Oil, the Saudis and Bin Laden.........


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
You know........there's been a lot of coverage over the past week about Bin Laden and some of what he stood for. One of his ideas was to kick anyone out of his country, and then could say that their system of govt. didn't work. He did it with the Soviets, and when their country fractured, he stated that he'd taken down Communism.

He then set his sights on democracy and the United States. Anyone notice that the price of oil was less than 30 bucks a barrel before 9/11? And........did anyone notice that oil dropped below 100 bucks a barrel after Bin Laden was killed?

There's also his connection with the Saudis, as well as a lot of financing given to him by them. And.......all of 'em were wealthy.

Apparently, Bin Laden had talked to the Saudis and used the 9/11 attacks to generate fear, and then start driving up the price of oil gradually, until the US had spent an obscene amount of money and lives in the Iraq war, so to hit us with a double whammy, he and the Saudis started driving up the price, resulting in the US ending up in the poorhouse and destroyed financially. Matter of fact, economic collapse was part of his plan.

Me personally? I hope that the death of Bin Laden is enough to drive the price of oil down to 70 buck a barrel.

Then lets see if the garbage about unrest in the ME is the cause of high gas prices.
So, Osama and Obama were, in fact, working towards the same end. Man, I so did not see that coming.

Actually, it was the oil man Jr. who was being led around by the nose by Bin Laden and his associates like Mubarik.

Do try to keep up.

Really? Cuz I'm quietly confident I can provide evidence of Obama's support for European level gas prices in the US.

Oh, and one about the necessity of.... hmmmm.... how did he phrase it now? Yea.... energy costs will 'skyrocket'.

Osama and Obama. Two men, one aim. One dead.
So fear of Bin Laden is what made oil prices go up? what the fuck? I would have tried to kill him years ago if I knew this was the case!
So, Osama and Obama were, in fact, working towards the same end. Man, I so did not see that coming.

Actually, it was the oil man Jr. who was being led around by the nose by Bin Laden and his associates like Mubarik.

Do try to keep up.

Really? Cuz I'm quietly confident I can provide evidence of Obama's support for European level gas prices in the US.
Oh, and one about the necessity of.... hmmmm.... how did he phrase it now? Yea.... energy costs will 'skyrocket'.

Osama and Obama. Two men, one aim. One dead.

Materially, Bin Laden won. Up to this point. His desire to inflict massive economic damage on the US succeeded to the tune of trillions of dollars.
So fear of Bin Laden is what made oil prices go up? what the fuck? I would have tried to kill him years ago if I knew this was the case!

Well........first off, it's the Saudis that have all the oil. Bin Laden told them that he would cause a disturbance (9/11), and then because of all the unrest, as well as the fact that the Taliban and Al Queda are all in the ME, they could blame cutting production on the fact that there are so many terrorists running around. As they slowly reduced production, the prices started to rise, and then the speculators started buying futures in oil, which drove the price up even further.

BTW........because of the stockbrokers buying futures based in fear and inflating the price, that gallon of gas you put in your car is costing 38 cents extra.

Oh........and here's another little gem..........remember who it was that talked Scotland into letting the Lockerbie bomber go? Yep............that's right........it was BP that negotiated the deal.
So fear of Bin Laden is what made oil prices go up? what the fuck? I would have tried to kill him years ago if I knew this was the case!

Well........first off, it's the Saudis that have all the oil. Bin Laden told them that he would cause a disturbance (9/11), and then because of all the unrest, as well as the fact that the Taliban and Al Queda are all in the ME, they could blame cutting production on the fact that there are so many terrorists running around. As they slowly reduced production, the prices started to rise, and then the speculators started buying futures in oil, which drove the price up even further.

BTW........because of the stockbrokers buying futures based in fear and inflating the price, that gallon of gas you put in your car is costing 38 cents extra.

Oh........and here's another little gem..........remember who it was that talked Scotland into letting the Lockerbie bomber go? Yep............that's right........it was BP that negotiated the deal.

