of another Ottoman Caliphate...that is about as far as those dreams will get....his jerk hand.

you are over confident
Mois? Please elaborate on the progression of this sultanate. I would love to read about Erdogan's prowess....faaap..

He needs no actual prowess----he need only EMULATE AL NABI and the successors of AL NABI
Exactly...That is why I wear a crown around my house and force the maid and gardener to refer to me as King. We can be anything we want as long as someone, anyone recognizes it. Erdogan is a Turkroach tin pot dictator...nothing more nothing less.

Its the Islamic model of society-------The caliph is the SUCCESSOR TO
MUHUMMAD------so appointed by allah, himself. The caliph speaks
FOR allah -----makes muslims feel all fuzzy inside. AND... if the caliph and
caliphate can EXPAND------the people KNOW that allah and the caliph
are *) GREAT (* and they feel even MORE FUZZY inside. Erdogan's
charisma could extend even beyond the borders of Turkey ----allah-willing
I heard Uganda wants to be number one in science. Unfortunately they have an IQ average of 75. Lesson: Our aspirations and our abilities are not always congruent.
Erdogan may want to envision himself as a Caliph or a Sultan or even a Grand Mufti...yet he commands a country full of 85 IQ Muppets. The best that he can hope for is the current patterns continues where his 85 IQ monkeys emigrate and maintain their current trend of breeding like rats on Viagra in Europe. This will eventually ensure that they overtake the pitifully weak Western Europeans through sheer attrition. However, this will all happen long after he has died.
Till that comes, this is still not the 17th Century and he is NOT the Sultan battering at the gates of Vienna.
you are over confident
Mois? Please elaborate on the progression of this sultanate. I would love to read about Erdogan's prowess....faaap..

He needs no actual prowess----he need only EMULATE AL NABI and the successors of AL NABI
Exactly...That is why I wear a crown around my house and force the maid and gardener to refer to me as King. We can be anything we want as long as someone, anyone recognizes it. Erdogan is a Turkroach tin pot dictator...nothing more nothing less.

Its the Islamic model of society-------The caliph is the SUCCESSOR TO
MUHUMMAD------so appointed by allah, himself. The caliph speaks
FOR allah -----makes muslims feel all fuzzy inside. AND... if the caliph and
caliphate can EXPAND------the people KNOW that allah and the caliph
are *) GREAT (* and they feel even MORE FUZZY inside. Erdogan's
charisma could extend even beyond the borders of Turkey ----allah-willing
I heard Uganda wants to be number one in science. Unfortunately they have an IQ average of 75. Lesson: Our aspirations and our abilities are not always congruent.
Erdogan may want to envision himself as a Caliph or a Sultan or even a Grand Mufti...yet he commands a country full of 85 IQ Muppets. The best that he can hope for is the current patterns continues where his 85 IQ monkeys emigrate and maintain their current trend of breeding like rats on Viagra in Europe. This will eventually ensure that they overtake the pitifully weak Western Europeans through sheer attrition. However, this will all happen long after he has died.
Till that comes, this is still not the 17th Century and he is NOT the Sultan battering at the gates of Vienna.

you underestimate the FEROCIOUSNESS of DA TURKS
Mois? Please elaborate on the progression of this sultanate. I would love to read about Erdogan's prowess....faaap..

He needs no actual prowess----he need only EMULATE AL NABI and the successors of AL NABI
Exactly...That is why I wear a crown around my house and force the maid and gardener to refer to me as King. We can be anything we want as long as someone, anyone recognizes it. Erdogan is a Turkroach tin pot dictator...nothing more nothing less.

Its the Islamic model of society-------The caliph is the SUCCESSOR TO
MUHUMMAD------so appointed by allah, himself. The caliph speaks
FOR allah -----makes muslims feel all fuzzy inside. AND... if the caliph and
caliphate can EXPAND------the people KNOW that allah and the caliph
are *) GREAT (* and they feel even MORE FUZZY inside. Erdogan's
charisma could extend even beyond the borders of Turkey ----allah-willing
I heard Uganda wants to be number one in science. Unfortunately they have an IQ average of 75. Lesson: Our aspirations and our abilities are not always congruent.
Erdogan may want to envision himself as a Caliph or a Sultan or even a Grand Mufti...yet he commands a country full of 85 IQ Muppets. The best that he can hope for is the current patterns continues where his 85 IQ monkeys emigrate and maintain their current trend of breeding like rats on Viagra in Europe. This will eventually ensure that they overtake the pitifully weak Western Europeans through sheer attrition. However, this will all happen long after he has died.
Till that comes, this is still not the 17th Century and he is NOT the Sultan battering at the gates of Vienna.

you underestimate the FEROCIOUSNESS of DA TURKS
Maybe so Rosie...maybe so.
What will be Erdogan's next move?
April 19, 2017

Robert Ellis

[Picture above: Constitutional referendum 2017 -- the provinces that voted ‘yes’ are green, ‘no’ are red.]

The 51.4 percent of the Turkish voters that voted ‘yes’ for the proposed constitutional amendments in Sunday’s referendum have changed Turkey from a secular democracy to a quasi-dictatorship dominated by one man, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

The 18 amendments confer wide-sweeping powers on the president, and include the right to appoint ministers and high-ranking state officials, to issue decrees and also to dissolve parliament and call elections. He is also empowered to declare a state of emergency, which has enabled Erdoğan to govern by decree since the abortive coup last July. The state of emergency will be extended again for another three months on Thursday.

Erdoğan is now allowed to be leader of the governing political party, which in effect will give him dominance over parliament. Parliament’s role will, for the most part, be reduced to that of a rubber stamp. The post of prime minister will be abolished, members of the cabinet will be accountable to the president, not parliament, only written questions can be addressed to vice-presidents and ministers and a vote of confidence will not be allowed. The president will also be able to prepare the state budget.


Uncertainty in Turkey

With over 60 %, the Merkel Turks´ support for Erdogan is stronger that of the Turks in Turkey. Least supportive were the Berlin Turks with only 50 %.
With over 60 %, the Merkel Turks´ support for Erdogan is stronger that of the Turks in Turkey. Least supportive were the Berlin Turks with only 50 %.

best not to advertise the sickening fact that turks residing in Germany support the filth of TURKISH ISLAMIC CALIPHATE.----------the information will, LIKELY, produce a
With over 60 %, the Merkel Turks´ support for Erdogan is stronger that of the Turks in Turkey. Least supportive were the Berlin Turks with only 50 %.

best not to advertise the sickening fact that turks residing in Germany support the filth of TURKISH ISLAMIC CALIPHATE.----------the information will, LIKELY, produce a
They think Erdogan is the leader, who makes Turkey a super power. It is a well known fact that the Turks are very nationalistic. I don´t think it is about Erdogan´s Islamism.
With over 60 %, the Merkel Turks´ support for Erdogan is stronger that of the Turks in Turkey. Least supportive were the Berlin Turks with only 50 %.

best not to advertise the sickening fact that turks residing in Germany support the filth of TURKISH ISLAMIC CALIPHATE.----------the information will, LIKELY, produce a
They think Erdogan is the leader, who makes Turkey a super power. It is a well known fact that the Turks are very nationalistic. I don´t think it is about Erdogan´s Islamism.

both------turks are both NATIONALISTIC about their country and islam.
For a more accurate discussion talk to Turkish Christians and Jews.
Turkish Christians and Jews are VERY TURKISH-----in a very unislamic

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