*Obama's Commie Leanings Revealed: Cuba*

Irrelevant, ClodBert.

I suppose I'll ask again. Free trade is something you support, isn't it Thomas? I'm curious as to how you got the conclusion that Obama is a Communist because he took an action that a real Conservative would support. Though if you do support this embargo, perhaps you can tell me how's it worked and when a embargo has worked in history.


"real Conservatives" hardly exist anymore. Thats the problem with today's Right-wing and the GOP, they still use the old slogans "limited government" "free trade" and "limited spending" when in fact they completely dropped these values decades ago. The slogans still appeal to their target audience, but the GOP has voted down free trade numerous times (i.e. proposed Pharma Co. legislation during Clinton years). Not to mention government expanded massively as well as spending under Bush Jr. (i.e. welfare spending expanded 32% during Bush from the previous Clinton administration, and overall federal spending increased 55%)'

So don't confuse the poor Right-wingers by pinning them on how their hallmark "values" doesn't match up with their political conviction.
*Nixon's Commie Leanings Revealed: China*



Guns won't defaet Cuban communism.

Coca-Cola will.

President Kennedy agreed with you.

Today's hawks like to claim J.F.K. as one of their heroes by pointing to his steep increase in defense spending and to defiant speeches like his June 1963 denunciation of communist tyranny in the shadow of the Berlin Wall. It is certainly true that Kennedy brought a new vigor to the global duel with the Soviet Union and its client governments. But it is also clear that Kennedy preferred to compete ideologically and economically with the communist system than engage with the enemy militarily. He was supremely confident that the advantages of the capitalist system would ultimately prevail, as long as a nuclear catastrophe could be avoided. In the final months of his Administration, J.F.K. even opened a secret peace channel to Castro, led by U.N. diplomat William Attwood. "He would have recognized Cuba," Milt Ebbins, a Hollywood crony of J.F.K.'s, says today. "He told me that if we recognize Cuba, they'll buy our refrigerators and toasters, and they'll end up kicking Castro out."

Kennedy often said he wanted his epitaph to be "He kept the peace." Even Khrushchev and Castro, Kennedy's toughest foreign adversaries, came to appreciate J.F.K.'s commitment to that goal. The roly-poly Soviet leader, clowning and growling, had thrown the young President off his game when they met at the Vienna summit in 1961. But after weathering storms like the Cuban missile crisis, the two leaders had settled into a mutually respectful quest for détente. When Khrushchev got the news from Dallas in November 1963, he broke down and sobbed in the Kremlin, unable to perform his duties for days. Despite his youth, Kennedy was a "real statesman," Khrushchev later wrote in his memoir, after he was pushed from power less than a year following J.F.K.'s death. If Kennedy had lived, he wrote, the two men could have brought peace to the world.

Castro too had come to see J.F.K. as an agent of change, despite their long and bitter jousting, declaring that Kennedy had the potential to become "the greatest President" in U.S. history. Tellingly, the Cuban leader never blamed the Kennedys for the numerous assassination attempts on him. Years later, when Bobby Kennedy's widow Ethel made a trip to Havana, she assured Castro that "Jack and Bobby had nothing to do with the plots to kill you." The tall, graying leader—who had survived so long in part because of his network of informers in the U.S.—looked down at her and said, "I know."

Read more: Warrior For Peace - The Lessons of J.F.K. - TIME
President Kennedy agreed with you.

And look what it got him!

Not to open a 'can of worms'...but what our President 'got' was direct retaliation for what he wanted and planned to do...end our involvement in the war in Vietnam, normalize relations with Cuba, and negotiate Détente with the Soviet Union.

An except from the speech Khrushchev told Averell Harriman was "the greatest speech by any American President since Roosevelt." The Soviet Premier allowed the speech to be rebroadcast in the Soviet Union without censorship.



Among the many traits the peoples of our two countries have in common, none is stronger than our mutual abhorrence of war. Almost unique among the major world powers, we have never been at war with each other. And no nation in the history of battle ever suffered more than the Soviet Union suffered in the course of the Second World War. At least 20 million lost their lives. Countless millions of homes and farms were burned or sacked. A third of the nation's territory, including nearly two thirds of its industrial base, was turned into a wasteland--a loss equivalent to the devastation of this country east of Chicago.

