Odds a black person killed by a cop: 0.000005%


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
776 People Killed By Police So Far in 2015, 161 Of Them Unarmed

Current stats. A black person is killed by police at a rate of 5 per 1,000,000 right now. That includes ALL....justified and unjustified.

Percentage odds of a black person being killed by a cop: 0.000005%

If you consider most shootings involve an armed person attacking the cop....that number plummets to about 0.0000005%.

Ok folks....now...let's discuss this national crisis that occurs with "frightening regularity" or daily as liberals put it.

1,000,000 cops.
43,000,000 black folks.

0.000005% a cop kills one of them....including justified.

I understand....once again....libs will ignore this. Or...say "even 1 is too many" and say it deserves national outrage. Ok...but...the national outrage for DUI deaths...tens of thousands per year....is nowhere to be seen from media.
I understand....once again....libs will ignore this. Or...say "even 1 is too many" and say it deserves national outrage. Ok...but...the national outrage for DUI deaths...tens of thousands per year....is nowhere to be seen from media.
DUI's you care about but not deaths from firearms? And why? Because you love guns.

Look, dummy, it's all bad but when the people we pay to protect the citizens of this country are killing them instead, that is serious fucking shit, a true man bites dog story, and it's going to make national news, like it, low odds, or not. It's not a numbers game, like dying in a car accident.
I understand....once again....libs will ignore this. Or...say "even 1 is too many" and say it deserves national outrage. Ok...but...the national outrage for DUI deaths...tens of thousands per year....is nowhere to be seen from media.
DUI's you care about but not deaths from firearms? And why? Because you love guns.

Look, dummy, it's all bad but when the people we pay to protect the citizens of this country are killing them instead, that is serious fucking shit, a true man bites dog story, and it's going to make national news, like it, low odds, or not. It's not a numbers game, like dying in a car accident.

So you admit it's as rare as a man biting a dog? I agree. It's 0.000005% odds rare.

But why are leftist leaders acting like it's a widespread high probability occurrence?
776 People Killed By Police So Far in 2015, 161 Of Them Unarmed

Current stats. A black person is killed by police at a rate of 5 per 1,000,000 right now. That includes ALL....justified and unjustified.

Percentage odds of a black person being killed by a cop: 0.000005%

If you consider most shootings involve an armed person attacking the cop....that number plummets to about 0.0000005%.

Ok folks....now...let's discuss this national crisis that occurs with "frightening regularity" or daily as liberals put it.

1,000,000 cops.
43,000,000 black folks.

0.000005% a cop kills one of them....including justified.


Odds of cops killed by blacks.....0000001%, odds of a redneck killing cops.....67%.

Bottom line you racist shit head, nobody unless the cops life or others in danger should be slaughtered at the hands of cops, that's what the courts are for you idiot....now go get yourself stuffed on beaver posing as a turkey you shit for brains fuck head.
So you admit it's as rare as a man biting a dog? I agree. It's 0.000005% odds rare.

But why are leftist leaders acting like it's a widespread high probability occurrence?
They aren't, and it shouldn't happen at all. This has already been explained to you. It should never, ever, happen, period. And that's where the statements end. To do anything beyond that is to become an apologist for evil, which you are BTW.
I understand....once again....libs will ignore this. Or...say "even 1 is too many" and say it deserves national outrage. Ok...but...the national outrage for DUI deaths...tens of thousands per year....is nowhere to be seen from media.
DUI's you care about but not deaths from firearms? And why? Because you love guns.

Look, dummy, it's all bad but when the people we pay to protect the citizens of this country are killing them instead, that is serious fucking shit, a true man bites dog story, and it's going to make national news, like it, low odds, or not. It's not a numbers game, like dying in a car accident.

So you admit it's as rare as a man biting a dog? I agree. It's 0.000005% odds rare.

But why are leftist leaders acting like it's a widespread high probability occurrence?

Seriously? What the fuck do we have courts for? Just for white people, nigga's have die?
So you admit it's as rare as a man biting a dog? I agree. It's 0.000005% odds rare.

But why are leftist leaders acting like it's a widespread high probability occurrence?
They aren't, and it shouldn't happen at all. This has already been explained to you. It should never, ever, happen, period. And that's where the statements end. To do anything beyond that is to become an apologist for evil, which you are BTW.

