On Criticizing the President

Wrong, hate was during Bush's term the left. Anti-war protesters, code pinkos invading Congressional hearing holding up signs calling people liars, charging up on Condi Rice with fake blood on their hands, Sheehan camping out in front of Mr.and Mrs. Bush's house, ete etc.

Now that was some HATE. Obama hasn't seen HATE. But he has seen all you people making one excuse after another for his arrogant bullying and walking all over the people HE REPRESENTS.

Shut up, Stephanie. Your posts are always so uninformative and so predictable.

tsk tsk, no hating..Not good for you, remember..
You are the biggest hater on this board my dear, so you shut the hell up, k?:lol:

Saying it does not make it so, dear. I am not a hater because I don't agree with the mean-spiritedness of you and your pals. YOU are especially ignorant and uninformed, Steph.

When was the last time you posted something worthwhile, interesting, and informative?? Never, that I know of. Your posts consist of one liners calling people names or cussing at them. You're boring!!! If calling you on it makes me a hater, so be it.
Within this freest of lands on gods earth, I'll criticize the mother fucking president any time I wish for any reason.

Criticize??? Hate is the word you're looking for. You people don't criticize. At least own it and stop trying to soft soap it. You HATE, you don't criticize.

Just because you're driven solely by emotion doesn't mean everyone else is.

I don't deal in emotions, I deal in facts. Try it sometime.
Coming from such a diverse ethno-geographic-religio background......... is Obama circumsized ?

Critical if only for hygenic purposes.
Gee, Stephanie, I can't imagine why people would hate Booosh and idiot Pubs for starting the STUPIDEST war EVER, killing, oh, let's say a MILLION PEOPLE? JFC.

Breaking: last month first in 8 1/2 YEARS with NO USA deaths...

Have you ever looked into the history of Kenya, racist MORON?

Last I checked 0bama was American, not Kenyan or are you saying he's actually from Kenya, IDIOTIC MORON??

What does Kenya have to do with American history and American slavery???

Keep believing the lie, I see it differently. I guess you know the color of my skin.

His father was Kenyan, MORON, and there was some oppression involved there. Put brain into gear before letting you stupid mouth loose. Blacks are discriminated against FIVE TIMES a day here, a study found...the place is FULL of a-hole pub dupes...

Dave, give example of my stupidity so I can rip you to shreds AGAIN. I have a Masters in World History...YOU?
All your Master's means is you parroted the right answers. :lol:
Truth hurts, doesn't it?? Americans still blame Bush rather than Obama for the economic distress. Some 31 percent put the bulk of the blame on Obama, while 51 percent point to his Republican predecessor.

Neither deserve blame, this disaster was decades in the making.

It is, however, particularly idiotic to blame Obama, either for the December 2007 recession or failing to facilitate a recovery – which will happen in its own good time.
Kenya and the rest of the world, except for (racist?) Pubdupeland are crazy about Obama. Read a paper or something. Not Moon's or Murdoch's. LEARN SOMETHING FACTUAL.

So the hell what? I'll start giving a shit about what people in other nations think when they start giving a shit about what I think. So far, that hasn't happened.

But idiot leftists insist I should. No rational reason is ever given.
70% say tax the rich, jobs bills (many blocked by Pubs now), and compromise! IOW, pubs are against the majority. Google it, I'm sick of trying to tell you dupes anything...Fuggoff Cecilie, ya brainwashed dipstick- couldn't be more relevant(Who's Rev. Moon?). Read my signature pp2, and try and prove anything wrong. Reaganism suqs..

Criticize??? Hate is the word you're looking for. You people don't criticize. At least own it and stop trying to soft soap it. You HATE, you don't criticize.

Speaking of hate, this post just oozed it.

Come on people! Let's get out the denial vote in 2012. Its still Bush's fault!

Truth hurts, doesn't it?? Americans still blame Bush rather than Obama for the economic distress. Some 31 percent put the bulk of the blame on Obama, while 51 percent point to his Republican predecessor.

So face reality and stop being bitter. George W. Bush was the worst president we ever had. Face it.
Truth hurts, doesn't it?? Americans still blame Bush rather than Obama for the economic distress. Some 31 percent put the bulk of the blame on Obama, while 51 percent point to his Republican predecessor.

Neither deserve blame, this disaster was decades in the making.

It is, however, particularly idiotic to blame Obama, either for the December 2007 recession or failing to facilitate a recovery – which will happen in its own good time.

