I can't navigate the site. It takes 10 minutes to load after I sign in, and anywhere from 3-10 when I try to move to new pages. I can't load my alerts at all. It took me about 10 tries and probably an hour total time to read a message I had in my in box yesterday.
Maybe they put you in the miserable user status that ck was talking about when he first notified us of the upcoming change. That would make all those things happen to you.
I wouldn't know, my limited navigation capability means that I can't find that post to read it.

One thing for sure...the murder of the site continues apace! Let me see if I have this right...posters who are perceived as annoying are penalized for violating the rules...after their ability to read the rules is hampered. Sounds about par for the course.
Here you go:

We will have at our disposal a very powerful 'tool' called 'discouraged user' usergroup. Members control if they end up in there or not.

Moderating will be automated. Mods just have to click a button and the software will do the work :)

I'm sure you have a link for your quote, Ravi.
It's in the quote.

Personally I'm more interested in finding out if there's a way to fix up some of the interminably long quotes.


Yeah - clean them up as you go.

I'm doing it manually right now. It's a bit of work, but not too bad. Still, it's reading the posts of other posters and their long nested quotes that have me scrolling more than reading.
Nested quotes have been covered.

I addressed this already. Search the thread about quotes here in Announcements.

In short they blow and I can't cut them down. They are not native to the software. I'm going to try one more thing next week and if it doesn't work we'll have to wait until we update to 1.4 (which is very close to a stable release)
Nested quotes have been covered.

I addressed this already. Search the thread about quotes here in Announcements.

In short they blow and I can't cut them down. They are not native to the software. I'm going to try one more thing next week and if it doesn't work we'll have to wait until we update to 1.4 (which is very close to a stable release)

What were the original like? I know guys complained so they were changed.

Maybe they were better that way?

I'll look for the thread explaining them.
Last edited:
Nested quotes have been covered.

I addressed this already. Search the thread about quotes here in Announcements.

In short they blow and I can't cut them down. They are not native to the software. I'm going to try one more thing next week and if it doesn't work we'll have to wait until we update to 1.4 (which is very close to a stable release)

What were the original like? I know guys complained so they were changed.

Maybe they were better that way?

I'll look for the thread explaining them.

No nesting at all.

It sucked hardcore.
Nested quotes have been covered.

I addressed this already. Search the thread about quotes here in Announcements.

In short they blow and I can't cut them down. They are not native to the software. I'm going to try one more thing next week and if it doesn't work we'll have to wait until we update to 1.4 (which is very close to a stable release)

What were the original like? I know guys complained so they were changed.

Maybe they were better that way?

I'll look for the thread explaining them.

No nesting at all.

It sucked hardcore.


Well, then I'm able to do my share in cutting them down when I quote and wait until the update. It is what it is.
Here you go:

Thanks, and Shit! I hadn't seen that string of posts. Now I feel "dumb as dirt". Here I thought I'd been keeping a big secret for a couple of weeks, instead I've just been a mushroom. Oh well, shit happens. Anyway a few posts down I found exhibit "A" for one of my convoluted suggestions involving a "retarded" SCOTUS Justice. Here you go.

That's OK, we've got howitzers and flames throwers and all sorts of cool gadgets you never get to see!:lol:

What a Doofus. Also, was it yesterday CK said we might encounter problems, they were doing some maintenance or something? Replying to your post didn't include any of the nested quotes like it usually does, there should be another one or two of yours and a couple of Koshergirl's in here. I have a sneaking suspicion what "maintenance" they're attempting, my ad-blocker has been causing a few problems with the site today. Or maybe I'm just getting paranoid. Before the makeover I predicted a possible disaster, after a while I thought things weren't too bad, some improvements even. Now, once in a while, I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone of political forums. Kind of a "Matrix" vibe. Damn I am getting paranoid.
Personally I'm more interested in finding out if there's a way to fix up some of the interminably long quotes.


Twoo dat. There should be a numerical limit on nested quotes so we don't get the long empty boxes.
Absolutely. There is no need to have a dozen quotes in a reply. Also, the width of the quote box is far too narrow. It makes the quotes choppy, too long and hard to read.
Absolutely. There is no need to have a dozen quotes in a reply. Also, the width of the quote box is far too narrow. It makes the quotes choppy, too long and hard to read.

Also, the width of the quote box is far too narrow.

no problem here with extended quotes - not nesting is far worse ...

just why "everything" is narrow for the sake of a few who do not have Ad-Block is a self defeating purpose because over time they may be all who's left and who wants to converse with dummies ?

PREVIEW tab should not be Nested.

Personally I'm more interested in finding out if there's a way to fix up some of the interminably long quotes.


Twoo dat. There should be a numerical limit on nested quotes so we don't get the long empty boxes.
Absolutely. There is no need to have a dozen quotes in a reply. Also, the width of the quote box is far too narrow. It makes the quotes choppy, too long and hard to read.

It makes some of them impossible to read! the older ones disappear into what look like long empty rectangles.

Very annoying.
I have one very minor complaint about the new software.

In the old one, if you went to a thread, you could post a reply before the first post. Now, I have to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page to find the quote function.

Not a bit deal but I often get lazy.
Personally I'm more interested in finding out if there's a way to fix up some of the interminably long quotes.


Twoo dat. There should be a numerical limit on nested quotes so we don't get the long empty boxes.
Absolutely. There is no need to have a dozen quotes in a reply. Also, the width of the quote box is far too narrow. It makes the quotes choppy, too long and hard to read.

There was some desc
I have one very minor complaint about the new software.

In the old one, if you went to a thread, you could post a reply before the first post. Now, I have to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page to find the quote function.

Not a bit deal but I often get lazy.

That is annoying, I hate scrolling. When I'm replying to a post and paste in a quote from an off-site source the software immediately sends me to the bottom of the whole page and I have to scroll all the way back up. That's a weird result. Maybe something I'm doing? Don't know, admin seems to be having a hard time coming up with a "user manual" or at least a FAQ sheet. If I paste in several quotes that gets really annoying too. Not so much laziness more impatience I think.
I have one very minor complaint about the new software.

In the old one, if you went to a thread, you could post a reply before the first post. Now, I have to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page to find the quote function.

Not a bit deal but I often get lazy.

Click Reply on the post you want to quote. It will autoscroll you to the bottom with the post quoted in the box.
Is there any way of turning this option off?


It's messed me up a few times already. Why would anybody on a message board not want messages displayed?
Is there any way of turning this option off?


It's messed me up a few times already. Why would anybody on a message board not want messages displayed?

seems like just a shortcut to refresh the page, if you are already in the thread...
if you are in the process of drafting a reply, that message pops up just to let you know that others have also just replied, so maybe you'd want to look at those new messages before you write your reply...?
Is there any way of turning this option off?


It's messed me up a few times already. Why would anybody on a message board not want messages displayed?

seems like just a shortcut to refresh the page, if you are already in the thread...
I just left a thread with one of those. Turns out it was hiding only one post.

Makes no sense.

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