Once again the NYT's an anonymous source... Rosenstein wears a wire to trap Trump!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Rosenstein Suggested He Secretly Record Trump and Discussed 25th Amendment
So according to an anonymous source (AGAIN will they ever realize how stupid this is?) now says
Rosenstein said he'd wear a wire in a meeting with Trump so he could use it to invoke the 25th amendment!

Now as much as most of us despise the politicization of the FBI i.e. text messages, FISA warrants, etc...
this is really stupid and I really really hope no dumb ass Trump supporter thinking it would be helpful did this
"anonymous source".

So I'm going on the record here that even though I'm a Trump supporter I do NOT believe this NYT story for a minute!
Rosenstein Suggested He Secretly Record Trump and Discussed 25th Amendment

WASHINGTON — The deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, suggested last year that he secretly record President Trump in the White House to expose the chaos consuming the administration, and he discussed recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Mr. Trump from office for being unfit.


and you haven't figured out the censorship and lies to get Trump out!!

he was working with Sessions on a coup to use the 25th amendment against TRUMP thi sis what they were scheming pos traitor bastards!!!

THEY have been PLOTTING all along don't you all get it WAKE UP
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So I hope you people that think people like me are biased, so tunnel-vision that I can't be objective, re-consider what this thread is about.
Now what it does do that I'm consistent in is presenting how the MSM like the NYT's is truly biased and using "fake news" techniques to promote their stories.
he was working with Sessions on a coup to use the 25th amendment against TRUMP thi sis what they were scheming pos traitor bastards!!!
These Trump hating scum are getting busted on every level HOOOOOORAHHHH!!!!! you bastards are losing everythingg anyone believed in your traitorous asses you scum bag pos c words!!
Rosenstein Suggested He Secretly Record Trump and Discussed 25th Amendment

WASHINGTON — The deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, suggested last year that he secretly record President Trump in the White House to expose the chaos consuming the administration, and he discussed recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Mr. Trump from office for being unfit.

View attachment 217775

and you haven't figured out the censorship and lies to get Trump out!!

he was working with Sessions on a coup to use the 25th amendment against TRUMP thi sis what they were scheming pos traitor bastards!!!

THEY have been PLOTTING all along don't you all get it WAKE UP

It came from the NYTs , and we all know that is fake news.
These Trump hating scum are getting busted on every level HOOOOOORAHHHH!!!!! you bastards are losing everythingg anyone believed in your traitorous asses you scum bag pos c words!!

Isn't the NYT's fake news according to tRump?
The deep state will have to fend against it's self now LMFAO omfg you stupid fks can't do anything right. YOU ALWAYS GET CAUGHT LOSERS!!!

DEEP STATE Bahahaahahha
inaccurate and factually incorrect is what Rosenstein says....

Here's what I see... a set up! to Frame rosenstein so Trump can get rid of him, replace him with a crony, so the new person over Mueller refuses to give the Russian investigation report to the Senate and Congress......

We are headed to civil war.... if that happens.

the set up is with the anonymous,first grade level op ed... which in no way was rosenstein, he is a much better writer and would not have been so partisan and vague in it if it were him... he's ruled out.... but they can claim it was him, with the mention of the 25th amendment.... and you Trumpsters believe every lie that's told by Trump....
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This doesn't surprise me in the least. It's right in line with everything they've been caught doing already. Rosenstein is obviously hiding documents and covering his buddies asses. He's a fucking weasel and so is Sessions (back stabbing little pussy).
Rosenstein Suggested He Secretly Record Trump and Discussed 25th Amendment
So according to an anonymous source (AGAIN will they ever realize how stupid this is?) now says
Rosenstein said he'd wear a wire in a meeting with Trump so he could use it to invoke the 25th amendment!

Now as much as most of us despise the politicization of the FBI i.e. text messages, FISA warrants, etc...
this is really stupid and I really really hope no dumb ass Trump supporter thinking it would be helpful did this
"anonymous source".

So I'm going on the record here that even though I'm a Trump supporter I do NOT believe this NYT story for a minute!
I believe it. Republicans are eating each other.
in accurate and factually incorrect is what Rosenstein says....

Here's what I see... a set up! to Frame rosenstein so Trump can get rid of him, replace him with a crony, so the new person over Mueller refuses to give the Russian investigation report to the Senate and Congress......

We are headed to civil war.... if that happens.

the set up is with the anonymous,first grade level op ed... which in no way was rosenstein, he is a much better writer and would not have been so partisan and vague in it if it were him... he's ruled out.... but they can claim it was him, with the mention of the 25th amendment.... and you Trumpsters believe every lie that's told by him....
Didnt Drumpf appoint Rosenstein?
inaccurate and factually incorrect is what Rosenstein says....

Here's what I see... a set up! to Frame rosenstein so Trump can get rid of him, replace him with a crony, so the new person over Mueller refuses to give the Russian investigation report to the Senate and Congress......

We are headed to civil war.... if that happens.

the set up is with the anonymous,first grade level op ed... which in no way was rosenstein, he is a much better writer and would not have been so partisan and vague in it if it were him... he's ruled out.... but they can claim it was him, with the mention of the 25th amendment.... and you Trumpsters believe every lie that's told by Trump....

and if he fails to come up with one they make up one and begin repeating it over and over 24/7 until they believe it ...

Trumpdronse are so damn pathetic they dont understand the country is on to their horseshit.

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