Obamas Choose Elite Private School for Kids

you're a freakin joke Willow. I know, I know, so you keep telling me
He and his wife went to the best schools on student loans or does that equal to having your way paid in full by a trust fund somehow? I never said he tuition was paid in full, I said he and his wife went to the best schools. and his lil white granny rose through the ranks of that bank to become VICE President after YEARS of hardwork. Did she have a college education? not that I'm aware of so again working hard and achieving something better than your lot in life doesn't equal elitist. Dosen't change the fact that she sent obamalama to the most prestigious school in Hawaii.
and like I said, don't bring up that POW shit. I will always bring up the POW shit, it's relevant I don't give a shit about that and I get sick of you cons throwing it around like it somehow makes him something more special than the thousands of OTHER POWs who suffered. The difference being when mcCain came back he had a cushy job waiting for him and a silver spoon that had been firmly planted up his ass at birth. too bad for that Agnes
talk about living in a fantasy world. You cons think if you say something enough it's true. Apparently NOW, working hard and achieving things = elitist but being born into or marrying into wealth and privilege doesn't = elitist. Ya'll are so ass backwards I'm amazing you can find the right hole to wipe your asses after you shit. :cuckoo:
it's elitist,,it's elitist, it's elitist

funny innit? a rich republican is evil,, a rich democrat is good,, :lol::lol:
I don't recall either George W. Bush or his father taking the Marie Antoinette "Let them attend public school" attitude. I realize that you're working overtime here to ignore the fact that Obama thinks other people's kids don't deserve the same choice and opportunity that his does, and are trying to pretend this is all about people wanting him to send his kids to public school. Unfortunately, I don't QUITE think you're really that stupid. Yet.

I realize I have eviscerated every argument you've made on every thread in which we've participated. But let me once again, educate you. One: The ignorant loony toons who are complaining about this are proving once again why the right is out of power. You're even embarrassing RGS.

The only "let them eat cake" attitude I have seen is over the past 8 years when the repubs raped our treasury; spent money that we did not have for an unnecessary war of choice; allowed thousands of our troops to die for that unnecessary war of choice and allowed the VP to make energy policy in a backroom with the lobbyists and CEO's from auto and oil companies.... I could go on and talk about perverting our justice system with a gulag in Cuba and unconstitutional signing statements, but I figure that's above your paygrade.

But mostly, why on earth would I care that Obama's kids are going to private school? Barbara Bush went to Yale as a legacy. Who cares? And more to the point, you don't care either but to whine and complain. If they'd sent the girls to public school, you'd have talked about how they're using their kids to pretend to be populist. So keep your faux outrage to yourself.

When did YOU become an outspoken proponent of "Earn your way, OF COURSE those who earn more and achieve more get better stuff, the rest of you poor sad sacks just make do"? I've certainly never heard such an attitude from you on any OTHER subject.

Hypocrisy, anyone?

Why would you think you know WHAT I think from the 10 minutes you've been here during which time, you've actually united left-wingers and right-wingers who are equally appalled by your posts? But to answer your question, when did I become a proponent of earning one's way? Well, once again, you know nothing but pretend to know a lot. Not that it's any of your business, but since you keep making these really ignorant assertions, it's time to make you a little less clueless. I happen to have earned MY way, being the daughter of one of those self-made types who grew up poor and through sheer smarts and determination became successful. I worked my butt off to have the things I have and I don't live particularly lavish existence because I made a CHOICE to downsize my career so I could spend more time with my son. I don't regret that one iota. But amazingly, I have a decent place to live, a good job, and a great kid who amazes me every day. I have to admit, though, to liking nice restaurants and nice cars.... because I EARNED them. I also have to admit that the one luxury I DO hope to be able to provide is an Ivy League school for my son if he earns that. Because damn right you send your kids to the best possible schools you can and that they can get into.

None of which precludes me thinking that people deserve a leg up sometimes because maybe they come from parents who DON'T value education or can't do any better than working at Wal-Mart or who don't have the wherewithal to help their kids achieve.

And, mostly, none of this has anything to do with where the president-elect and his wife chose to send their children to school. This is Just more pathetic whining from the folk who pissed power away because they forgot the world isn't radical right wing and that there's more out there than "the base".

No hypocrisy here. Just continued ignorance on your part as has been shown with every post you've made on every subject you've chosen to speak about.

BTW, it's not your political opponents who pooh-pooh that notion. That would be your political allies who don't believe in economic mobility.

That doesn't even make sense. Just more judgmental wingnut tripe from you... :cuckoo:

Hey KMAN .... do you feel like a complete asshole, now? Here is an award for you! Print it out, fill in your name, and imagine that all of us here at USMB signed it! :eusa_eh:

you're a freakin joke Willow.

