On another note


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Whatever Scott Walker’s fate, Barack Obama may drag some bragging rights out of the Wisconsin governor’s recall election: Voters in preliminary exit poll results today say they favor Obama over Mitt Romney in November’s presidential election by a slight 6-point margin (51-45 percent).

These results are preliminary so it remains to be seen if that result will hold in final exit poll results later tonight. If so, it might provide Obama forces with pushback should Walker, the incumbent Republican, prevail in the recall election against Democratic candidate Tom Barrett, the mayor of Milwaukee.

In addition to his advantage in vote preferences, Obama holds an 8-point lead over Romney in early exit poll results on who’d do a better job handing the economy, as well as a 13-point lead on “helping the middle class.”

Whatever Walker’s Fate, Obama Leads Romney in Wisconsin - ABC News

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