Obama's Contempt for the Rule of Law


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Remember the Citizens United SCOTUS decision? Remember Obama's unprecedented scolding during his SOTU speech? Well, the IRS punishment of 501(c)(4) organizations was just his way of CONTRAVENING THE LAW OF THE UNITED STATES.

Equally disturbing, his supporters enthusiastically support ignoring any law they don't like. Given the dumbing down of the American voter, we are not as far from a Hugo Chavez style government as we would like to think.
Obama's Contempt for the Rule of Law

What outrage will the Onama Administration stoop to next - legalizing "waterboarding?"

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I was going to as NYc how he knows that Obama had nothing to do with it but why bother?

What we know as a FACT that is beyond dispute is that with the drone program the administration violated the law. But since the law is administered by the same administration nothing will ever happen. Even when it is admitted that a 16 year old innocent American was targeted and killed nothing will happen. It is really, really a sad state of affairs.
Remember the Citizens United SCOTUS decision? Remember Obama's unprecedented scolding during his SOTU speech? Well, the IRS punishment of 501(c)(4) organizations was just his way of CONTRAVENING THE LAW OF THE UNITED STATES.

Equally disturbing, his supporters enthusiastically support ignoring any law they don't like. Given the dumbing down of the American voter, we are not as far from a Hugo Chavez style government as we would like to think.

Actually a law was broken..and it's not the law you think it is..

The IRS broke the law 50 years ago when it changed the word "Exclusively" to "Primarily".

Thanks to Republican Outrage about "profiling" the IRS may have to comport it's regulation to the law.

And the Tea Party will have to pay taxes.

I was going to as NYc how he knows that Obama had nothing to do with it but why bother?

What we know as a FACT that is beyond dispute is that with the drone program the administration violated the law. But since the law is administered by the same administration nothing will ever happen. Even when it is admitted that a 16 year old innocent American was targeted and killed nothing will happen. It is really, really a sad state of affairs.

It's not "beyond" dispute.

What law was violated?
I was going to as NYc how he knows that Obama had nothing to do with it but why bother?

What we know as a FACT that is beyond dispute is that with the drone program the administration violated the law. But since the law is administered by the same administration nothing will ever happen. Even when it is admitted that a 16 year old innocent American was targeted and killed nothing will happen. It is really, really a sad state of affairs.

It's not "beyond" dispute.

What law was violated?

Damned right. Taking the lives of American citizens without due process is the God-given right of the President of the United States.

Who could dispute it?

The President of the United States is above the law, so he can't possibly have broken a law.
Obama had nothing to do with any wrongdoing at the IRS.


Well..you should be able to put up links to the contrary..right/

Hmmm, here I thought Obama was the "CEO" of the country. If this were to happen in a corporation you damn well know the CEO would take part of the fall. I guess the argument is that Obama is almost unaware of anything going on in his administration, except of course the killing of OBL.
I was going to as NYc how he knows that Obama had nothing to do with it but why bother?

What we know as a FACT that is beyond dispute is that with the drone program the administration violated the law. But since the law is administered by the same administration nothing will ever happen. Even when it is admitted that a 16 year old innocent American was targeted and killed nothing will happen. It is really, really a sad state of affairs.

When someone shows me ANYTHING WHATSOEVER that implicates the President in any way to any wrongdoing at the IRS,

I will change my opinion.
I was going to as NYc how he knows that Obama had nothing to do with it but why bother?

What we know as a FACT that is beyond dispute is that with the drone program the administration violated the law. But since the law is administered by the same administration nothing will ever happen. Even when it is admitted that a 16 year old innocent American was targeted and killed nothing will happen. It is really, really a sad state of affairs.

It's not "beyond" dispute.

What law was violated?

Damned right. Taking the lives of American citizens without due process is the God-given right of the President of the United States.

Who could dispute it?

The President of the United States is above the law, so he can't possibly have broken a law.

They had due process via the AUMF. Due process means, fyi, the process which you are due.
I was going to as NYc how he knows that Obama had nothing to do with it but why bother?

What we know as a FACT that is beyond dispute is that with the drone program the administration violated the law. But since the law is administered by the same administration nothing will ever happen. Even when it is admitted that a 16 year old innocent American was targeted and killed nothing will happen. It is really, really a sad state of affairs.

It's not "beyond" dispute.

What law was violated?

Former Defense Dept. Lawyer Says U.S. Killed 16-Year-Old Citizen With Drone By Accident

Now lets review.

1. The government killed this boy without trial and without due process, along with anyone in the area.

2. Now, is that a crime to kill a person for no reason without due process, without there being a direct immediate threat?

I will give the ACLU some credit at least they are filing suit. Have you heard of this from the MSM? First Gibbs made the remark that the killing of this boy was a product of having a bad parent, WHOW!!!!!

Al-Aulaqi v. Panetta: Lawsuit Challenging Targeted Killings

Anwar Al-Aulaqi and Samir Khan were killed in a U.S. drone strike in Yemen on September 30, 2011. Abdulrahman Al-Aulaqi, a 16-year-old boy born in Denver, was killed in a U.S. drone strike in Yemen on October 14, 2011, while he was eating dinner at an outdoor restaurant with his teenage cousin.
I was going to as NYc how he knows that Obama had nothing to do with it but why bother?

What we know as a FACT that is beyond dispute is that with the drone program the administration violated the law. But since the law is administered by the same administration nothing will ever happen. Even when it is admitted that a 16 year old innocent American was targeted and killed nothing will happen. It is really, really a sad state of affairs.

When someone shows me ANYTHING WHATSOEVER that implicates the President in any way to any wrongdoing at the IRS,

I will change my opinion.

You made a statement of fact, fact you can not possibly know at this date.
Obama had nothing to do with any wrongdoing at the IRS.

Of course not. The Executive Branch does whatever the hell it pleases under Obama. He has other fish to fry.

Is that why Reagan served time with all the other guys from Iran/Contra?


What has that to do with anything?

Do you think Reagan should've been impeached for Iran-Contra? I do.

It set the precedent for this shadow war we're fighting today.

So why should one miscarriage of justice justify another?

If you killed eight student nurses would your defense be that Richard Speck did it, too?

lol etc.
I was going to as NYc how he knows that Obama had nothing to do with it but why bother?

What we know as a FACT that is beyond dispute is that with the drone program the administration violated the law. But since the law is administered by the same administration nothing will ever happen. Even when it is admitted that a 16 year old innocent American was targeted and killed nothing will happen. It is really, really a sad state of affairs.

It's not "beyond" dispute.

What law was violated?

Former Defense Dept. Lawyer Says U.S. Killed 16-Year-Old Citizen With Drone By Accident

Now lets review.

1. The government killed this boy without trial and without due process, along with anyone in the area.

2. Now, is that a crime to kill a person for no reason without due process, without there being a direct immediate threat?

I will give the ACLU some credit at least they are filing suit. Have you heard of this from the MSM? First Gibbs made the remark that the killing of this boy was a product of having a bad parent, WHOW!!!!!

Al-Aulaqi v. Panetta: Lawsuit Challenging Targeted Killings

Anwar Al-Aulaqi and Samir Khan were killed in a U.S. drone strike in Yemen on September 30, 2011. Abdulrahman Al-Aulaqi, a 16-year-old boy born in Denver, was killed in a U.S. drone strike in Yemen on October 14, 2011, while he was eating dinner at an outdoor restaurant with his teenage cousin.

That strike had a legitimate target, Ibrahim al-Banna.

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