So basically at this point even though Usama is dead, nothings really going to change as far as the fear because there are still plenty of terrorists out there.
What do you get when you elect a Democrat? Oil prices rise to almost $4 a gallon, approching the all time high for gasoline prices of $4.18 which occured on July 14, 2008. Hummm.
So fear of Bin Laden is what made oil prices go up? what the fuck? I would have tried to kill him years ago if I knew this was the case!

Well........first off, it's the Saudis that have all the oil. Bin Laden told them that he would cause a disturbance (9/11), and then because of all the unrest, as well as the fact that the Taliban and Al Queda are all in the ME, they could blame cutting production on the fact that there are so many terrorists running around. As they slowly reduced production, the prices started to rise, and then the speculators started buying futures in oil, which drove the price up even further.

BTW........because of the stockbrokers buying futures based in fear and inflating the price, that gallon of gas you put in your car is costing 38 cents extra.

Oh........and here's another little gem..........remember who it was that talked Scotland into letting the Lockerbie bomber go? Yep............that's right........it was BP that negotiated the deal.

So basically at this point even though Usama is dead, nothings really going to change as far as the fear because there are still plenty of terrorists out there.

Actually, no. Yes, there are plenty of terrorists out there, but also, you gotta remember that we got computers and thumb drives, so we can track them better and know who they are.

Incidentally, did you know that oil is down to 98.17 right now? I hope it keeps dropping, and then we'll see what the gas prices do.
Bottom line is, is that commodities are highly volatile and possibly rigged. Far from it for ABS to be able to connect the dots.
Actually, it was the oil man Jr. who was being led around by the nose by Bin Laden and his associates like Mubarik.

Do try to keep up.

Really? Cuz I'm quietly confident I can provide evidence of Obama's support for European level gas prices in the US.
Oh, and one about the necessity of.... hmmmm.... how did he phrase it now? Yea.... energy costs will 'skyrocket'.

Osama and Obama. Two men, one aim. One dead.


Nope. Dat's wot de man say.
So, Osama and Obama were, in fact, working towards the same end. Man, I so did not see that coming.

Actually, it was the oil man Jr. who was being led around by the nose by Bin Laden and his associates like Mubarik.

Do try to keep up.

Really? Cuz I'm quietly confident I can provide evidence of Obama's support for European level gas prices in the US.

Oh, and one about the necessity of.... hmmmm.... how did he phrase it now? Yea.... energy costs will 'skyrocket'.

Osama and Obama. Two men, one aim. One dead.

That's what he said...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlTxGHn4sH4"]YouTube - Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket[/ame]
You know........there's been a lot of coverage over the past week about Bin Laden and some of what he stood for. One of his ideas was to kick anyone out of his country, and then could say that their system of govt. didn't work. He did it with the Soviets, and when their country fractured, he stated that he'd taken down Communism.

He then set his sights on democracy and the United States. Anyone notice that the price of oil was less than 30 bucks a barrel before 9/11? And........did anyone notice that oil dropped below 100 bucks a barrel after Bin Laden was killed?

There's also his connection with the Saudis, as well as a lot of financing given to him by them. And.......all of 'em were wealthy.

Apparently, Bin Laden had talked to the Saudis and used the 9/11 attacks to generate fear, and then start driving up the price of oil gradually, until the US had spent an obscene amount of money and lives in the Iraq war, so to hit us with a double whammy, he and the Saudis started driving up the price, resulting in the US ending up in the poorhouse and destroyed financially. Matter of fact, economic collapse was part of his plan.

Me personally? I hope that the death of Bin Laden is enough to drive the price of oil down to 70 buck a barrel.

Then lets see if the garbage about unrest in the ME is the cause of high gas prices.

That's garbage. You can find any number of accurate historic fact that bin Laden was kicked out of the Saudi Kingdom long before the 911 attacks. Bin Laden did, however, proclaim that western nations would suffer economic collapse because they would put all their military might and treasure into combating al-Qaeda. On that, he was partially correct. But he was relying on no assistance from Saudi Arabia or any other country to manipulate financial markets or institutions to achieve that.

