Official German police announcements over co-pilot Andreas Lubitz


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
Instead of the crazy-assed rumor mill over co-pilot and mass-murderer Andreas Lubitz (circa 28 years old), from Montabaur, Germany, here are TWO articles from REAL German journalistic sources, with actual REAL quotes from REAL German police-authorities who made the ACTUAL, REAL visits to both of his homes and confiscated a great deal of material (2 large cartons, one large bag, according to Markus Niesczery of the Düsseldorfer Police).

The articles are long, and there are more pics and some video material over Lubitz in them.

The picture that is forming is that he had a serious psychological condition, which he kept secret from his employer. In Germany, if your doctor (of any sort) writes you off sick from work, that is called a KRANKENSCHEIN. And for the amount of time registered on the sick notice, you are not allowed to work, you are not allowed to leave your home for anything after 4 PM, you are not allowed to take any kind of trip over circa 50 KM from your home without express permission from your doctor, for instance, a 70 KM trip to a rehab facility for rehab from an injury, etc. The police have already confirmed that Lubitz was written-off sick for the day but did not present his employer with the KRANKENSCHEIN. Because of German privacy laws, your doctor has no right to know where you work and your employer has no right to know who your doctor(s) is/are. It's up to the person who is written off sick to inform his/her employer as to such.

No good-bye letter or letter explaining what he was planning has been found among the evidence.

That's all we know for sure.

At no point in any of the police investigations until this point point in time, has even one single piece of evidence concerning any contact with or conversion to Islam been found. Not even one shred. At least until this time. Any blog articles or fake Facebook pages over this are nothing more than speculations or lies. Had such indizien been found, it would have been announced at least that the Police are investigating in that direction. That's standard procedure.

The Frankfurter Allegeimeine Zeitung (FAZ) is considered one of the finest journalistic sources in all of Germany, actually, in all of the world. Nothing is printed in the FAZ without at least 2 reliable sources, who are named.

The first article:

Germanwings-Copilot Mehr Hinweise auf psychische Erkrankung

(Translation: Germanwings co-pilot: more indicators of a psychological sickness)

The second article:

Germanwings-Absturz Das t dliche Geheimnis des Andreas Lubitz - Absturz in den Alpen - FAZ

(Translation:Germanwings crash: Andreas Lubitz's deadly secret)


Lubitz at a semi-marathon in Berlin, 2011 (Source: link above).

There is a small video report on the second page:

Seite 2 - Germanwings-Absturz Das t dliche Geheimnis des Andreas Lubitz - Absturz in den Alpen - FAZ

The third article: this all is also being confirmed in the Berliner Morgenpost, also one of the most respected journalistic sources in Germany:

Flugzeugabsturz Copilot am Flugtag krankgeschrieben - Printarchiv - Titelseite - Berliner Morgenpost

(Translation: Co-pilot was written off sick on the day of the flight)

When more details from the German police come out, I will post them here and if anyone needs a translation, feel free to convo me.

But it's time for whackadoodle rumor-mill shit to stop and it's time to actually look at the facts as they come in, you know, like adults are supposed to do.

It's bad enough that this young man committed suicide and in doing so, brought about the death of 149 other people. That's multiple-homocide. That alone is horrible. There is not need to start rumors until we know ALL of the details.

cereal_killer Coyote
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Looking through the threads you will see that the first assertion by someone with a deep dislike for conservatives was that the co-pilot was a Christian.

Seems the victims, many of whom were children, are of secondary importance in this debate.

Thank you for this. Our lunatic fringe seems to have already decided he was a member of ISIS on a mission.

But that's what makes them the lunatic fringe.

They're afraid. Rightly so. But because they're afraid they're trying to become less afraid, and hate and anger achieves that. Until their minds adapt and cope without being fearful, they'll cling to their hate and their anger.

Hopefully we'll all live a very very long time. But eventually we're all going to die. And we'll then spend "the rest of our lives dead" as it were. So whether we die today, or a hundred years from now, we're gonna spend the next trillion years dead. Instead of denying this, and fearing death, better get used to it or you're only hastening your demise by making yourselves unehalthy and stressed out. More colds and flus, higher risk of heart disease and attacks, higher likelyhood of a stroke, etc.

