Obama's Big Lie

It is wasn't for Hillary Clinton Hussein Obama would be The Liar of the Year.

So much for his concerned about "the slippery slope to war".

16 times Obama said there would be no boots on the ground in Syria

16 times Obama said there would be no boots on the ground in Syria

Worst mistake of his Presidency. I don't know how he's daring to okay this.

When events change, I change my mind. What do you do?

There are a few things in my life that I'm absolutely certain of. One of them is that there's nothing to gain from sending our soldiers to die in a religious civil war on the complete opposite side of the planet.

I agree, but that is not based on current circumstances or facts you or I have in our possession. We can be sure, at least as sure as possible, that ISIS is evil and needs to be prosecuted by a powerful military.

Do we stand aside and let Russia intervene, or do we assert our moral authority? I'm not sure what's the best course to set, and more than happy to let events those with intel decide on the best course for our nation's securtity.

Of course that does not include Trump, Florina, Rubio or any of those who bloviate on issues they have no experience or knowledge to understand or remedy including you.

Look into all the groups that are fighting over there. All regularly commit atrocities. There are no good guys. Maybe there are some assets over there worth protecting, but no side of the conflict is worth fighting for.

You've not considered the families, fathers, mothers and children being slaughtered. Do we or do we not have the moral authority to protect them?
Worst mistake of his Presidency. I don't know how he's daring to okay this.

When events change, I change my mind. What do you do?
There are a few things in my life that I'm absolutely certain of. One of them is that there's nothing to gain from sending our soldiers to die in a religious civil war on the complete opposite side of the planet.

I agree, but that is not based on current circumstances or facts you or I have in our possession. We can be sure, at least as sure as possible, that ISIS is evil and needs to be prosecuted by a powerful military.

Do we stand aside and let Russia intervene, or do we assert our moral authority? I'm not sure what's the best course to set, and more than happy to let events those with intel decide on the best course for our nation's securtity.

Of course that does not include Trump, Florina, Rubio or any of those who bloviate on issues they have no experience or knowledge to understand or remedy including you.
Look into all the groups that are fighting over there. All regularly commit atrocities. There are no good guys. Maybe there are some assets over there worth protecting, but no side of the conflict is worth fighting for.

You've not considered the families, fathers, mothers and children being slaughtered. Do we or do we not have the moral authority to protect them?
Our use of "moral authority" over the decades is what caused this mess. Right now the Russians are using their "moral authority" to blow up thousands and thousands of civilians. In a couple decades our children will be fighting the wars our "moral authority" will have created if we continue to play police in parts of the world that don't concern us.

Before you begin to question anyone's intelligence you best check the facts. I responded to your quote about keeping your doctor.

See my comment above in red, you seem to have made a fool of yourself.

You have no facts to prove The President is playing silly games, one might consider that not broadcasting military plans protects American lives. Your entire post suggests you are not very bright!

If anybody is not very bright it would be you Gruberiodts that believe Obama's lies.

The words of Obama "no boots on the ground in Syria" is the lie because the fucker sent boots to the ground in Syria. End of story. "If you like your health care plan you can keep your doctor" is one of the biggest lies ever told by an American President and Jonathan Gruber exposed the intentions of the Obama administration to be dishonest to the American people to sell a disastrous plan. If you weren't so uneducated and low information you would have heard about that.

It is common for you Moon Bats not to take responsibility for the lies, incompetence and failures of the idiot you voted for President.

Obama lied to the American people about Syria.

His intentions are no more than a silly game to kick the can down the road for another President to deal with because he won't come clean with the American people and admit he was wrong by saying "no boots on the ground in Syria". He is incapable of admitting failure.

We can forgive the sonoifabitch for being wrong and making a correction but we can't forgive him for trying to hide his incompetency and lying to the American people. It is just like the lie he (and Clinton) told about the reason for the attack on Benghazi. The asshole lies every time he opens his mouth and you are a fool to believe him.

Of course you voted for Obama so that proves that you aren't exactly the brightest bulb in the chandelier.
That's not Obama's biggest lie. His Biggest Lie is that he would be a Uniter.
Reminds me of the BIG lie...
If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.....
This is just like the advise and assist deal in Iraq, but over a non-existent border. The doctor deal is a prediction that PERHAPS didn't work out FIVE YEARS LATER. Of course, the way insurance companies' networks were ALREADY doing that, and it had little to do with O-Care. Also , a lot of it was people not making sure the plans they chose covered their doctor. NO LIES. Haven't seen a factual lie from him like the ones Pubs do nonstop. Like these. Our media suqs- anything for a "big story"...
Maybe Obama will try to spin his way out of the "no boots on the ground in Syria" lie by making the troops wear tennis shoes or something.

Maybe another Red Line... oh wait, that already happened in Syria. Putin schooled him then too

It is wasn't for Hillary Clinton Hussein Obama would be The Liar of the Year.

So much for his concerned about "the slippery slope to war".

16 times Obama said there would be no boots on the ground in Syria

16 times Obama said there would be no boots on the ground in Syria

Our special forces troops will be turned on by the bat sh!t, crazy Muslims and it will be like shooting fish in a barrel. More dead American troops.