World Press Review - Saudi Arabia - Osama Bin Laden - Terrorism
Since the mid-1990s, a full-scale opposition to the American presence has been organized. A generation of Saudis has been molded in the criticism against the Western forces. There can be no doubt that the young Saudis suspected in the Sept. 11 attacks were nurtured by this debate that has been raging in the kingdom for 10 years.

The patronymics Alghamdi and Alshehri, borne by six of the presumed terrorists, have drawn particular attention. These names are connected to the Assir region in southern Saudi Arabia, and come from two Arabian clans, the Hamedi and the Sharahni. The populations of Assir have never really accepted the dominance of the Sauds. To understand the reasons for their opposition, we need to recall certain historical facts. When the present royal family unified the country, their conquest, which started out from Kuwait in 1902, ended in the Assir region, the last stronghold of the kingdom, taken in 1929.

This region’s tribes have never been truly integrated into the country. All the prestigious posts in the government and the riches of the country have been divided up among the clans of the north. This has led to a degree of frustration among the southern tribes, who oppose the central authority and are easily recruited into armed opposition movements. It should be noted that one of the two religious radicals actively opposing the Riyadh government, Safar al-Hawali, who founded the Movement for Islamic Resurgence along with Salman al-Awdah, is likewise originally from this same region.

Might these men have been in contact with Bin Laden? It is possible, but it must be emphasized that very few Saudis went to fight alongside Bin Laden in Afghanistan or anywhere else. Also, Bin Laden, who was stripped of his Saudi citizenship in 1994, has been repudiated by the regime, which forced his own family to do likewise. In other words, being in contact with Bin Laden anytime after 1994 was considered by the Saudi government as a hostile gesture, or even an act of high treason. Any Saudi who approached Bin Laden was quickly put on file by the Saudi intelligence services. These agencies kept close watch over the comings and goings of visitors to Bin Laden in Afghanistan.

That's not a defense of bin Laden, but a defense of any involvement of Saudi Arabia in the attacks of 911. The article goes on to explain the historic reasons why the regime found movements such as Islamic Resurgence and al-Qaeda so offensive.
So, Osama and Obama were, in fact, working towards the same end. Man, I so did not see that coming.

Actually, it was the oil man Jr. who was being led around by the nose by Bin Laden and his associates like Mubarik.

Do try to keep up.

Really? Cuz I'm quietly confident I can provide evidence of Obama's support for European level gas prices in the US.

Oh, and one about the necessity of.... hmmmm.... how did he phrase it now? Yea.... energy costs will 'skyrocket'.

Osama and Obama. Two men, one aim. One dead.

It's true that Obama supports higher gasoline prices in a sound economy. The logic is that it will stop the endless addiction to gasoline to power automobiles when there are other, less volatile alternatives.
So fear of Bin Laden is what made oil prices go up? what the fuck? I would have tried to kill him years ago if I knew this was the case!

Well........first off, it's the Saudis that have all the oil. Bin Laden told them that he would cause a disturbance (9/11), and then because of all the unrest, as well as the fact that the Taliban and Al Queda are all in the ME, they could blame cutting production on the fact that there are so many terrorists running around. As they slowly reduced production, the prices started to rise, and then the speculators started buying futures in oil, which drove the price up even further.

BTW........because of the stockbrokers buying futures based in fear and inflating the price, that gallon of gas you put in your car is costing 38 cents extra.

Oh........and here's another little gem..........remember who it was that talked Scotland into letting the Lockerbie bomber go? Yep............that's right........it was BP that negotiated the deal.

Where are you getting that information? Old 2002-4 liberal blogsites? I remember that argument all too well, and as usual, but reversing the political hype of today, anti-Bush people were attempting to tie the Bush Family to Saudi Oil AND bin Laden, and hoping for a political coup if they could prove it. However, digging deeper into the actual history, that linkage has been debunked many times over.
What do you get when you elect a Democrat? Oil prices rise to almost $4 a gallon, approching the all time high for gasoline prices of $4.18 which occured on July 14, 2008. Hummm.

Operative words.

Check out the peak, when GWB was still President; then check out the dramatic drop after OBama became President. That said, American politics has zero to do with the price per barrel of oil.


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