On Criticizing the President

Were you born yesterday betty? Didn't you see the hate speech directed at Bush that makes criticism of Obama look like a PTA meeting? They showed a movie in 40 American theaters depicting the assassination of president Bush while he was still in office. Cindy Sheehan's crazies camped out in Crawford Tx waving hundreds of offensive signs calling Bush vile names.

You should be able to provide the viewing audience out here all the hate speech that democratic politicians put out about George W. Bush.

Last I remember, Cindy was not elected to anything and she had a legitimate gripe.

Her son was killed in a war, that in itself was a war crime..and based on lies.

Words from your democratic friends, Sallow.

snopes.com: Weapons of Mass Destruction Quotes
Have you ever looked into the history of Kenya, racist MORON?

Last I checked 0bama was American, not Kenyan or are you saying he's actually from Kenya, IDIOTIC MORON??

What does Kenya have to do with American history and American slavery???

Keep believing the lie, I see it differently. I guess you know the color of my skin.

His father was Kenyan, MORON, and there was some oppression involved there. Put brain into gear before letting you stupid mouth loose. Blacks are discriminated against FIVE TIMES a day here, a study found...the place is FULL of a-hole pub dupes...

Dave, give example of my stupidity so I can rip you to shreds AGAIN. I have a Masters in World History...YOU?

Going by your posts here I'd be shocked if you graduated from high school let alone had two college degrees. What bastion of higher learning gave you a Masters?
The racist southerners bacame Pubs in 1968- Nixon's "Southern Strategy" after Dems did Civil Rights, along with the last good Pubs LOL!

Here's some REAL journalism for you poor dupes...

October 18, 2010
Was President Obama’s Father Murdered?
Posted by David Remnick

Lately, I’ve been reading the galleys of Peter Firstbrook’s “The Obamas,” a history of the African side of the President’s family and a fascinating look at their tribe, the Luo. The book will be published in the spring by Crown; it is already out in the U.K. Firstbrook, a former director and producer for the BBC, interviewed Obama family members, friends, and scholars in Kenya and adds many interesting details to what we know of the President’s heritage.

The most provocative pages are those in which some of Barack Obama, Sr.,’s relatives and friends cast doubt on the official version of his death—that he drove his car into a tree following a day of drinking in Nairobi.

That was the version that Barack Obama, Jr., heard on the night of November 24, 1982, when, as a senior at Columbia University, he got a phone call from a relative in Kenya telling him the bad news. At time of Obama, Sr.,’s death, he later wrote, “my father remained a myth to me, both more and less than a man.” Eventually, Obama met his African relatives and learned that his father was as brilliant as his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, had always said, but that he had also been an abusive husband, a drunk, and a bitter, broken man who raged against the course of post-colonial Kenya and his own thwarted career in the nation’s hierarchy.

During the research for “The Bridge,” my book on Obama’s life before the Presidency, I spoke to many of Obama, Sr.,’s friends and acquaintances, and the resulting portrait of him is even more tragic than the one in his son’s bittersweet memoir, “Dreams from My Father.”

Some background: Obama, Sr., was not only a thwarted politician and bureaucrat; he was also open about his anger at the Kenyan leadership for its tolerance of corruption and of scandals such as the murder, in 1969, of the politician Tom Mboya. Like “The Bridge” and other earlier accounts, Firstbrook’s book portrays Obama, Sr., as someone who can barely contain his disenchantment, especially when he is full of whiskey. (He was nicknamed Mr. Double-Double for his Scotch orders at various taverns around Nairobi.)

When Firstbrook asked Charles Oluoch, a cousin of President Obama, about Obama, Sr.,’s death in a car accident, Oluoch told him:

I was in Nairobi [at the time]. So Malik, his eldest son, told me his father had disappeared. So I rushed into Nairobi and we went up to the police station on my motorbike. We saw the vehicle which he was driving, and it seemed as if it had left the road and hit a tree. The impact seemed to have killed him. We went into the city mortuary and we found him there. And from there we went back to his house and informed the people there….

When our family saw how he was, it was very hard to realize how the accident killed him. Barack had [many other] accidents and they were [potentially] very fatal, but he didn’t die. [This time] there was no way anything was broken, but he was dead. Although it looked like an accident, our family suspected that there must have been foul play. I am not a medical doctor, but the way we saw Barack lying there, he didn’t look like somebody who was involved in an accident.

Firstbrook is properly skeptical of Charles Oluoch’s suspicions and accusations, thinking that he might be a “grieving relative unable to come to terms with the death of a man he loved and respected.” Investigating further, Firstbrook goes to the Obama family’s village to call on Sarah Obama, the President’s grandmother, who tells him:

We found him sitting by the steering wheel. [The car] did not roll. So after it was said that he had hit the tree, we just had to believe it, because he could not talk back. We really didn’t believe it was a real accident. Because his body was never broken, his vehicle was not badly crashed. He was just dead after the accident. Not even much blood was seen.

