Trump Is A White Supremacist: Let's Put The Leftist Fake News Narratives/Lies To Rest Once & For All


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
President Trump recently stated that he does not view White Nationalism as a rising threat around the world.

The Liberal Media seized on his comment to once again falsely accuse the President of not only emboldening White Supremacy but went as far as accusing the President of BEING a White Supremacist.

This false narrative began when President Trump publicly debunked the Fake News report regarding the violence in Charlottesville.

- The FACT that was under-reported by the Liberal media was that the White Supremacist group that assembled and marched in Charlottesville had legally acquired permission to do so.
*** Our Constitution, like it or not, protects the rights of every citizen to freely and peacefully assemble and of free speech. Allowing free speech is one of the things that separates us from oppressive nations / governments like North Korea and China and is one of the things that makes this nation one of the greatest nations in the world.

- The FACT is the violent Liberal extremist group Antifa showed up in Charlottesville with weapons and protective gear admittedly with the full intent on instigating violence, something their leader admitted openly several days later, and did so. (It was revealed later that Antifa was one of 3 violent liberal groups who willingly took money from the Russians to spread racial division and violence, violence that was seen, among other places, in Baltimore and Charlottesville).

After the 2 sides engaged in violence in Charlottesville, the Liberal media pushed the FALSE narrative that the White Supremacists had instigated and was solely responsible for the violence. The Fake News agencies pushed this false narrative while suggesting that such groups should not be granted the same 1st Amendment Right every American has due to its beliefs.

When one side begins declaring that Constitutional Rights, especially the Right of Free Speech, should not only be stripped from a group but suggests that THEY be ‘anointed’ as the Judge and Jury for which speech and ideology should be considered acceptable it is at that time that Freedom and Democracy are threatened.

President Trump acted to counter the Fake News being pushed by SUGGESTING that more than one group shared responsibility for the violence in Charlottesville. Despite this idea being ‘common sense’ – understanding that ‘it takes 2 to Tango’, President Trump did what the Fake News refused to do – INVESTIGATE. The Fake News agencies 1st attacked the President for even suggesting that anyone else shared any amount of blame, declaring this to be a lie. As the evidence coming out proved more and more the President was right, the Fake News agencies then attacked the President for ‘defending the White Nationalists’ and began suggesting the President was a White Supremacist supporter / enabler…even a White Supremacist himself.


Trump denounces 'horrible massacre' in New Zealand

Again, however, the Fake News Trump-Hating media seized on President Trump’s belief that White Nationalism is NOT a rising threat around the world. One could argue that in doing so he MINIMIZED White Supremacist, refusing to acknowledge they were a serious group whose message resonates with a growing majority of people. Instead he said THIS:

"I think it's a small group of people that have very, very serious problems, I guess"

Because President Trump stated he thought White Supremacists are a small minority the Trump-hating Liberal Media, Democrats, and snowflakes branded him a White Supremacist.

*** WHEN DID POINTING OUT FACTS MAKE SOMEONE A WHITE SUPREMACIST? Time wrote an article about White Nationalists a year after Charlottesville, and in that article they reported 9 (NINE) percent of Americans - roughly 22 Million – who identify themselves as White Supremacists or share similar views.


NOT being pointed out is that the ’LEFT’ is just as, if not more so, willing to engage in violence…and that is a definite escalating trend. The evidence supports this: For the 1st time I remember in my lifetime, in 2016 a Presidential candidate and her team was exposed as having paid violent thugs to beat and bloody her political opposition’s supporters at their rallies. After losing the election, this candidate openly addressed the nation and called for the ‘Left’ to abandon civility and to increase violent intolerance. This, I believe, was after a supporter of one of her party members attempted the assassination of GOP politicians on a public ball field, successfully wounding R-Steve Scalise. As mentioned earlier, Antifa, along with Black Lives Matter and The Black Fist, was exposed for willingly taking money from Russia to spread racial division and violence.

