Ok, lets pretend that Trump gets elected.


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
Let's say he beats all the indictments. Every one of them. And he's elected president.

According to his most loyal supporter, Trumps going to come in and steam roll all those that did him wrong. He's going to get revenge for all those witch hunts, fraudulent indictments, rigged elections and everything else they've been throwing at him.

Who is going to stand with Trump and get that done? Because Trump won't be able to do it alone. He'll have to have people.

I say no one. Because of all those that stuck their necks out for him before, either got their heads chopped off or turned on Trump to keep from going to jail. He's toxic to anyone in any part of the government who might side with him.

It'll be more impeachments, more indictments and more of the same BS we've been seeing for the last 6 years. I have some sympathy for Trump. But his ego is going to hang him. And there won't be anyone there to save him.
Let's say he beats all the indictments. Every one of them. And he's elected president.

According to his most loyal supporter, Trumps going to come in and steam roll all those that did him wrong. He's going to get revenge for all those witch hunts, fraudulent indictments, rigged elections and everything else they've been throwing at him.

Who is going to stand with Trump and get that done? Because Trump won't be able to do it alone. He'll have to have people.

I say no one. Because of all those that stuck their necks out for him before, either got their heads chopped off or turned on Trump to keep from going to jail. He's toxic to anyone in any part of the government who might side with him.

It'll be more impeachments, more indictments and more of the same BS we've been seeing for the last 6 years. I have some sympathy for Trump. But his ego is going to hang him. And there won't be anyone there to save him.
To hell with that "pretend" crap
Literally every conservative, or at least the ones who ever want to be elected again will be on board with it. The voters demand revenge, so that is what they will get. A great purge is coming to our nation. I hope you are mentally prepared for it.

Maybe you don't understand what I'm saying. The DOJ he appoints. The AG. The head of the FBI & CIA. And all those other appointed positions. The ones who can actually do what Trump wants, those will be the ones who won't stick their necks out for Trump.
It doesn't matter what Trump wants or what his supporters want. It's what those people are willing to do. And I can with a LOT of certainty, that they won't stick their necks out for him. They won't do thorough investigations. They won't really try to prosecute. They'll just do the minimum, not make any waves and try to get through his presidency without making waves.
He will slow this stupid war on fossil fuels and make America competitive with Russia and China... he will by doing that.... create good jobs with good benefits and he will find a solution to the war in Ukraine.... and people will stop dying...
Literally every conservative, or at least the ones who ever want to be elected again will be on board with it. The voters demand revenge, so that is what they will get. A great purge is coming to our nation. I hope you are mentally prepared for it.
You sound just like Adolph Hitler in 1933.
He will slow this stupid war on fossil fuels and make America competitive with Russia and China... he will by doing that.... create good jobs with good benefits and he will find a solution to the war in Ukraine.... and people will stop dying...

You didn't read or understand the OP did you?

There is no war on fossil fuels. Production is back up to pre election levels again.
We'll never be able to compete with China because their value of their currency is much better than ours. (Middle class wage in China is like $20,000 per year. Here its almost $100,000 per year. We can't compete with that)
And you're NOT going to bring jobs back to this country as long as employers are having to pay $20+ per hour, per employee. When they can outsource to countries where $20 per DAY is an average wage. It's simply not possible.

Especially when Trump never ONCE addressed the over inflated value of the USD.

But back to the subject of this thread. No one is going to stand with Trump to get revenge on the left for all they've done.
Let's say he beats all the indictments. Every one of them. And he's elected president.

According to his most loyal supporter, Trumps going to come in and steam roll all those that did him wrong. He's going to get revenge for all those witch hunts, fraudulent indictments, rigged elections and everything else they've been throwing at him.

Who is going to stand with Trump and get that done? Because Trump won't be able to do it alone. He'll have to have people.

I say no one. Because of all those that stuck their necks out for him before, either got their heads chopped off or turned on Trump to keep from going to jail. He's toxic to anyone in any part of the government who might side with him.

It'll be more impeachments, more indictments and more of the same BS we've been seeing for the last 6 years. I have some sympathy for Trump. But his ego is going to hang him. And there won't be anyone there to save him.
A Trump victory in 2024 means the country will thrive and liberals will lose their fucking minds again for 4 years.
You sound just like Adolph Hitler in 1933.

The great purge..... That sounds like a movie idea... Oh yeah, it is. Once where AMERICANS go around killing other AMERICANS and calling it the patriotic thing to do.


You ain't kidding about the Hitler comparison. Trump supporters are some strange folks.. And I don't even lean left.
Let's say he beats all the indictments. Every one of them. And he's elected president.

According to his most loyal supporter, Trumps going to come in and steam roll all those that did him wrong. He's going to get revenge for all those witch hunts, fraudulent indictments, rigged elections and everything else they've been throwing at him.

Who is going to stand with Trump and get that done? Because Trump won't be able to do it alone. He'll have to have people.

I say no one. Because of all those that stuck their necks out for him before, either got their heads chopped off or turned on Trump to keep from going to jail. He's toxic to anyone in any part of the government who might side with him.

It'll be more impeachments, more indictments and more of the same BS we've been seeing for the last 6 years. I have some sympathy for Trump. But his ego is going to hang him. And there won't be anyone there to save him.

Let's say he beats all the indictments. Every one of them. And he's elected president.

Democrats would be like…

But his ego is going to hang him.

No. Some of us can see thru the MSM bullshit.

Trump send out a one sentence tweet (or truth social) and the media goes nuts for 2 weeks...then they exclaim that TRUMP is sucking all the oxygen out of the room.

Now if you're too blind to see garbage like that...then you're probably vaxed and you ain't got much longer anyway.

Stevie Wonder1.jpg
A Trump victory in 2024 means the country will thrive and liberals will lose their fucking minds again for 4 years.

The only reason it was thriving when Trump was in office before is because he came in when the economy was on the rebound and the oil companies just entered a boom cycle. Throw in Russia and Saudi's oil price war, and BOOM, you've got extremely low gas prices.

You do realize that it's cheaper for American oil companies to buy from Opec than to produce our own, right?
No. Some of us can see thru the MSM bullshit.

Trump send out a one sentence tweet (or truth social) and the media goes nuts for 2 weeks...then they exclaim that TRUMP is sucking all the oxygen out of the room.

Now if you're too blind to see garbage like that...then you're probably vaxed and you ain't got much longer anyway.

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So what? Pissing off liberals and the media isn't going to get all those democrats put behind bars for their fraud and corruption. Trumps going to have to have people doing investigations and prosecutions to get that done. And I'm saying he's not going to be able to find anyone to stick their necks out for him again.

He'll be as ineffective as he was before. Maybe even moreso now.
Let's say he beats all the indictments. Every one of them. And he's elected president.

According to his most loyal supporter, Trumps going to come in and steam roll all those that did him wrong. He's going to get revenge for all those witch hunts, fraudulent indictments, rigged elections and everything else they've been throwing at him.

Who is going to stand with Trump and get that done? Because Trump won't be able to do it alone. He'll have to have people.

I say no one. Because of all those that stuck their necks out for him before, either got their heads chopped off or turned on Trump to keep from going to jail. He's toxic to anyone in any part of the government who might side with him.

It'll be more impeachments, more indictments and more of the same BS we've been seeing for the last 6 years. I have some sympathy for Trump. But his ego is going to hang him. And there won't be anyone there to save him.
Then you loons need to quit hating.

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