Today, should total war ever break out again--no matter how--our two countries would become the primary targets. It is an ironic but accurate fact that the two strongest powers are the two in the most danger of devastation. All we have built, all we have worked for, would be destroyed in the first 24 hours. And even in the cold war, which brings burdens and dangers to so many nations, including this Nation's closest allies--our two countries bear the heaviest burdens. For we are both devoting massive sums of money to weapons that could be better devoted to combating ignorance, poverty, and disease. We are both caught up in a vicious and dangerous cycle in which suspicion on one side breeds suspicion on the other, and new weapons beget counterweapons.

In short, both the United States and its allies, and the Soviet Union and its allies, have a mutually deep interest in a just and genuine peace and in halting the arms race. Agreements to this end are in the interests of the Soviet Union as well as ours--and even the most hostile nations can be relied upon to accept and keep those treaty obligations, and only those treaty obligations, which are in their own interest.

So, let us not be blind to our differences--but let us also direct attention to our common interests and to the means by which those differences can be resolved. And if we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal.

Commencement Address at American University, June 10, 1963


In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower
Farewell Address - delivered 17 January 1961
I see this as building the economy of Cuba. The tourist industry from the US will bolster them in many ways. How will it help us? They won't purchase our products. They were just permitted cell phones not long ago. Anyway, what do we manufacture that doesn't come from China anyway?

Watch all of our Congress people start their jaunts in a hurry to Havana!
Is it still communist? Is it still a brutal regime? I get tired of all of the pussy apologists for Cuba. The embargo was to stay in place till the government was changed it hasn't changed. Why do so many seem to make us look like weak assholes like Spain?
How many regimes, like Suadi Arabia, that are very brutal, do we call allies? How many repressive regimes, like China, do we have open trade and travel in?

The embargo of Cuba for these many years has been an example of hardened arteries of policy.
How many regimes, like Suadi Arabia, that are very brutal, do we call allies? How many repressive regimes, like China, do we have open trade and travel in?

The embargo of Cuba for these many years has been an example of hardened arteries of policy.

How many straw men arguments can you spout. Pathetic cause Saudi Arabia didn't try to install nuclear missiles 80 miles off our shores.
I just want my cuban cigars.

I've got mine. There's a sealed box next to me on the sofa and another dozen Esplendidos in my truck.

For years, I have dreamt of sitting on the beach in Havana smoking a cigar and sipping Cuban coffee. I'd have preferred relaxation of the embargo be in response to positive actions on the part of the Cuban government, but it looks like I won't have to enter Cuba from Grand Cayman.
How many regimes, like Suadi Arabia, that are very brutal, do we call allies? How many repressive regimes, like China, do we have open trade and travel in?

The embargo of Cuba for these many years has been an example of hardened arteries of policy.

How many straw men arguments can you spout. Pathetic cause Saudi Arabia didn't try to install nuclear missiles 80 miles off our shores.

America had missiles in Turkey before the Russians tried to install missiles in Cuba.

The regime Castro replaced was no friend to the Cuban people. Fulgencio Batista was a friend to American money interests and organized crime. Havana became the "Latin Las Vegas," a playground of choice for wealthy gamblers, and very little was said about democracy, or the rights of the average Cuban. Opposition was swiftly and violently crushed, and many began to fear the government. The Mafia also turned Cuba into an international drug port.
Sorry bout that,

**********FRON THE DESK OF CWN**********
1. Well he's done it, opening the doors to Cuba, during this Arizona shooting.
2. Its been well documented he is a commie, this pretty much seals it.
3. Read all about it here;Barack Obama acts to ease US embargo on Cuba | World news | The Guardian

"Obama, has eased America's long-standing embargo on Cuba, allowing many Americans to travel there for the first time and increasing the amounts that they can invest in the island.

Other changes announced by the president will allow all US international airports to accept flights to and from Cuba; at present, chartered flights are restricted to Miami and a handful of other airports. The moves represent an important step to rapprochement between the US and Cuba.

Almost as soon as Fidel Castro's movement took power in the 1959 revolution, the US began an embargo that it has maintained ever since.

Relations, though still tentative, have improved since Castro gave up the leadership in favour of his brother Raul, the accession of Obama to the presidency, and the release of some political prisoners in Cuba."

4. I think its a crime. :eek:


They right wing sent millions of jobs to China. Helped close tens of thousands of factories in this country. Why is Cuba so different? How come the right like Communist China, but not Communist Cuba? I think Communist China is way more dangerous. Even more dangerous than Republicans (but just barely).
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It seems there isn't much left to say in this thread .. even for a socialist like me. :0)

Sane posters have already questioned the wisdom of maintaining the failed embrago of Cuba and recognize that hate of Castro, who has outlasted 11 American presidents and administrations, is equally failed.

