On honor killings against women.


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2014
Still amazed at how wide spread this is, and just cant figure out these cultures. They don't want to have a baby girl, they see them as worthless, yet what do they want when it's time to get married? Wether in India or throughout the M.E. we see this, and people here wonder why we dont want an open border with just anyone coming across.
This lady's story is horrific and its amazing how seemingly every member of her family was in on it, and her society there just turns a blind eye.
When looking at this, I really have to think how the West gets completely played by these people, when I realize how cheap life really is to a lot of them.

Overall no different from any other idea that is entrained into an individual , group , community or nation over time .
Look at America with its disgusting majority view that they should and do kill nations in their role as planet police .

Absolutely no different in essence and practise .
"Honour" killing on a different scale

Quoting OP :-
I really have to think how the rest gets completely played by Americans , when I realize how cheap life really is to a lot of them.
How ironic that these are the very same people lionized by the so-called "Progressives".

Honor killings of women and children are one of the things leftists are supporting in Gaza.

Every time someone says the phrase "free Palestine", they are endorsing honor killings (along with child marriage, spousal rape, executing homosexuals, and enforcing Sharia law).
Wow incredible. I'm curious who told him to kill his family?
His family in full support of HER family who were deeply ashamed of this woman who birthed two daughters. When he refused to kill his wife and daughters, his life became forfeit as well.

It was actually one of the most compelling and interesting stories I ever heard. When it was told to me the children were already adults. There were four daughters before this family saw a son. But they never saw anyone from their respective families again.

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