Let go.
Thank you for this. Our lunatic fringe seems to have already decided he was a member of ISIS on a mission.

But that's what makes them the lunatic fringe.

They're afraid. Rightly so. But because they're afraid they're trying to become less afraid, and hate and anger achieves that. Until their minds adapt and cope without being fearful, they'll cling to their hate and their anger.

Hopefully we'll all live a very very long time. But eventually we're all going to die. And we'll then spend "the rest of our lives dead" as it were. So whether we die today, or a hundred years from now, we're gonna spend the next trillion years dead. Instead of denying this, and fearing death, better get used to it or you're only hastening your demise by making yourselves unehalthy and stressed out. More colds and flus, higher risk of heart disease and attacks, higher likelyhood of a stroke, etc.

Let go.

that's fine as a philosophical discussion. but it doesn't justify their hysteria and their making things up out of whole cloth without any evidentiary basis.
Thank you for this. Our lunatic fringe seems to have already decided he was a member of ISIS on a mission.

But that's what makes them the lunatic fringe.

They're afraid. Rightly so. But because they're afraid they're trying to become less afraid, and hate and anger achieves that. Until their minds adapt and cope without being fearful, they'll cling to their hate and their anger.

Hopefully we'll all live a very very long time. But eventually we're all going to die. And we'll then spend "the rest of our lives dead" as it were. So whether we die today, or a hundred years from now, we're gonna spend the next trillion years dead. Instead of denying this, and fearing death, better get used to it or you're only hastening your demise by making yourselves unehalthy and stressed out. More colds and flus, higher risk of heart disease and attacks, higher likelyhood of a stroke, etc.

Let go.

that's fine as a philosophical discussion. but it doesn't justify their hysteria and their making things up out of whole cloth without any evidentiary basis.

Can't justify irrationality. Best you can hope for is understanding it.
Thank you for this. Our lunatic fringe seems to have already decided he was a member of ISIS on a mission.

But that's what makes them the lunatic fringe.

They're afraid. Rightly so. But because they're afraid they're trying to become less afraid, and hate and anger achieves that. Until their minds adapt and cope without being fearful, they'll cling to their hate and their anger.

Hopefully we'll all live a very very long time. But eventually we're all going to die. And we'll then spend "the rest of our lives dead" as it were. So whether we die today, or a hundred years from now, we're gonna spend the next trillion years dead. Instead of denying this, and fearing death, better get used to it or you're only hastening your demise by making yourselves unehalthy and stressed out. More colds and flus, higher risk of heart disease and attacks, higher likelyhood of a stroke, etc.

Let go.

that's fine as a philosophical discussion. but it doesn't justify their hysteria and their making things up out of whole cloth without any evidentiary basis.

Can't justify irrationality. Best you can hope for is understanding it.

and irrational they are. *shakes head*

me? i'd rather deal in actual information.
Thank you for this. Our lunatic fringe seems to have already decided he was a member of ISIS on a mission.

But that's what makes them the lunatic fringe.

They're afraid. Rightly so. But because they're afraid they're trying to become less afraid, and hate and anger achieves that. Until their minds adapt and cope without being fearful, they'll cling to their hate and their anger.

Hopefully we'll all live a very very long time. But eventually we're all going to die. And we'll then spend "the rest of our lives dead" as it were. So whether we die today, or a hundred years from now, we're gonna spend the next trillion years dead. Instead of denying this, and fearing death, better get used to it or you're only hastening your demise by making yourselves unehalthy and stressed out. More colds and flus, higher risk of heart disease and attacks, higher likelyhood of a stroke, etc.

Let go.

that's fine as a philosophical discussion. but it doesn't justify their hysteria and their making things up out of whole cloth without any evidentiary basis.

Can't justify irrationality. Best you can hope for is understanding it.

and irrational they are. *shakes head*

me? i'd rather deal in actual information.