I agree that he was not responsible for the recession that actually didn't seriously develop until the housing bubble crash of 2008. He DID however embrace the dynamics and ideology that promoted and allowed that bubble to develop.

I agree he is not responsible for ending the recession. He IS however reponsible for promoting policy, legislation, and regulation that has been a major factor in stifling the private sector and keeping the economy in a depressed and stagnant state.

To stick our heads in the sand and say oh well nobody is at fault and nobody can do anything about it--it just has to run its course--is as wrongheaded as suggestions that government initiative, rather than the private sector, is how we will fix it.
Criticize??? Hate is the word you're looking for. You people don't criticize. At least own it and stop trying to soft soap it. You HATE, you don't criticize.

Just because you're driven solely by emotion doesn't mean everyone else is.

I don't deal in emotions, I deal in facts. Try it sometime.
Wow. Just...wow.

You really believe that, don't you?

Well, you can't be a leftist without lying to yourself, I suppose.
Truth hurts, doesn't it?? Americans still blame Bush rather than Obama for the economic distress. Some 31 percent put the bulk of the blame on Obama, while 51 percent point to his Republican predecessor.

Neither deserve blame, this disaster was decades in the making.

It is, however, particularly idiotic to blame Obama, either for the December 2007 recession or failing to facilitate a recovery – which will happen in its own good time.

Oh, you mean the recovery he said he caused? The recoveryless recovery? That one?
Criticize??? Hate is the word you're looking for. You people don't criticize. At least own it and stop trying to soft soap it. You HATE, you don't criticize.

Just because you're driven solely by emotion doesn't mean everyone else is.

I don't deal in emotions, I deal in facts. Try it sometime.

opinions are never considered facts unless you have proof. If you have proof that you deal with facts show your proof and we can go from there.
Lol, but just last week One Democrat Rep. wanted to help us people get to hell and another accused us American citizens of wanting to HANG PEOPLE

Like that's never happened before?

Graphic pixLynching - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many terrible things have happened before. I guess it could be justified to call the president a Nazi because it has happened before.

Put it into perspective. The Democrats are accusing their political enemies of:

Shut up, Stephanie. Your posts are always so uninformative and so predictable.

tsk tsk, no hating..Not good for you, remember..
You are the biggest hater on this board my dear, so you shut the hell up, k?:lol:

Saying it does not make it so, dear. I am not a hater because I don't agree with the mean-spiritedness of you and your pals. YOU are especially ignorant and uninformed, Steph.

When was the last time you posted something worthwhile, interesting, and informative?? Never, that I know of. Your posts consist of one liners calling people names or cussing at them. You're boring!!! If calling you on it makes me a hater, so be it.

wow, you just described yourself. and I can FEEL the love from you in this post.
You should TALK about others. You spew NOTHING BUT HATE and insults on this board and NOTHING else.
But I really don't give a shit about what you think of me. I mostly ignore your dumb ass anyway..now I'm off to more important things...ta ta
And I think you and the Booper should get a room..:lol:
Lol, but just last week One Democrat Rep. wanted to help us people get to hell and another accused us American citizens of wanting to HANG PEOPLE

Like that's never happened before?

Graphic pixLynching - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many terrible things have happened before. I guess it could be justified to call the president a Nazi because it has happened before.

Put it into perspective. The Democrats are accusing their political enemies of:


Even Funnier. The Black in that Picture was most likely strung up by Southern DEMOCRATS!!
Like that's never happened before?

Graphic pixLynching - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many terrible things have happened before. I guess it could be justified to call the president a Nazi because it has happened before.

Put it into perspective. The Democrats are accusing their political enemies of:


Even Funnier. The Black in that Picture was most likely strung up by Southern DEMOCRATS!!
That really isn't funny, I had an uncle who was almost lynched back in the 50's for helping a old friend of the family. Just happens the friend was black.
Truth hurts, doesn't it?? Americans still blame Bush rather than Obama for the economic distress. Some 31 percent put the bulk of the blame on Obama, while 51 percent point to his Republican predecessor.

So face reality and stop being bitter. George W. Bush was the worst president we ever had. Face it.

And if Obama were running against Bush, that would be a valid argument.

No one disputes Obama has inherited a bad situation. Not all Bush's fault, there were many fathers to that disaster.

Obama ran on the promise he could make things better, and for almost all measures, they've gotten worse.

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