Obama's Contempt for the Rule of Law

Remember the Citizens United SCOTUS decision? Remember Obama's unprecedented scolding during his SOTU speech? Well, the IRS punishment of 501(c)(4) organizations was just his way of CONTRAVENING THE LAW OF THE UNITED STATES.

Equally disturbing, his supporters enthusiastically support ignoring any law they don't like. Given the dumbing down of the American voter, we are not as far from a Hugo Chavez style government as we would like to think.

Actually a law was broken..and it's not the law you think it is..

The IRS broke the law 50 years ago when it changed the word "Exclusively" to "Primarily".

Thanks to Republican Outrage about "profiling" the IRS may have to comport it's regulation to the law.

And the Tea Party will have to pay taxes.


as well as moveon, media matters, progressnow, its affiliates, ACORN's new chapters, etc., etc. ,etc. and then we come after 501c(5)'s, the unions.
I was going to as NYc how he knows that Obama had nothing to do with it but why bother?

What we know as a FACT that is beyond dispute is that with the drone program the administration violated the law. But since the law is administered by the same administration nothing will ever happen. Even when it is admitted that a 16 year old innocent American was targeted and killed nothing will happen. It is really, really a sad state of affairs.

When someone shows me ANYTHING WHATSOEVER that implicates the President in any way to any wrongdoing at the IRS,

I will change my opinion.

You made a statement of fact, fact you can not possibly know at this date.

lol, the biggest liar on this board suddenly gets religion.
I was going to as NYc how he knows that Obama had nothing to do with it but why bother?

What we know as a FACT that is beyond dispute is that with the drone program the administration violated the law. But since the law is administered by the same administration nothing will ever happen. Even when it is admitted that a 16 year old innocent American was targeted and killed nothing will happen. It is really, really a sad state of affairs.

When someone shows me ANYTHING WHATSOEVER that implicates the President in any way to any wrongdoing at the IRS,

I will change my opinion.

You made a statement of fact, fact you can not possibly know at this date.

I know that nothing whatsoever in terms of evidence has been presented that in any way implicates the President in any wrongdoing at the IRS,

do we at least agree on that much?
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it was under his watch. thats all we heard from you libs when bush was president. lose the hypocriscy

When did I ever call for Bush to be somehow punished for something he had nothing to do with?

let me ask you, do you think Obama should be punished for helping Syrian rebels with arms when their is a Syrian embargo?

I don't follow that issue and I'm not about to take your word for it.
Of course not. The Executive Branch does whatever the hell it pleases under Obama. He has other fish to fry.

Is that why Reagan served time with all the other guys from Iran/Contra?


What has that to do with anything?

Do you think Reagan should've been impeached for Iran-Contra? I do.

It set the precedent for this shadow war we're fighting today.

So why should one miscarriage of justice justify another?

If you killed eight student nurses would your defense be that Richard Speck did it, too?

lol etc.

Reagan's "scandals" were helping OTHERS (e.g, Contras). Obama's scandals helped OBAMA win reelection. Notice the difference?
Obama had nothing to do with any wrongdoing at the IRS.

Of course not. The Executive Branch does whatever the hell it pleases under Obama. He has other fish to fry.

Is that why Reagan served time with all the other guys from Iran/Contra?


Let's see if I can explain the system of justice in the United States to you....

If no one is found guilty of a crime.....why would they 'serve time'???

1. The Iran-Contra scandal involved the sale of arms to Iran, basically to ransom American hostages that Islamic extremists held, and diverting proceeds from the sale to the Contras in Nicaragua. Neither the sale nor the diversions of funds were clear violations of existing laws: subsequent independent counsel investigations directly charged anyone with crimes for either the arms sales nor the diversions.

2. "... reversal of NSC staff member Oliver North and National Security Adviser John Poindexter’s convictions. The Court of Appeals reversed their convictions because they successfully argued that witnesses in their trials might have been affected by publicized immunized congressional testimony, even though the prosecutors themselves had taken painstaking efforts to avoid encountering information about the hearings."
Understanding the Iran-Contra Affairs - The Legal Aftermath (convictions: Understanding the Iran-Contra Affairs - The Legal Aftermath)

Now, if this slander were a crime....you'd be on the FBI's 'most wanted' list.
Obama's Contempt for the Rule of Law

What outrage will the Onama Administration stoop to next - legalizing "waterboarding?"

Hard-Hitting Torture Scene is Horrifying to Watch - Waterboarding - YouTube

Due to the unfavorable response to water-boarding, you’ll be pleased to learn that interrogations will no longer use water…and, instead, will be done with Neo Synephrine, so that one side gains valuable information, and the other, a clear sinus as well as fast relief from nasal congestion. Call it a win-win.

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