Never gonna convince people afraid of death not to be afraid of death and angry at those threatening them with it. But if you at least understand their fear, then the things they do will at least make sense to you.
Thank you for this. Our lunatic fringe seems to have already decided he was a member of ISIS on a mission.

But that's what makes them the lunatic fringe.

They're afraid. Rightly so. But because they're afraid they're trying to become less afraid, and hate and anger achieves that. Until their minds adapt and cope without being fearful, they'll cling to their hate and their anger.

Hopefully we'll all live a very very long time. But eventually we're all going to die. And we'll then spend "the rest of our lives dead" as it were. So whether we die today, or a hundred years from now, we're gonna spend the next trillion years dead. Instead of denying this, and fearing death, better get used to it or you're only hastening your demise by making yourselves unehalthy and stressed out. More colds and flus, higher risk of heart disease and attacks, higher likelyhood of a stroke, etc.

Let go.

that's fine as a philosophical discussion. but it doesn't justify their hysteria and their making things up out of whole cloth without any evidentiary basis.

Can't justify irrationality. Best you can hope for is understanding it.

and irrational they are. *shakes head*

me? i'd rather deal in actual information.

Never gonna convince people afraid of death not to be afraid of death and angry at those threatening them with it. But if you at least understand their fear, then the things they do will at least make sense to you.

i think you're being too kind to them. I understand they're fearful. I understand that fear can be irrational. but i don't think that gives them the right to make up things out of air...
They're afraid. Rightly so. But because they're afraid they're trying to become less afraid, and hate and anger achieves that. Until their minds adapt and cope without being fearful, they'll cling to their hate and their anger.

Hopefully we'll all live a very very long time. But eventually we're all going to die. And we'll then spend "the rest of our lives dead" as it were. So whether we die today, or a hundred years from now, we're gonna spend the next trillion years dead. Instead of denying this, and fearing death, better get used to it or you're only hastening your demise by making yourselves unehalthy and stressed out. More colds and flus, higher risk of heart disease and attacks, higher likelyhood of a stroke, etc.

Let go.

that's fine as a philosophical discussion. but it doesn't justify their hysteria and their making things up out of whole cloth without any evidentiary basis.

Can't justify irrationality. Best you can hope for is understanding it.

and irrational they are. *shakes head*

me? i'd rather deal in actual information.

Never gonna convince people afraid of death not to be afraid of death and angry at those threatening them with it. But if you at least understand their fear, then the things they do will at least make sense to you.

i think you're being too kind to them. I understand they're fearful. I understand that fear can be irrational. but i don't think that gives them the right to make up things out of air...

Don't get anywhere being a dick, I've tried. :) But no it doesn't give them the right to fabricate nonsense. But since telling them as much wont accomplish anything either, maybe a better tack is to simply try and understand them, teach them about themselves and why they're feeling the way they are, and hope for the best? Trying to do otherwise only negatively effects us. No need for everyone to be sick.
Looking through the threads you will see that the first assertion by someone with a deep dislike for conservatives was that the co-pilot was a Christian.

Seems the victims, many of whom were children, are of secondary importance in this debate.


Actually, the very first accusation was that he was an islamic terrorist, but I didn't mention LEFT or RIGHT in the OP at all.

Did you notice that?
all of this conjecture is silly. ----so far all you have is young male-----suicide---very flamboyant----he took lots of people WITH him. That is about it
Looking through the threads you will see that the first assertion by someone with a deep dislike for conservatives was that the co-pilot was a Christian.

Seems the victims, many of whom were children, are of secondary importance in this debate.


Actually, the very first accusation was that he was an islamic terrorist, but I didn't mention LEFT or RIGHT in the OP at all.

Did you notice that?

I was responding to Jillian's post (post #2) which followed yours. I should have hit the reply button to her post.

Seeing your need to respond to my post, may I ask why you focused on the debunking of a Muslim influence? In different threads both Christian and Muslim beliefs were accused of having played a part in this tragedy. It might have been more objective to simply say that religion played no part in this tragedy.


Looking through the threads you will see that the first assertion by someone with a deep dislike for conservatives was that the co-pilot was a Christian.

