On Criticizing the President

When the President's approval rating is this low, it isn't just ONE group criticizing now is it?
someone better tell these "liberals" to stop hatin on Obama. Salon is a left leaning website folks..If you get deeper into the article, they don't think he has been LEFT ENOUGH:eek:

Sunday, Sep 4, 2011 08:45 ET
What Democrats can do about Obama
A liberal argues that the 2012 Democratic nomination should be debated -- with all options open
By Matt Stoller
President Barack ObamaFrom the debt ceiling fiasco to the recent rescheduling of a jobs speech at the behest of Speaker Boehner, it has not been a good summer for President Obama. Like Chinese water torture, Gallup's daily tracking poll has shown a steady and unrelenting drip of bad news. He has been in and out of the high 30s for his approval, and in the low to mid-50s for his disapproval.

George W. Bush's approval rating didn't drop this low until Katrina hit. And on the economy, 71 percent of Americans disapprove of how Obama is doing his job. Even among reliably Democratic groups -- union households, women and young people -- he's now unpopular.

No one, not even the president's defenders, expect his coming jobs speech to mean anything. When the president spoke during a recent market swoon, the market dropped another 100 points. Democrats may soon have to confront an uncomfortable truth, and ask whether Obama is a suitable choice at the top of the ticket in 2012. They may then have to ask themselves if there's any way they can push him off the top of the ticket.

That these questions have not yet been asked in any serious way shows how weak the Democratic Party is as a political organization. Yet this political weakness is not inevitable, it can be changed through courage and collective action by a few party insiders smart and principled enough to understand the value of a public debate, and by activists who are courageous enough to face the real legacy of the Obama years.

Obama has ruined the Democratic Party. The 2010 wipeout was an electoral catastrophe so bad you'd have to go back to 1894 to find comparable losses. From 2008 to 2010, according to Gallup, the fastest growing demographic party label was former Democrat. Obama took over the party in 2008 with 36 percent of Americans considering themselves Democrats. Within just two years, that number had dropped to 31 percent, which tied a 22-year low.

Of course, there are many rationalizations for Obama to remain the nominee. He's faced difficult opposition. He's passed major legislation. His presidency is historic. The economy is hard to resuscitate. But all such rationalizations evade the party's responsibilities to actually choose the nominee best suited to win votes. If Obama looks unlikely to get enough votes to win, he should not get the nomination.

read it all here.
What Democrats can do about Obama - War Room - Salon.com
Gee, Stephanie, I can't imagine why people would hate Booosh and idiot Pubs for starting the STUPIDEST war EVER, killing, oh, let's say a MILLION PEOPLE? JFC.

Breaking: last month first in 8 1/2 YEARS with NO USA deaths...
Gee, Stephanie, I can't imagine why people would hate Booosh and idiot Pubs for starting the STUPIDEST war EVER, killing, oh, let's say a MILLION PEOPLE? JFC.

Breaking: last month first in 8 1/2 YEARS with NO USA deaths...

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What the left doesn't realize is Obama isn't black. He has no heritage from slavery, his family was not oppressed, they didn't live here before or immediately after the Civil War, they weren't persecuted, they weren't told to sit in the back of the bus. He has no memory of separate eating and drinking fountain areas, he never had to stay in his place. No one raped his ancestors or tore his family apart. He lied to American blacks, he told you he understood, he doesn't.

His skin is not white, but he's definitely not black.

Have you ever looked into the history of Kenya, racist MORON?

Last I checked 0bama was American, not Kenyan or are you saying he's actually from Kenya, IDIOTIC MORON??

What does Kenya have to do with American history and American slavery???

Keep believing the lie, I see it differently. I guess you know the color of my skin.

Then on the other hand, I heard just yesterday that Obama's approval rating had falled so low that Kenya is now denying that he was born there.


(Sorry about that. I couldn't resist. Back to your regularly scheduled programming here. . . . .)
What the left doesn't realize is Obama isn't black. He has no heritage from slavery, his family was not oppressed, they didn't live here before or immediately after the Civil War, they weren't persecuted, they weren't told to sit in the back of the bus. He has no memory of separate eating and drinking fountain areas, he never had to stay in his place. No one raped his ancestors or tore his family apart. He lied to American blacks, he told you he understood, he doesn't.

His skin is not white, but he's definitely not black.

Have you ever looked into the history of Kenya, racist MORON?

Last I checked 0bama was American, not Kenyan or are you saying he's actually from Kenya, IDIOTIC MORON??

What does Kenya have to do with American history and American slavery???

Keep believing the lie, I see it differently. I guess you know the color of my skin.

His father was Kenyan, MORON, and there was some oppression involved there. Put brain into gear before letting you stupid mouth loose. Blacks are discriminated against FIVE TIMES a day here, a study found...the place is FULL of a-hole pub dupes...

Dave, give example of my stupidity so I can rip you to shreds AGAIN. I have a Masters in World History...YOU?
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Have you ever looked into the history of Kenya, racist MORON?

Last I checked 0bama was American, not Kenyan or are you saying he's actually from Kenya, IDIOTIC MORON??

What does Kenya have to do with American history and American slavery???

Keep believing the lie, I see it differently. I guess you know the color of my skin.

Then on the other hand, I heard just yesterday that Obama's approval rating had falled so low that Kenya is now denying that he was born there.


(Sorry about that. I couldn't resist. Back to your regularly scheduled programming here. . . . .)

Kenya and the rest of the world, except for (racist?) Pubdupeland are crazy about Obama. Read a paper or something. Not Moon's or Murdoch's. LEARN SOMETHING FACTUAL.

Are you a real person or a spambot? could you take us to your leader.??:lol:
you really are a BORE bore bore yawn
Were you born yesterday betty? Didn't you see the hate speech directed at Bush that makes criticism of Obama look like a PTA meeting? They showed a movie in 40 American theaters depicting the assassination of president Bush while he was still in office. Cindy Sheehan's crazies camped out in Crawford Tx waving hundreds of offensive signs calling Bush vile names.

You should be able to provide the viewing audience out here all the hate speech that democratic politicians put out about George W. Bush.

Last I remember, Cindy was not elected to anything and she had a legitimate gripe.

Her son was killed in a war, that in itself was a war crime..and based on lies.

Provide EVIDENCE of a lie and that Iraq was a war crime. You have had how many years now to do so? Including 3 Congressional investigations?

You DO realize that it was almost exclusively Democrats doing the lynching, don't you?

Some Dixiecrats. They weren't liberals. They were, however, conservatives.

All democrats were more conservative back then. They still were democrats.....:cuckoo:
Has any conservative republican or libertarians lynched anyone that you recall?
Pubs have a 24/7/365 negative propaganda/fear mongering/misinformation/spin machine- talk about New World Order....the brainwashed know every trival soap opera negative about Obama, more than half the dupes believe PURE BS like Obama is a Kenyan Muslim Marxist, ACORN stole the election, believe but don't know Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 1/2010. It's scary and un-American...

You mother fuckers seriously think that your side didn't attack the whole 8 fucking years against Bush and the republicans. PAY BACKS A BITCH!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Should be easy.

Post Democratic politicians attacking Bush on the same scale that Republican politicians have attacked President Obama.

Sallow, your a full blown blooming idiot.

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