So why should we believe it was an accident? Even the policeman who was recording this—he was a very high-ranking officer, very big, but he could not say anything because the government was watching his lips. We think there was foul play there, and that is how he died, and they covered it up [by saying] that he had an accident. But we just had to leave it like that because the government then was very ruthless.

When Obama, Jr., visited Kenya as a young man he went to see Sarah, and eventually grew close enough to her to call her Mama Sarah. As he reports in his memoir, she told him all about the family’s complicated history, including the alleged detention and torture of his grandfather Hussein Onyango Obama in a British colonial jail. But he does not report hearing any suspicious talk about Barack Obama, Sr.,’s death. Firstbrook, however, says that “everybody I spoke to” had suspicions, including Obama, Sr.,’s sister, Hawa Auma Obama, and his friend Patrick Ngei, who tells the author, “Obama didn’t die out of pure accident…. Bright Luos were eliminated by the Kenyatta government.”

Firstbrook carefully distinguishes between suspicion and fact: “Proving it more than twenty-five years after his death would be impossible.”

Caroline Elkins, a historian at Harvard and the author of “Imperial Reckoning: The Untold Story of Britain’s Gulag in Kenya,” told me that she would be “extremely skeptical” of the notion that Obama, Sr., was murdered. Elkins, who has excellent sources throughout the country, including among the surviving members of the Kenyatta-era generation, said that Obama, Sr., was a “serious, fall-down alcoholic.” Moreover, she said, it was entirely possible that Obama’s family, especially now with an American relative in the White House, wants to rewrite history and restore Obama, Sr.,’s reputation.

“While I’m sympathetic to the desire of some to reclaim his reputation and his dignity, I am also very skeptical,” Elkins said. “Understandably, there are some Luos who have an interest in making Obama, Sr., out to be a perhaps more heroic and high-ranking figure than he ever was in real life.”

No less dubious is the idea, put forward in “The Roots of Obama’s Rage,” Dinesh D’Souza’s new best-seller, that President Obama sees the world through his father’s Kenyan post-colonial prism—an idea admired by Newt Gingrich and other conservatives eager to portray the President as a mysterious and alien figure. But that’s another story.

Photograph: AP Photo/Obama for America

Read more News Desk: Was President Obama’s Father Murdered? : The New Yorker
You mother fuckers seriously think that your side didn't attack the whole 8 fucking years against Bush and the republicans. PAY BACKS A BITCH!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Should be easy.

Post Democratic politicians attacking Bush on the same scale that Republican politicians have attacked President Obama.

Sallow, your a full blown blooming idiot.

Oddly enough, that sounded exactly like "Jane, you ignorant slut." :eusa_whistle:

Last I checked 0bama was American, not Kenyan or are you saying he's actually from Kenya, IDIOTIC MORON??

What does Kenya have to do with American history and American slavery???

Keep believing the lie, I see it differently. I guess you know the color of my skin.

His father was Kenyan, MORON, and there was some oppression involved there. Put brain into gear before letting you stupid mouth loose. Blacks are discriminated against FIVE TIMES a day here, a study found...the place is FULL of a-hole pub dupes...

Dave, give example of my stupidity so I can rip you to shreds AGAIN. I have a Masters in World History...YOU?

Going by your posts here I'd be shocked if you graduated from high school let alone had two college degrees. What bastion of higher learning gave you a Masters?

A lot of facts shock you, pub dupe. Read my signature pp2- all fact since voodoo ruined us...
Were you born yesterday betty? Didn't you see the hate speech directed at Bush that makes criticism of Obama look like a PTA meeting? They showed a movie in 40 American theaters depicting the assassination of president Bush while he was still in office. Cindy Sheehan's crazies camped out in Crawford Tx waving hundreds of offensive signs calling Bush vile names.

You should be able to provide the viewing audience out here all the hate speech that democratic politicians put out about George W. Bush.

Last I remember, Cindy was not elected to anything and she had a legitimate gripe.

Her son was killed in a war, that in itself was a war crime..and based on lies.

Words from your democratic friends, Sallow.

snopes.com: Weapons of Mass Destruction Quotes

NOT ONE HATE WORD!! What are you, RETARDED? JFC, Pub Dupes:cuckoo::lol:
The “beef” that I, and many I identify with most closely, have with much of the criticism being pitched at Barack Obama is simply that it is not constructive. Each time a decision is made that is not whatever enough for The Best Progressives, the knee-jerking, the hysteria, and the hyperbole is *immediately* turned up to eleven. The past week is a perfect example, with ScheduleGate and OzoneNationalAmbientAirQualityStandardsGate. Or whatever we’re calling it.