Also being ignored is the FACT that a much faster growing threat not only in the US but also world-wide is ANTI-SEMITISM! In 2016, hacked and released DNC e-mails exposed racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic comments. The Liberal media and the DNC minimized the focus on this incident / story by pushing the narrative of how the DNC was the victim of very serious hacking. The DNC was able to successfully engage in ‘damage control’. The internal problem has grown to the point where the Democratic Party has shown it is now unable to contain the fact that more and more of its members are OPENLY anti-Semites. The Democratic Party, for example, has publicly rebuked one of its newest members, D-Omar, for outrageously vile anti-Semitic comments (although when it came time to ‘officially’ go on record as condemning anti-Semitism the Democrats watered down the bill to protect Omar – even allowed D-Omar to re-write part of the bill originally intended to serve partly as a personal rebuke of her and her comments).
Trump Is A White Supremacist: Let's Put The Leftist Fake News Narratives/Lies To Rest Once & For All

B, BUT, BUT, that's their narrative...
Mick Mulvaney Made the rounds on Sunday talkshows trying to defend Trump from accusations of racism and white nationalism.

It didn’t seem like his heart was in it. Possibly because, maybe because, he felt he was lying?

You can defend Trump, all the way to his racist rhetoric, but then if you keep voting for him, knowing he’s racist, you agree with him.

It’s always been like that. That’s how it works.
Mick Mulvaney Made the rounds on Sunday talkshows trying to defend Trump from accusations of racism and white nationalism.

It didn’t seem like his heart was in it. Possibly because, maybe because, he felt he was lying?

or, he knew that idiots wouldn't believe him anyway.
I don't know if the guy is a racist or a white supremacist, and I don't really care at this point.

I do know that many racists and white supremacists support him (as we see daily on this site), and I do know that he consciously avoids pissing them off.

Call that whatever you'd like.
these "put it to rest" posts never seem to accomplish the stated goal.
After having their false narrative debunked about Charlottesville the media pushed the 'white supremacist / white supremacist supporter lie', claiming he never condemned white Supremacists for their part in the violence. This, of course, was and still is a LIE.

This is ACTUALLY what President Trump said:

"This wicked act of mass murder is pure evil, hard to believe, and frankly, something that is unimaginable. Our nation and the world are shocked and stunned by the grief. This was an anti-Semitic act. You wouldn’t think this would be possible in this day and age. anti-Semitism and the widespread persecution of Jews represents one of the ugliest and darkest features of human history.

(Something members of the Democratic Party now demonstrate they openly embrace...)

This was an anti-Semitic act. You wouldn’t think this would be possible in this day and age. But we just don’t seem to learn from the past. Our minds cannot comprehend the cruel hate and the twisted malice that could cause a person to unleash such terrible violence during a baby-naming ceremony. This was a baby-naming ceremony, at a sacred house of worship on the holy day of Sabbath.

Anti-Semitism and the widespread persecution of Jews represents one of the ugliest and darkest features of human history. The vile, hate-filled poison of anti-Semitism must be condemned and confronted everywhere and anywhere it appears. There must be no tolerance for anti-Semitism in America or for any form of religious or racial hatred or prejudice.

I just want to thank you for your understanding because today, with one unified voice, we condemn the historic evil of anti-Semitism and every other form of evil. And unfortunately, evil comes in many forms. And we come together as one American people.

We mourn for the unthinkable loss of life that took place today. And we pledge in their name to fight for a future of justice, safety, tolerance, morality, dignity, and love. We must all rise above the hate, move past our divisions, and embrace our common destiny as Americans."

The words spoken by President Trump obliterate the false narrative by the liberal extremist Fake News media, Socialist Democrats, and lying Trump-Hating snowflakes.

Mick Mulvaney Made the rounds on Sunday talkshows trying to defend Trump from accusations of racism and white nationalism.

It didn’t seem like his heart was in it. Possibly because, maybe because, he felt he was lying?

You can defend Trump, all the way to his racist rhetoric, but then if you keep voting for him, knowing he’s racist, you agree with him.

It’s always been like that. That’s how it works.

There's a lot of space between being a multicultural globalist and being a minority hating white supremacist.
After having their false narrative debunked about Charlottesville the media pushed the 'white supremacist / white supremacist supporter lie', claiming he never condemned white Supremacists for their part in the violence. This, of course, was and still is a LIE.

This is ACTUALLY what President Trump said:

"This wicked act of mass murder is pure evil, hard to believe, and frankly, something that is unimaginable. Our nation and the world are shocked and stunned by the grief. This was an anti-Semitic act. You wouldn’t think this would be possible in this day and age. anti-Semitism and the widespread persecution of Jews represents one of the ugliest and darkest features of human history.

