Obama's Defense - Too Stupid Too Know He Was E-Mailing Hillary Private Server While Using Alias


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Barry told reporters that he learned Hillary was using an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured private server and personal e-mail account from the media when they broke the story.

It did not take long for it to be exposed that Barry had known about it much earlier because it was exposed that Barry had been e-mailing Hillary's private e-mail address on her own illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured private server.

After being BUSTED for doing so and lying about it, Barry and his team quickly back-tracked and came up with a lie to claim he had not lied to reporters / the American people. The lie they came up with, humorously, was perhaps the foundation for former FBI Comey's reason for not recommending Hillary be indicted for her crimes -- 'TOO STUPID TO KNOW' she was breaking laws.

Barry and his administration claimed Barry had not lied about not knowing Hillary was using her own private e-mail on her own illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured private server.

If you attempt to buy that bullshite for 1 second, one of the questions that should immediately pop into your mind is THIS:

If Barry was e-mailing Hillary using what he thought was her official US Govt / State Department E-Mail Address, WHY DID HE USE AN ALIAS TO DO SO?

How often did Barry send e-mails to his administration employees / Agency Directors via their official government e-mail addresses using an alias?

Hillary Clinton and Obama exchanged emails through her private account

"Barack Obama emailed Hillary Clinton several times at her personal email address, the White House said on Monday, while insisting the US president did not realise his secretary of state was operating an independent email system detached from government servers.

A day after Obama told an interviewer that he first learned details of Clinton’s unusual email arrangements from media reports, his press secretary confirmed that the president had none the less communicated with Clinton through her @clintonemail.com address."

Obama used a pseudonym in emails with Clinton, FBI documents reveal

"President Barack Obama used a pseudonym in email communications with Hillary Clinton and others, according to FBI records made public Friday."

Again, one of the main reasons the Democrats are attempting to oust US AG Barr while continuing to affect the exposed political coup against President Trump is because they know overwhelming evidence exists that exposes Democrat / Obama administration officials' crimes - to include the protection of Hillary Clinton from indictment / prosecution for her exposed / proven crimes - and that evidence trail leads all the way back to Obama.

The meat puppet faggot was a complete disaster. He reduced the quality and standing of our federal government into a turd world banana republic. The only difference is that we have a 2nd Amendment to keep corrupt commissars from "disappearing us" or collectivizing our shit.

I hope Trump can purge enough liberal parasites from DC to return it to at least a semi-respectable entity. I think in the 2nd term you will see a lot of marxist democrook drones thrown out of government and a lot of agencies rolled back if not eliminated entirely.

For instance, why do we have a "Bureau of Indian Affairs"? Last I looked they we contained.

Barry told reporters that he learned Hillary was using an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured private server and personal e-mail account from the media when they broke the story.

It did not take long for it to be exposed that Barry had known about it much earlier because it was exposed that Barry had been e-mailing Hillary's private e-mail address on her own illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured private server.

After being BUSTED for doing so and lying about it, Barry and his team quickly back-tracked and came up with a lie to claim he had not lied to reporters / the American people. The lie they came up with, humorously, was perhaps the foundation for former FBI Comey's reason for not recommending Hillary be indicted for her crimes -- 'TOO STUPID TO KNOW' she was breaking laws.

Barry and his administration claimed Barry had not lied about not knowing Hillary was using her own private e-mail on her own illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured private server.

If you attempt to buy that bullshite for 1 second, one of the questions that should immediately pop into your mind is THIS:

If Barry was e-mailing Hillary using what he thought was her official US Govt / State Department E-Mail Address, WHY DID HE USE AN ALIAS TO DO SO?

How often did Barry send e-mails to his administration employees / Agency Directors via their official government e-mail addresses using an alias?

Hillary Clinton and Obama exchanged emails through her private account

"Barack Obama emailed Hillary Clinton several times at her personal email address, the White House said on Monday, while insisting the US president did not realise his secretary of state was operating an independent email system detached from government servers.

A day after Obama told an interviewer that he first learned details of Clinton’s unusual email arrangements from media reports, his press secretary confirmed that the president had none the less communicated with Clinton through her @clintonemail.com address."

Obama used a pseudonym in emails with Clinton, FBI documents reveal

"President Barack Obama used a pseudonym in email communications with Hillary Clinton and others, according to FBI records made public Friday."