Seems the victims, many of whom were children, are of secondary importance in this debate.


Actually, the very first accusation was that he was an islamic terrorist, but I didn't mention LEFT or RIGHT in the OP at all.

Did you notice that?

I was responding to Jillian's post (post #2) which followed yours. I should have hit the reply button to her post.

Seeing your need to respond to my post, may I ask why you focused on the debunking of a Muslim influence? In different threads both Christian and Muslim beliefs were accused of having played a part in this tragedy. It might have been more objective to simply say that religion played no part in this tragedy.



Sure. Because considerably more patently false threads and thread postings have been created about that line of thought and even circular breathing from one rumor blog to the next has been initiated in order to create "facts" that do not exist. It's really that simple.
Looking through the threads you will see that the first assertion by someone with a deep dislike for conservatives was that the co-pilot was a Christian.

Seems the victims, many of whom were children, are of secondary importance in this debate.


Actually, the very first accusation was that he was an islamic terrorist, but I didn't mention LEFT or RIGHT in the OP at all.

Did you notice that?

I was responding to Jillian's post (post #2) which followed yours. I should have hit the reply button to her post.

Seeing your need to respond to my post, may I ask why you focused on the debunking of a Muslim influence? In different threads both Christian and Muslim beliefs were accused of having played a part in this tragedy. It might have been more objective to simply say that religion played no part in this tragedy.



Sure. Because considerably more patently false threads and thread postings have been created about that line of thought and even circular breathing from one rumor blog to the next has been initiated in order to create "facts" that do not exist. It's really that simple.

So it's fair to say that religion played no part in the tragedy.

The facts we know, and what really matters.

1) He is a mass murderer.
2) He is obviously mentally unstable.

What really matters...
1) How was the pilot locked out? How is it possible that the pilot of the airplane does NOT HAVE A KEY??? Does the lock mechanism not have a key, or ability to be unlocked? How sane is this?
2) Was he under a doctors care for serious mental issues? And how in the hell does privacy laws exist where a doctor, who knows of serious psychotic issues with a person cannot, by law, inform authorities if the person's job puts him in a position to care for hundreds of other people. That is f*cking insane.
Looking through the threads you will see that the first assertion by someone with a deep dislike for conservatives was that the co-pilot was a Christian.

Seems the victims, many of whom were children, are of secondary importance in this debate.


Actually, the very first accusation was that he was an islamic terrorist, but I didn't mention LEFT or RIGHT in the OP at all.

Did you notice that?

I was responding to Jillian's post (post #2) which followed yours. I should have hit the reply button to her post.

Seeing your need to respond to my post, may I ask why you focused on the debunking of a Muslim influence? In different threads both Christian and Muslim beliefs were accused of having played a part in this tragedy. It might have been more objective to simply say that religion played no part in this tragedy.



Sure. Because considerably more patently false threads and thread postings have been created about that line of thought and even circular breathing from one rumor blog to the next has been initiated in order to create "facts" that do not exist. It's really that simple.

So it's fair to say that religion played no part in the tragedy.


Yes, indeed, I think that would be fair to say, in specific any theories that this co-pilot was an islamic convert, considering the backdrop of 911 and many other terror attacks across our planet. For that is where the rumor mill is most active.
The facts we know, and what really matters.

1) He is a mass murderer.
2) He is obviously mentally unstable.

What really matters...
1) How was the pilot locked out? How is it possible that the pilot of the airplane does NOT HAVE A KEY??? Does the lock mechanism not have a key, or ability to be unlocked? How sane is this?
2) Was he under a doctors care for serious mental issues? And how in the hell does privacy laws exist where a doctor, who knows of serious psychotic issues with a person cannot, by law, inform authorities if the person's job puts him in a position to care for hundreds of other people. That is f*cking insane.

No 1 has already been explained:

Pilots AND cabin crew have the code to unlock the cockpit. Only, a person inside the cockpit can lock that code out for a time period of 5 minutes, ergo, Lubitz locked out the attempt to give a code at least twice.

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