(Something members of the Democratic Party now demonstrate they openly embrace...)

This was an anti-Semitic act. You wouldn’t think this would be possible in this day and age. But we just don’t seem to learn from the past. Our minds cannot comprehend the cruel hate and the twisted malice that could cause a person to unleash such terrible violence during a baby-naming ceremony. This was a baby-naming ceremony, at a sacred house of worship on the holy day of Sabbath.

Anti-Semitism and the widespread persecution of Jews represents one of the ugliest and darkest features of human history. The vile, hate-filled poison of anti-Semitism must be condemned and confronted everywhere and anywhere it appears. There must be no tolerance for anti-Semitism in America or for any form of religious or racial hatred or prejudice.

I just want to thank you for your understanding because today, with one unified voice, we condemn the historic evil of anti-Semitism and every other form of evil. And unfortunately, evil comes in many forms. And we come together as one American people.

We mourn for the unthinkable loss of life that took place today. And we pledge in their name to fight for a future of justice, safety, tolerance, morality, dignity, and love. We must all rise above the hate, move past our divisions, and embrace our common destiny as Americans."

The words spoken by President Trump obliterate the false narrative by the liberal extremist Fake News media, Socialist Democrats, and lying Trump-Hating snowflakes.

my bad. this should put all the negativity to rest now.
Mick Mulvaney Made the rounds on Sunday talkshows trying to defend Trump from accusations of racism and white nationalism.

It didn’t seem like his heart was in it. Possibly because, maybe because, he felt he was lying?

You can defend Trump, all the way to his racist rhetoric, but then if you keep voting for him, knowing he’s racist, you agree with him.

It’s always been like that. That’s how it works.

There's a lot of space between being a multicultural globalist and being a minority hating white supremacist.
my phrase has always been "there's a billion shades of gray between black and white, yet most people only see black and white".

kinda odd people do that these days. it's an "emotional insurance" move to be sure.
President Trump recently stated that he does not view White Nationalism as a rising threat around the world.

The Liberal Media seized on his comment to once again falsely accuse the President of not only emboldening White Supremacy but went as far as accusing the President of BEING a White Supremacist.

This false narrative began when President Trump publicly debunked the Fake News report regarding the violence in Charlottesville.

- The FACT that was under-reported by the Liberal media was that the White Supremacist group that assembled and marched in Charlottesville had legally acquired permission to do so.
*** Our Constitution, like it or not, protects the rights of every citizen to freely and peacefully assemble and of free speech. Allowing free speech is one of the things that separates us from oppressive nations / governments like North Korea and China and is one of the things that makes this nation one of the greatest nations in the world.

- The FACT is the violent Liberal extremist group Antifa showed up in Charlottesville with weapons and protective gear admittedly with the full intent on instigating violence, something their leader admitted openly several days later, and did so. (It was revealed later that Antifa was one of 3 violent liberal groups who willingly took money from the Russians to spread racial division and violence, violence that was seen, among other places, in Baltimore and Charlottesville).

After the 2 sides engaged in violence in Charlottesville, the Liberal media pushed the FALSE narrative that the White Supremacists had instigated and was solely responsible for the violence. The Fake News agencies pushed this false narrative while suggesting that such groups should not be granted the same 1st Amendment Right every American has due to its beliefs.

When one side begins declaring that Constitutional Rights, especially the Right of Free Speech, should not only be stripped from a group but suggests that THEY be ‘anointed’ as the Judge and Jury for which speech and ideology should be considered acceptable it is at that time that Freedom and Democracy are threatened.

President Trump acted to counter the Fake News being pushed by SUGGESTING that more than one group shared responsibility for the violence in Charlottesville. Despite this idea being ‘common sense’ – understanding that ‘it takes 2 to Tango’, President Trump did what the Fake News refused to do – INVESTIGATE. The Fake News agencies 1st attacked the President for even suggesting that anyone else shared any amount of blame, declaring this to be a lie. As the evidence coming out proved more and more the President was right, the Fake News agencies then attacked the President for ‘defending the White Nationalists’ and began suggesting the President was a White Supremacist supporter / enabler…even a White Supremacist himself.


