Obama's F-16 Delivery Could Help Egypt Destroy Israel


Nov 13, 2012
Obama's F-16 Delivery Could Help Egypt Destroy Israel​


Why is the U.S. sending 20 advanced fighter jets to an Egypt that's now the giant question mark of the Middle East? President Obama is appeasing jihadists — and possibly signing Israel's death warrant.

When President Obama early in his presidency went to Cairo to apologize to the Muslim world, he made a point of saying "there are some who advocate for democracy only when they're out of power; once in power, they are ruthless in suppressing the rights of others."

To say such a thing in the capital of a country that had been at war with Israel, but which the U.S. helped transform into a valued ally, could only be interpreted as slamming then-Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

"You must maintain your power through consent" because "elections alone do not make true democracy," Obama said.

But since Mubarak never won a legitimate election, Obama's remarks apply much more to Mubarak's successor, Mohammed Morsi, the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood leader who apparently did win a valid election.

Having last month grabbed dictatorial powers for himself, pulling multitudes of Egyptians into the streets to call for his expulsion, Morsi proved he was among those "for democracy only when they're out of power."

So why is it that next month the Obama administration will begin to send Morsi's government at least 20 F-16 jet fighters, filling an order placed by the Mubarak government two years ago?

In maneuverability and other features the F-16 is the best fighter jet in the world, and the U.S. has already made Egypt fourth in the world in F-16s, behind only ourselves, Israel and Turkey.

As with so much of the Obama foreign policy, the explanation can be found in the president's naivete. Maybe he thinks if we just act as if Mubarak is still there, Morsi will be a U.S. ally, just like Mubarak.


Read more at:
Obama's F-16 Delivery Could Help Egypt Destroy Israel - Investors.com
OMG NOT 20 F-16's!

Israel could run circles around those pilots.

A weapon is a weapon is a weapon.

It's only as good as it's user.

Egypt has very few pilots, if any, that could match Israel.

From a business perspective this is a great deal since the F-16's will only crash once and then they'll need replacements.
Traditionally, 3 of the top recipients of American aid have been Israel, Egypt and Jordan.

That's not just a matter of coincidence - the latter 2 are under no illusions that the "conditions" tied to this American "largesse" is that they refrain from any hostile actions directed at Israel.

Even if Egypt were to contemplate an attack to diverty public attention away from its internal problems and forfeit $billions in American foreign aid, its only immediate allies would be Hamas and Hezbollah (who dislike each other as much as the do Israel) who would provide limited resistence given Israel's current military prowess. Israel would probably choose to interpret as an attack by Hezbollah as an attack by its sponsor, and welcome the opportunity to attack Iran's nuclear installations.

Assad, who is undergoing his own internal civstruggles, is not be in a position to provide any Syrian support, while Jordan which is isolated along Israel's eastern border, has much to lose little to gain.
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Obama's F-16 Delivery Could Help Egypt Destroy Israel

Even if Egpyt's president ordered such an attack, there is a strong possibility that Egypt's military would choose to countermand that order.

Unlike Western democracies, militariaries throughout Africa, Asia and South America have a long tradition of either ruling the nation direcrly, or serving as role "king maker" - tranfering their stability, prestiege and polical power from one candidate to another. Conversely, the influence of any military is a reflection of its assets, and its doubtful that any Egyptian generals would be willing to squander their prized assets without the support of Syria and Jordan at the very least.
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Yeah.... no.

No one can beat Israeli pilots in combat. Besides that, an F-15I or F-22I can fly circles around F-16s. It wouldn't be a dogfight, it'd be a slaughter.

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