The Obama Administration provided explanation on both of these items. ScheduleGate is not a big deal. It’s just not. As for OzoneEtcGate, the letter from Cass Sunstein to the EPA on the air quality standards decision is a particularly important read. I’m not a policy wonk, I don’t claim to understand every detail of this issue, but I understand enough to know my hair shouldn’t be on fire over it. The explanation in the letter makes sense to me. Part of my job has me working within the confines of regulatory cycles and individual rule issuance. I can attest wholeheartedly to the confusion and headaches caused by conflicting regulations and rules that are put in place as a result of poor planning and shitty governance. It makes compliance impossible, it creates unnecessary risk, and more often than not winds up costing a lot of money. Effective planning and governance means making the right decisions at the right times to encourage the right behaviors and appropriate accountability. I repeat: my hair is not on fire over this issue.

So here’s the frustration: stuff happens, and The Best Progressives are immediately thrown into a tizzy. Fueled by a toxic combination of media talking points, visceral outrage, and a deep insecurity that we’ve all been suckered by a Republican plant by the name of Barack Obama, the pitchforks come out.

Obama caved!

Obama is just like Bush!

Obama needs a spine!

Obama needs to act like a real Democrat!

Obama doesn’t deserve to be reelected!

Obama is betraying the base!

Palin was right – Obama doesn’t have any executive experience!

(Oh…sorry about that last one. I don’t know how that made its way in there.)

Those familiar with the IT industry may have heard of the Gartner Hype Cycle. I know, I know – just bear with me on this, I promise I have a point. The Hype Cycle has five phases, and even though it’s supposed to be about new technology, the same shit applies…

Virtual Daze» Blog Archive » On Criticizing the President

Good points.

It's a good thing obama caved to the people, I really don't want a second civil war in my country.
You should be able to provide the viewing audience out here all the hate speech that democratic politicians put out about George W. Bush.

Last I remember, Cindy was not elected to anything and she had a legitimate gripe.

Her son was killed in a war, that in itself was a war crime..and based on lies.

Words from your democratic friends, Sallow.

snopes.com: Weapons of Mass Destruction Quotes

NOT ONE HATE WORD!! What are you, RETARDED? JFC, Pub Dupes:cuckoo::lol:
I think you would be the one that we all could call a moron. :lol:
If you look at the words that I bolded from Sallow....those words are the specific ones I was referring to.
Sorry...I just had to embarrass you on the open board, but you did call me retarded...yes?

Comprehension can be your friend :eusa_whistle:
Words from your democratic friends, Sallow.

snopes.com: Weapons of Mass Destruction Quotes

NOT ONE HATE WORD!! What are you, RETARDED? JFC, Pub Dupes:cuckoo::lol:
I think you would be the one that we all could call a moron. :lol:
If you look at the words that I bolded from Sallow....those words are the specific ones I was referring to.
Sorry...I just had to embarrass you on the open board, but you did call me retarded...yes?

Comprehension can be your friend :eusa_whistle:

We're talking about hate speech from your party's hate speech, not somebody on a randy message board, retardo LOL!!!:cuckoo::lol::eusa_whistle:

I just yell at you pub dupes now- you're hopelessly ignorant and brainwashed....unbelievable.Say hello to the Kenyan Muslim Marxist for me...:cuckoo:
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NOT ONE HATE WORD!! What are you, RETARDED? JFC, Pub Dupes:cuckoo::lol:
I think you would be the one that we all could call a moron. :lol:
If you look at the words that I bolded from Sallow....those words are the specific ones I was referring to.
Sorry...I just had to embarrass you on the open board, but you did call me retarded...yes?

Comprehension can be your friend :eusa_whistle:

We're talking about hate speech from your party's hate speech, not somebody on a randy message board, retardo LOL!!!:cuckoo::lol::eusa_whistle:

I just yell at you pub dupes now- you're hopelessly ignorant and brainwashed....unbelievanle.Say hello to the Kenyan Muslim Marxist for me...:cuckoo:
Dude....you got busted with your ignorance...I was just the messenger to point out the obvious to you. Don't shoot the messenger. If you had any amount of IQ you would have simply walked away with your tail between your legs.
70% want to raise taxes on the rich and pass jobs bills. WTF ARE you talking about Meister? There are not hate speech examples from DEM leaders ANYWHERE here.
Last edited:
I think you would be the one that we all could call a moron. :lol:
If you look at the words that I bolded from Sallow....those words are the specific ones I was referring to.
Sorry...I just had to embarrass you on the open board, but you did call me retarded...yes?

Comprehension can be your friend :eusa_whistle:

We're talking about hate speech from your party's hate speech, not somebody on a randy message board, retardo LOL!!!:cuckoo::lol::eusa_whistle:

I just yell at you pub dupes now- you're hopelessly ignorant and brainwashed....unbelievanle.Say hello to the Kenyan Muslim Marxist for me...:cuckoo:
Dude....you got busted with your ignorance...I was just the messenger to point out the obvious to you. Don't shoot the messenger. If you had any amount of IQ you would have simply walked away with your tail between your legs.
Ask him what his education is.

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