Trump denounces 'horrible massacre' in New Zealand


So white supremacists are bad, right?

If I give you a link to Mindwars on here posting pro-big government deciding who should have kids or that other guy who makes 10101 posts about brownies coming in you'll help me talk them down, right?
Mick Mulvaney Made the rounds on Sunday talkshows trying to defend Trump from accusations of racism and white nationalism.

It didn’t seem like his heart was in it. Possibly because, maybe because, he felt he was lying?

You can defend Trump, all the way to his racist rhetoric, but then if you keep voting for him, knowing he’s racist, you agree with him.

It’s always been like that. That’s how it works.
prove he's racist. can you?
I don't know if the guy is a racist or a white supremacist, and I don't really care at this point.

I do know that many racists and white supremacists support him (as we see daily on this site), and I do know that he consciously avoids pissing them off.

Call that whatever you'd like.

Mac, your people think it’s “racist” for citizens to desire a closed border. The most valuable ‘tool’ in the Left’s arsenal, the word “racist”, has lost all meaning.
EVERY body that doesn't agree with the left/blacks/etc are :
white supremacists/nationalists[ ?? wrong??!!! ] /etc's amazing the MSM/blacks/etc get away with some much UNVERIFIABLE slander
Mick Mulvaney Made the rounds on Sunday talkshows trying to defend Trump from accusations of racism and white nationalism.

It didn’t seem like his heart was in it. Possibly because, maybe because, he felt he was lying?

You can defend Trump, all the way to his racist rhetoric, but then if you keep voting for him, knowing he’s racist, you agree with him.

It’s always been like that. That’s how it works.
prove he's racist. can you?
I've stated this so many times and they can't--never do
Mick Mulvaney Made the rounds on Sunday talkshows trying to defend Trump from accusations of racism and white nationalism.

It didn’t seem like his heart was in it. Possibly because, maybe because, he felt he was lying?

You can defend Trump, all the way to his racist rhetoric, but then if you keep voting for him, knowing he’s racist, you agree with him.

It’s always been like that. That’s how it works.
prove he's racist. can you?
they CAN'T prove he's a racist
I've been over this many times on USMB
they link/bring up dumbshit--no where close to being racist
After the mass murder terrorist attack in New Zealand the Leftist Extremist Trump-Hating Fake News Media, Socialist Democrats, and snowflakes once again got on their Fake News 'Spin Cycles' to find or create any connection of the attack to President Trump.

The FACT that this did not happen in the United States did not even slow them down, as they immediately blamed the President. Ignorant Socialist AOC even attacked the NRA over openly mocking people of faith and their belief in the power of prayer, earning her the rebuke and condemnation of people of faith across the spectrum of religion, to include ISLAM!
-- I guess AOC thought the 'N' in 'NRA' stood for New Zealand. :p

Once again they have recited the same false narrative of how the President has not condemned the 'white supremacist attack, reviving the same false claims that he is a 'white supremacist' or at least supports and emboldens them. And once again President Trump's actual words prove they are LIARS:

“My warmest sympathy and best wishes goes out to the people of New Zealand after the horrible massacre in the Mosques. 49 innocent people have so senselessly died, with so many more seriously injured. It's certainly a terrible thing. The U.S. stands by New Zealand for anything we can do. God bless all!”

It is NOT that President Trump has not condemned White Supremacist Violence. As shown, he has not only condemned White Supremacist violence but all forms of bigotry, prejudice, and hatred, TO INCLUDE THE ANTI-SEMITISM THAT SOME MEMBERS OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY NOW PUBLICLY EMBRACE!

It is that President Trump has not condemned White Supremacist violence by using / issuing the exact, specific words they want him to is that he has not condemned white supremacist violence in a manner that can NOT be spun, twisted, manipulated, or used to completely LIE to the American people - especially their Trump-Hating followers - by the Leftist Extremist Trump-Hating Fake News Media!
-- To Date, no such manner / method / or words exist for the President to use that will yield anything BUT condemnation, attacks, and LIES from the Trump-Hating Leftist Extremists who participated in the exposed coup against the President....and there never will be for this President.
Trump is neither a racist nor a white supremacist. These were invented by the left. It's their manufactured justification.

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