Again, one of the main reasons the Democrats are attempting to oust US AG Barr while continuing to affect the exposed political coup against President Trump is because they know overwhelming evidence exists that exposes Democrat / Obama administration officials' crimes - to include the protection of Hillary Clinton from indictment / prosecution for her exposed / proven crimes - and that evidence trail leads all the way back to Obama.
2 points come to mind -

i have many e-mail addresses. but each are in a different inbox so i know where it's coming from. however i may not always check so it's possible he just hit "reply" and never know which address it was going to.

HOWEVER - someone had to set that up for him, if he didn't do it himself, in order to even get mail TO that address.
Barry might be in deep state trouble if he knew about the spying on the Trump campaign. Just sayin...
Strzok's exposed / released Texts to his partner makes it clear that Obama DEMANDED to be kept briefed on everything that was going on...

As stated, overwhelming evidence can be / has been traced all the way back to Barry....
This is going to permanently end the American Progressive Socialist Party in the USS
This is going to permanently end the American Progressive Socialist Party in the USS
Oh no it won't.

At best, even if Soros, the meat puppet faggot and Valerie Jarret, plus the Clintons and thousands of donors and apparatchiks went to prison or were just thrown out of helicopters, the communist threat will not go away.

You'd think after the USSR died and shit all over the place regressive politics would have withered away off the face of the earth....

These parasites will never go away until the hate and envy goes away. Regressive marxist philosophy can not be expunged, it's an idea that can be resisted, but until the concept of a nanny state utopia is properly regarded as the ridiculous fairy tale it is, it's not going away.

Once 6 year olds mock each other for believing in "Santa Marx" we might be safe for a while. Until then we need to hunt these pieces of shit down and encourage them to leave.
We need the US AG to subpoena the Secret Service, and get the American people the real truth about Obama...

1. is he a homosexual?
2. is Michelle a biological man born Michael Robinson?
3. are the two kids totally unrelated?
4. who knew?
5. who in the media deliberately conspired to deceive the American people into electing a faggot?
This is going to permanently end the American Progressive Socialist Party in the USS
Doubt that very much. While I’m confident the Horowitz report and other investigations will expose a fair amount of lawbreaking and punishments for some dims, FBI and DOJ higher ups, etc. but putting an end to the APSP won’t happen because the lefty media will always have their backs.
Playing dumb to avoid being held accountable, the go to defense of the left.

They ARE DUMB, they're not playing.

That's how they can get away with the shit they do. No one expects a Meat Puppet faggot to "know" anything.
Imagine being one of Oboingo's bootlickers, who believe that he's the man with the highest IQ to ever occupy the Oval Office, only to turn around and buy into the fable that the "smartest man to occupy the White House" was such a dullard, that he didn't know of the malfeasance of his top underlings until he heard about on the fake nooz.

"highest IQ" = won't release college transcripts

Amazing, kinda like being a FAGGOT and KEEPING THE CLOSET DOOR CLOSED....
1. Obama was the dumbest President in US history, now knowing he was e-mailing Hillary's private server / e-mail address.

Here's where I defend Obama: Obama was / is NOT that stupid. Again, he was using an ALIAS while officially communicating with his Secretary of State, according to him.

The only thing 'stupid' about this is the claim itself that he did not know he was e-mailing her private e-mail on her private server.

2. Hillary broke both laws and State Department Regulations / Rules. The state Department admitted it. In fact, the DOS IG reported that Hillary, UNLIKE ANY OF HER PREDECESSORS, intentionally, systematically used her personal e-mail and illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server for the very sole purpose of violating the FOIA and Federal Records Act to keep her work / what she was doing secret!

(So how the hell did Comey legitimately conclude Hillary's crimes were not intentional but due to 'stupidity' when the State Dept IG's findings contradict his by reporting Hillary was breaking these laws on purpose?)

State IG Finds Clinton Violated Records Rules Refused To Cooperate | National Review

"The State Department inspector general has concluded that Hillary Clinton violated State’s recordkeeping protocols. Significantly, the report also reveals that Clinton and her top aides at State — Cheryl Mills, Jake Sullivan, Huma Abedin, and possibly others — refused to cooperate with the IG’s investigation despite the IG’s requests that they submit to interviews."

"The report "concludes that State’s “longstanding systemic weaknesses” in recordkeeping “go well beyond the tenure of any one Secretary of State.” Yet, it cannot avoid finding that Clinton’s misconduct is singular in that she, unlike her predecessors, systematically used private e-mail for the purpose of evading recordkeeping"requirements."

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