Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine vetoes bill banning gender-affirming care for transgender minors

Lots of medical processes disrupt normal adolescence.

Not intentionally disrupting the process that is functioning normally, and what processes are you talking about?

Puberty blockers are only certified for use in early onset puberty, due to the detrimental side effects of said early puberty.

Hormones are only certified for use when there is a deficiency of the proper hormone.
Not intentionally disrupting the process that is functioning normally, and what processes are you talking about?

Puberty blockers are only certified for use in early onset puberty, due to the detrimental side effects of said early puberty.

Hormones are only certified for use when there is a deficiency of the proper hormone.
Lots of drugs and therapies disrupt children. Again are they being banned? Are puberty blockers being banned only for transgender issues?
Children have no liberty. Their brains aren't developed, thus their parents have the responsibility to ensure the children don't engage in activities where they can be harmed, or abused.

Your example is the exact opposite of what you claim. Makes sense, you're an idiot with a low IQ.

In your example you assume that a child has the ability to determine what is best for itself. We however KNOW that children are easily manipulated, that is how pedophiles are able to abuse children.

What are your views on pedophiles and their ability to manipulate children?

Are you for, or against?
But what about the parents views ? Do they only matter when they agree with your reich ?
Ohio’s Republican Gov. Mike DeWine has vetoed legislation that would have barred transgender youth from receiving gender-affirming care.

DeWine said signing the bill would “be saying that the state, the government” knows what’s better for youth than their parents.

Just as abortion bans would be saying that the state, the government knows what’s better for women than their doctors and family.

Perhaps one Republican is finally understanding that limited government, less government is much more than just reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and deregulation.
Odd that "gender-affirming care" doesn't appear in the bill.
Lots of drugs and therapies disrupt children. Again are they being banned? Are puberty blockers being banned only for transgender issues?

Are you saying Robitussin disrupts puberty?

They aren't banning use of them for actual early puberty or hormone deficiencies.

They are saying don't drug up a normally developing kid.

Again, point out other treatments that would disrupt normal puberty, and have the intention of doing so.

If you bring up Chemo to save a kid from cancer as an example, please fuck off and die.
Wouldn't it be nice to not have government protect child abusers. Trans kids are mentally ill. They need psychological help. If after they get that help, and they are 18, and they still desire to transition, that is fine.

Their brains are more developed. But to allow life altering treatment to children is a crime.
‘“Parents have looked me in the eye and told me but for this treatment, their child would be dead,” DeWine said at a news conference.

People who have transitioned told him “they are thriving today because of that transition,” he said.

For transgender minors and their families in Ohio, “the consequences of this bill could not be more profound,” he said. “Ultimately, I believe this is about protecting human life.”

Decisions about gender-confirming care should be made by the minor, parents and medical professionals, he said.’ ibid


It’s refreshing to hear a Republican acknowledge facts and the truth rather than rightwing lies – such as the lie that gender-affirming care is ‘mutilation’ or the lie that transgender Americans are ‘mentally ill.’

Parents know what’s best for their children, not the state; that conservatives oppose parents’ rights comes as no surprise.
What about nonmedical procedures? Would the law cover those?

The law reads like stereo instructions. What it does is say you don't mutilate or drug kids just because they want to be a different sex than they actually are.
Ok. Question for the culture warriors in favor of states banning sex change stuff for kids:

Do you also support states banning "conversion therapy"?

Honest answers only. No cheating.
‘“Parents have looked me in the eye and told me but for this treatment, their child would be dead,” DeWine said at a news conference.

People who have transitioned told him “they are thriving today because of that transition,” he said.

For transgender minors and their families in Ohio, “the consequences of this bill could not be more profound,” he said. “Ultimately, I believe this is about protecting human life.”

Decisions about gender-confirming care should be made by the minor, parents and medical professionals, he said.’ ibid


It’s refreshing to hear a Republican acknowledge facts and the truth rather than rightwing lies – such as the lie that gender-affirming care is ‘mutilation’ or the lie that transgender Americans are ‘mentally ill.’

Parents know what’s best for their children, not the state; that conservatives oppose parents’ rights comes as no surprise.

Ah, the old "live son or dead daughter" threat.

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