And the Saul Alinsky protege in the white house shouldnt lie to the American people to get his socialist agenda passed.
Yet it still happens.....
776 People Killed By Police So Far in 2015, 161 Of Them Unarmed

Current stats. A black person is killed by police at a rate of 5 per 1,000,000 right now. That includes ALL....justified and unjustified.

Percentage odds of a black person being killed by a cop: 0.000005%

If you consider most shootings involve an armed person attacking the cop....that number plummets to about 0.0000005%.

Ok folks....now...let's discuss this national crisis that occurs with "frightening regularity" or daily as liberals put it.

1,000,000 cops.
43,000,000 black folks.

0.000005% a cop kills one of them....including justified.


Odds of cops killed by blacks.....0000001%, odds of a redneck killing cops.....67%.

Bottom line you racist shit head, nobody unless the cops life or others in danger should be slaughtered at the hands of cops, that's what the courts are for you idiot....now go get yourself stuffed on beaver posing as a turkey you shit for brains fuck head.

I agree. And the RAW FACT is....odds of a black person being killed by a cop is 0.000005%....justly and unjustly combined. That's called math and reality.
So you admit it's as rare as a man biting a dog? I agree. It's 0.000005% odds rare.

But why are leftist leaders acting like it's a widespread high probability occurrence?
They aren't, and it shouldn't happen at all. This has already been explained to you. It should never, ever, happen, period. And that's where the statements end. To do anything beyond that is to become an apologist for evil, which you are BTW.

What shouldnt?? Sometimes cops MUST kill someone. Self defense.

I agree....a cop should never unjustly kill someone. But in a nation of 330,000,000 people and 1,000,000 cops....inevitably it will occasionally happen. Odds for a black person.....0.000005% for both just and unjust.
I understand....once again....libs will ignore this. Or...say "even 1 is too many" and say it deserves national outrage. Ok...but...the national outrage for DUI deaths...tens of thousands per year....is nowhere to be seen from media.
DUI's you care about but not deaths from firearms? And why? Because you love guns.

Look, dummy, it's all bad but when the people we pay to protect the citizens of this country are killing them instead, that is serious fucking shit, a true man bites dog story, and it's going to make national news, like it, low odds, or not. It's not a numbers game, like dying in a car accident.

So you admit it's as rare as a man biting a dog? I agree. It's 0.000005% odds rare.

But why are leftist leaders acting like it's a widespread high probability occurrence?

Seriously? What the fuck do we have courts for? Just for white people, nigga's have die?

Cops kill more whites than blacks.
Cops killing a black...even legally...odds about 0.000005%.

Facts do not vibe with BlackLivesMatters whining.
Odds a black HS senior has of being killed by a cop is 0.000005%
Odds a black HS senior has of making the NFL is 0.09%
Odds of a black HS senior making the NBA is 0.03%

#BlackLivesMatter members had better odds of becoming an NFL player or NBA player than ever being shot to death by a cop. And it's about 1000x better odds!!!
776 People Killed By Police So Far in 2015, 161 Of Them Unarmed

Current stats. A black person is killed by police at a rate of 5 per 1,000,000 right now. That includes ALL....justified and unjustified.

Percentage odds of a black person being killed by a cop: 0.000005%

If you consider most shootings involve an armed person attacking the cop....that number plummets to about 0.0000005%.

Ok folks....now...let's discuss this national crisis that occurs with "frightening regularity" or daily as liberals put it.

1,000,000 cops.
43,000,000 black folks.

0.000005% a cop kills one of them....including justified.


I hate it when a good argument is put to rest by stats and facts.
I understand....once again....libs will ignore this. Or...say "even 1 is too many" and say it deserves national outrage. Ok...but...the national outrage for DUI deaths...tens of thousands per year....is nowhere to be seen from media.
DUI's you care about but not deaths from firearms? And why? Because you love guns.

Look, dummy, it's all bad but when the people we pay to protect the citizens of this country are killing them instead, that is serious fucking shit, a true man bites dog story, and it's going to make national news, like it, low odds, or not. It's not a numbers game, like dying in a car accident.