He and his wife went to the best schools on student loans or does that equal to having your way paid in full by a trust fund somehow? and his lil white granny rose through the ranks of that bank to become VICE President after YEARS of hardwork. Did she have a college education? not that I'm aware of so again working hard and achieving something better than your lot in life doesn't equal elitist.

and like I said, don't bring up that POW shit. I don't give a shit about that and I get sick of you cons throwing it around like it somehow makes him something more special than the thousands of OTHER POWs who suffered. The difference being when mcCain came back he had a cushy job waiting for him and a silver spoon that had been firmly planted up his ass at birth.

talk about living in a fantasy world. You cons think if you say something enough it's true. Apparently NOW, working hard and achieving things = elitist but being born into or marrying into wealth and privilege doesn't = elitist. Ya'll are so ass backwards I'm amazing you can find the right hole to wipe your asses after you shit. :cuckoo:

So does that answer the question: Why can't the children of the Middle Class received the same kind of education as the children of the Elite? Should everyone receive the same educational benefits, no matter your social class/status. Fairness? Equality? Why health care and not education? Re-distribution of wealth should also come in the form of taking the benefits of the rich (better education) and pouring it down the chain. Why can't poor people send their kids to the same school as Obama sends his? Cost? If it cost so much, what makes it different than where Cindy Sheehan sent her son to school. What makes it different than any of the schools we went to. It's okay for people to send their children to top schools because they have buckets. So Paris Hilton can get an advantage over the so-called dis-advantaged people in poverty?
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Why health care and not education?

Don't worry...even if we had a "public health care system" like we have "public education" Obama and his children would not use it either.
Don't worry...even if we had a "public health care system" like we have "public education" Obama and his children would not use it either.

I wonder if they are going to have medical facilities to cater to individuals who make $250,000 or more. After all, they can't be seen in the same facilities as those poor folks, unless it is election year of course.
Don't worry...even if we had a "public health care system" like we have "public education" Obama and his children would not use it either.

now that's a fact, cause he is most definitely and eli:lol:tist. but what he promised was health care exactly like he gets..
Don't worry...even if we had a "public health care system" like we have "public education" Obama and his children would not use it either.

It's funny how politicians have their own healthcare and retirement plans paid with tax dollars. Why is that?
now that's a fact, cause he is most definitely and eli:lol:tist. but what he promised was health care exactly like he gets..

Imagine if he gave the same education benefits as his children gets with all Americans, especially the ones who supported him and those who have not. How many African-American children go to these type of private schools that charge five digit tuition cost? Should we dish out student loans so African-Americans can take their kids to private schools like the one Obama's kids go to? Hell, Obama earned it. Why can't the majority of African-Americans have the chance. Of course, some will earn it (Obama), some who won't (Paris Hilton). But why not. Now that President Obama is in charge, he should give us the same educational benefits exactly like the one he gets for his children. After-all, he's about change. So instead of catering to the rich, maybe we should cater to all. Plus, you can reduce the classes that divide our country. If we all have the same education, we will all have the same opportunity.
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So does that answer the question: Why can't the children of the Middle Class received the same kind of education as the children of the Elite? Should everyone receive the same educational benefits, no matter your social class/status. Fairness? Equality? Why health care and not education? Re-distribution of wealth should also come in the form of taking the benefits of the rich (better education) and pouring it down the chain. Why can't poor people send their kids to the same school as Obama sends his? Cost? If it cost so much, what makes it different than where Cindy Sheehan sent her son to school. What makes it different than any of the schools we went to. It's okay for people to send their children to top schools because they have buckets. So Paris Hilton can get an advantage over the so-called dis-advantaged people in poverty?

who the fuck said Obama was middle class? he's not, even HE says he's not. ya'll are making statements that just don't prove truthful.

and when "poor" people spend their time getting educated and building a better life for themselves then they CAN send their kids to better schools. Do you think the Government is going to pay for his kids tutition? did they when they were in private school in Chicago? NO. He will pay for it through his salary and earnings from the books he's sold and I'm guessing they have a savings account from when Michelle worked and earned a six figure income as well.

It's so funny to me that ya'll are bitching about this because IF Obama put forth a plan that said he would offer tutition assistance to any low income student who had the grades and desire to attend a school like his daughters ya'll would be screaming to high heaven about him being a freakin socialist and commie.

ya'll are ridiculous in the things you seem to cling onto to bitch about.
Obama is the succesful product of lower public education.

No, your side has no credibility when on one hand they hoist up public education as being the ideal and yet opt out when it comes to their own kids. You don't see hypocrisy? My, you are dense this morning.

You don't see the security isssues? My you are being partisan today.

Please, someone on the right come up with something of substance.
Newsmax.com – Obamas Choose Elite Private School for Kids

A man for the people?

"Al Gore III, the son of former Vice President Al Gore, also attended Sidwell, where tuition is $28,442 at the lower school and $29,442 at the middle and upper schools."

I think he is right to send his children to private school. He should, however, support vouchers so that others who don't have the resources he has might also be able to get their children out of failing schools.
Is that true? I thought members of Congress and the President had different (and better) plans than other government employees (and, of course private industry employees).

I'm pretty sure they have a great plan... probably way better than my husband's plan even though he's a Fed employee, too.

But I'd say some of it has to do with the same type of mentality that causes a repub senator to object to block TSO's from having collective bargaining rights.

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