Smart move by Obama.
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Sorry bout that,

**********FRON THE DESK OF CWN**********
1. Well he's done it, opening the doors to Cuba, during this Arizona shooting.
2. Its been well documented he is a commie, this pretty much seals it.
3. Read all about it here;Barack Obama acts to ease US embargo on Cuba | World news | The Guardian

"Obama, has eased America's long-standing embargo on Cuba, allowing many Americans to travel there for the first time and increasing the amounts that they can invest in the island.

Other changes announced by the president will allow all US international airports to accept flights to and from Cuba; at present, chartered flights are restricted to Miami and a handful of other airports. The moves represent an important step to rapprochement between the US and Cuba.

Almost as soon as Fidel Castro's movement took power in the 1959 revolution, the US began an embargo that it has maintained ever since.

Relations, though still tentative, have improved since Castro gave up the leadership in favour of his brother Raul, the accession of Obama to the presidency, and the release of some political prisoners in Cuba."

4. I think its a crime. :eek:


They right wing sent millions of jobs to China. Helped close tens of thousands of factories in this country. Why is Cuba so different? How come the right like Communist China, but not Communist Cuba? I think Communist China is way more dangerous. Even more dangerous than Republicans (but just barely).

Could it be because Cubans aren't willing to work for ten cents and hour like the Chinese?
Sorry bout that,

**********FRON THE DESK OF CWN**********
1. Well he's done it, opening the doors to Cuba, during this Arizona shooting.
2. Its been well documented he is a commie, this pretty much seals it.
3. Read all about it here;Barack Obama acts to ease US embargo on Cuba | World news | The Guardian

"Obama, has eased America's long-standing embargo on Cuba, allowing many Americans to travel there for the first time and increasing the amounts that they can invest in the island.

Other changes announced by the president will allow all US international airports to accept flights to and from Cuba; at present, chartered flights are restricted to Miami and a handful of other airports. The moves represent an important step to rapprochement between the US and Cuba.

Almost as soon as Fidel Castro's movement took power in the 1959 revolution, the US began an embargo that it has maintained ever since.

Relations, though still tentative, have improved since Castro gave up the leadership in favour of his brother Raul, the accession of Obama to the presidency, and the release of some political prisoners in Cuba."

4. I think its a crime. :eek:


They right wing sent millions of jobs to China. Helped close tens of thousands of factories in this country. Why is Cuba so different? How come the right like Communist China, but not Communist Cuba? I think Communist China is way more dangerous. Even more dangerous than Republicans (but just barely).

Could it be because Cubans aren't willing to work for ten cents and hour like the Chinese?

Oh, yea, I forgot about that. And China doesn't have that nasty EPA.
How many regimes, like Suadi Arabia, that are very brutal, do we call allies? How many repressive regimes, like China, do we have open trade and travel in?

The embargo of Cuba for these many years has been an example of hardened arteries of policy.

How many straw men arguments can you spout. Pathetic cause Saudi Arabia didn't try to install nuclear missiles 80 miles off our shores.

America had missiles in Turkey before the Russians tried to install missiles in Cuba.

The regime Castro replaced was no friend to the Cuban people. Fulgencio Batista was a friend to American money interests and organized crime. Havana became the "Latin Las Vegas," a playground of choice for wealthy gamblers, and very little was said about democracy, or the rights of the average Cuban. Opposition was swiftly and violently crushed, and many began to fear the government. The Mafia also turned Cuba into an international drug port.
Didnt take you long to paint us as the bad guys huh ?
I never understood the logic of maintaining the embargo against Cuba. Opening the doors is the smart thing to do. Ultimately, it may lead to democracy in Cuba as tourism boosts the economy and workers realize that making a profit for oneself is not such a bad thing. The Cuban government has been slowly instituting capitalism into its economy, albeit at a very slow rate. But contrary to popular belief, even the Cuban government understands the benefits from a free market economy; they're just taking their time with very slow and very gradual adjustments.

I'm not so sure Obama is doing this for the right reason; I think he's doing it for ideological reasons hoping to score political points. I don't think he's a communist. I think he's a naive Kumbaya-singer. At this point, it doesn't matter. He's stumbled into a right decision.

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