So you admit it's as rare as a man biting a dog? I agree. It's 0.000005% odds rare.

But why are leftist leaders acting like it's a widespread high probability occurrence?

Seriously? What the fuck do we have courts for? Just for white people, nigga's have die?

Cops kill more whites than blacks.
Cops killing a black...even legally...odds about 0.000005%.

Facts do not vibe with BlackLivesMatters whining.

If your truly concerned and actually do the math.....whites being killed by cops usually end with white guy or gal with some type of weapon threat, that is fact. Meanwhile back at the ranch, we got teens dying by these mf's with nothing on them but butter knives and wallets or e cigs, or perceptions of what cops thought they've seen. Bottom line, they're murderers and their lives to me aren't as valuable as the young blood they murdered...I don't give a shit how hard their jobs are, you don't like it, gotdamit QUIT!!
776 People Killed By Police So Far in 2015, 161 Of Them Unarmed

Current stats. A black person is killed by police at a rate of 5 per 1,000,000 right now. That includes ALL....justified and unjustified.

Percentage odds of a black person being killed by a cop: 0.000005%

If you consider most shootings involve an armed person attacking the cop....that number plummets to about 0.0000005%.

Ok folks....now...let's discuss this national crisis that occurs with "frightening regularity" or daily as liberals put it.

1,000,000 cops.
43,000,000 black folks.

0.000005% a cop kills one of them....including justified.


I hate it when a good argument is put to rest by stats and facts.
Odds a black HS senior has of being killed by a cop is 0.000005%
Odds a black HS senior has of making the NFL is 0.09%
Odds of a black HS senior making the NBA is 0.03%

#BlackLivesMatter members had better odds of becoming an NFL player or NBA player than ever being shot to death by a cop. And it's about 1000x better odds!!!
I understand....once again....libs will ignore this. Or...say "even 1 is too many" and say it deserves national outrage. Ok...but...the national outrage for DUI deaths...tens of thousands per year....is nowhere to be seen from media.
DUI's you care about but not deaths from firearms? And why? Because you love guns.

Look, dummy, it's all bad but when the people we pay to protect the citizens of this country are killing them instead, that is serious fucking shit, a true man bites dog story, and it's going to make national news, like it, low odds, or not. It's not a numbers game, like dying in a car accident.

So you admit it's as rare as a man biting a dog? I agree. It's 0.000005% odds rare.

But why are leftist leaders acting like it's a widespread high probability occurrence?

Seriously? What the fuck do we have courts for? Just for white people, nigga's have die?

Cops kill more whites than blacks.
Cops killing a black...even legally...odds about 0.000005%.

Facts do not vibe with BlackLivesMatters whining.

If your truly concerned and actually do the math.....whites being killed by cops usually end with white guy or gal with some type of weapon threat, that is fact. Meanwhile back at the ranch, we got teens dying by these mf's with nothing on them but butter knives and wallets or e cigs, or perceptions of what cops thought they've seen. Bottom line, they're murderers and their lives to me aren't as valuable as the young blood they murdered...I don't give a shit how hard their jobs are, you don't like it, gotdamit QUIT!!

Most blacks killed had weapons too. Research it dummie.

Odds of black being killed by...

A cop 1 in 200,000
A DOG 1 in 140,000
A lightning strike 1 in 160,000

Black folks....you have more odds of dying from a dog bite or lightning strike than a cops bullet.

Deal with the raw truth.
Odds a black HS senior has of being killed by a cop is 0.000005%
Odds a black HS senior has of making the NFL is 0.09%
Odds of a black HS senior making the NBA is 0.03%

#BlackLivesMatter members had better odds of becoming an NFL player or NBA player than ever being shot to death by a cop. And it's about 1000x better odds!!!

Oh....feelings hurt? Yes. It's tragic when it happens. Thankfully.....on Thanksgiving hahaha....it's so rare, so uncommon, it's almost silly to worry about it.

Black teens have higher odds of dying from a dog bite or lightning strike than a cops bullet.

A black teen is 1000x (literally 1000x by stats) to END UP in the NFL or NBA than end up dead by a cop.

That's just raw truth honey.

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