Olive Branch Operation


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005


After a first denial, the Russians now confirmed the withdrawal of Russian troops from Afrin. It is a now a situation similar to eastern Syria where the army faced ISIS while the SDF advanced with little or no resistance. Now, the al-Qaeda militants from Idlib will go for Afrin and make it easier for the army to advance. However, we cannot expect the YPG units in the Afrin and Manbij regions to be similar to the US/ISIS-mercs playing SDF in Deir Ezzor and there are also humanitarian and political reasons to stop the terrorists. Syria did not yet respond militarily to Turkish jets attacking Syria and if the Russians who provide Syria barely with the most necessary equipment to fight the terrorists keep on knuckling under to Erdogan we can not expect any serious measures. If Russia, that assumes a role in global security on eye level with the USA, stands by as the children-beheading terror forces embedded in the Turkish military grab more Syrian soil, then this will be a major abasement. Also, the absence of counter-measures would convince Erdogan that he can do whatever he wants.

Breaking | Russia Withdraws Troops From Afrin, Voices Concern as Turkey Starts Operation - Muraselon
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The Kurds have recaptured a town from the terrorist Erdogan forces and they destroyed five Erdogan tanks. The YPG reports:

"“As a result of these clashes, 10 members of the gang were killed in different parts of the region, 20 bandits [members of the armed Syrian opposition] were wounded. In addition, four Turkish soldiers were killed and many were injured in clashes in Bilbil,” the YPG reported in a press release.

It also said that during the clashes three soldiers of the Kurdish militia were killed."

YPG forces beat back Turkish-backed rebels from northwest Aleppo town
Kurdish forces allegedly destroy 5 Turkish tanks (video)
Iran, Egypt call for end of Turkish 'disruptive' offensive in Syria
Here is some opposition map:


The YPG says, two towns painted green on the map captured by the "FSA" were recaptured.

Meanwhile, in flow of reinforcements through government controlled areas continues. The YPG has criticized the government for not taking action and I tend to agree since they promised to fight the Turkish airforce.

Looks like the reinforcements are embedded in Russian military units to prevent possible airstrikes:


Russia should act now and give green light for Damascus to take action as well. If it fucking looks like a terrorist...

Kurdish reinforcements still moving through government lines to Afrin
Turkish forces seize several areas in northern Aleppo - map
Reports assume that the YPG rejected a Syrian government offer to take over the Afrin region and they also rejected Russia as mediator between them and Turkey underlining their US support. This is is a major game changer. The YPG has chosen its partner and they are dropped by this partner. Sad those morons expose so many civilians to the current security situation and we can assume the common YPG fighters are not even aware of that bullshit their leadership was doing again.

You must translate unless you speak German:
Analyse: Wieso Russland die Türkei bei ihrer Offensive in Afrin gewähren lässt
Operation Olive Branch was apparently synchronized with a new ISIS offensive against the SDF and also the SAA in eastern Syria. New reports estimate that there are still 8 - 11000 ISIS fighters around in Syria. Fierce battles with huge casualties for each side are ongoing.

Convoy picture in post #8:
Not related to current conflict
Can anyone confirm this from non-western sources?

FSA statement:


"Recap: Syrian artillery first targeted Turkish units with 20 bombs around Al-Eis. No injuries were reported according to FSA units. Some later reported that Russians fired warning shots. This is inaccurate. The Syrian Air Force was involved."
Can anyone confirm this from non-western sources?

FSA statement:


"Recap: Syrian artillery first targeted Turkish units with 20 bombs around Al-Eis. No injuries were reported according to FSA units. Some later reported that Russians fired warning shots. This is inaccurate. The Syrian Air Force was involved."
The Syrian military denied having fired at Turkish forces. The incident has nothing to do with the Operation Olive Branch. Explosions in the Turkish convoy were either caused by a fuel tank or mine, according to reports.

Mete Sohtaoğlu on Twitter

However, there are no official statements as of now.
Where are all the USMB posters siding with the Kurds? Not in this thread.

"BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:20 P.M.) – The Kurdish-led People’s Protection Units (YPG) struck back against the Turkish-backed rebels in the northern countryside of the Afrin region, today, scoring a new advance after a short battle.

According to pro-YPG media, their forces managed to retake the town of Hajj Bilal after overrunning the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) in northern Afrin.

Meanwhile, at the Rajou District, the YPG has not only beaten back the Turkish-backed rebels, but also, recaptured several areas that were taken by the later over the weekend.

In addition to their counter-attack in Rajou, the YPG forces also recaptured some areas around the Bulbul District after a short battle with the Turkish-backed rebels."

Kurdish forces strike back against Turkish-backed rebels, retake town in Afrin

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