Another expense we will be going into debt for, by paying for it with more debt.
The Khurds asked for a rescue mission...................They have had our backs in the past............they have stood their ground while others have fled....................

70 hostages were rescued by our Spec Ops..............who were going to receive the same as we have seen time and time again................

The ISIS in and around the prison were killed................after leaving airstrikes destroyed the prison............

One of ours died saving them..........don't demean the courage and actions of our Spec Ops............They were there to save people who have been allied to us for quite some time.

My son's FOB in Iraq was Camp Warrior in Kurkirt. There was a large Kurd population.

My son had no respect for the Iraqis but had tremendous respect for the Kruds. A Kurd Commander gave him a Kurdish flag and that is one of his prize possessions.

Obama's Big Lie has nothing to do with support for the Kurds. The fact is that he looked the American people in the eye and said "no boots on the ground in Syria" and now he has boots on the ground in Syria.

He is not even presenting a good case of why he should renege on his previous promise.

It is like many other things with him. He is not trustworthy or competent. We have no idea what the goal of the troops are in Syria.

It looks like the only policy he has is to kick the can down the road for the next year so the next President can deal with the consequences.

When events change, I change my mind. What do you do?

No, no... 'Read My Lips' already changed that

That's not Obama's biggest lie. His Biggest Lie is that he would be a Uniter.
From putting up a Pub style health plan to his proposed compromises on EVERYTHING, he has been. The GOP is a prisoner of their bombastic BS and the resultant radical idiocy and obstruction. "No compromise, un-American TP GOP" -TIME.
Maybe Obama will try to spin his way out of the "no boots on the ground in Syria" lie by making the troops wear tennis shoes or something.

Maybe another Red Line... oh wait, that already happened in Syria. Putin schooled him then too

Putin helped Assad avoid attacks, but according to all neutral observers, Assad gave up his poisons. Mission ACTUALLY accomplished, dupe.

There are a few things in my life that I'm absolutely certain of. One of them is that there's nothing to gain from sending our soldiers to die in a religious civil war on the complete opposite side of the planet.

What gets me is the hypocrisy of these Moon Bats.

They condemn Bush for Iraq but yet they support Obama that fought the war in Iraq for three years and called it a success. He escalated the war in Afghanistan, bombed Libya, sent troops back to Iraq and now has expanded the interventionism to Syria by sending combat troops, and he said he was not going to do that. He told a blatant lie.

These Moon Bats hypocrisy is Republican wars bad, Democrat wars good.

Piss on them.
Maybe Obama will try to spin his way out of the "no boots on the ground in Syria" lie by making the troops wear tennis shoes or something.

Maybe another Red Line... oh wait, that already happened in Syria. Putin schooled him then too

Putin helped Assad avoid attacks, but according to all neutral observers, Assad gave up his poisons. Mission ACTUALLY accomplished, dupe.

But Obama wants Assad out


Our special forces troops will be turned on by the bat sh!t, crazy Muslims and it will be like shooting fish in a barrel. More dead American troops.

Another expense we will be going into debt for, by paying for it with more debt.

Obama has no strategy for the Middle East. He has no idea of what he is doing.

Of course we all know that Obama's "credentials" for being President was that he was a "community organizer" (whatever the hell that is) so we shouldn't be surprised with all his failures.

These Moon Bats were idiots voting for the sonofabitch and now we are dealing with the consequences.

There are a few things in my life that I'm absolutely certain of. One of them is that there's nothing to gain from sending our soldiers to die in a religious civil war on the complete opposite side of the planet.

What gets me is the hypocrisy of these Moon Bats.

They condemn Bush for Iraq but yet they support Obama that fought the war in Iraq for three years and called it a success. He escalated the war in Afghanistan, bombed Libya, sent troops back to Iraq and now has expanded the interventionism to Syria by sending combat troops, and he said he was not going to do that. He told a blatant lie.

These Moon Bats hypocrisy is Republican wars bad, Democrat wars good.

Piss on them.
These aren't AMERICAN wars. Advise and assist is not boots on the ground, just more disgraceful media hysteria. Plus it's you GOPers who are always going on about sending troops in. YOU will never learn.

But Obama wants Assad out

Obama wants to play golf and pick basketball brackets. Foreign policy is much too hard work for him.

He has no idea what he is doing.
There is no good solution to the mess "our way or the highway, send in 82nd Airbourne" that Booosh left behind in the stupidest, most corrupt war EVER. At least the ME is learning that radical Islam suqs, and are starting to do something about it themselves. Us going in never works.
My nephew is permanently disabled from an IED in Iraq...............He was the only survivor in the Humvee...............

While I don't trust Obama........never have..........hell I don't trust politicians...........this mission from what I read was righteous...................

Did Obama do it for political reasons.........I don't really know.........................I know that our forces did it to save these lives after the request from the Khurds............................

I have no problem with that mission..........

God bless you nephew. My son is still suffering from some of the problems he had in Iraq and three men in his platoon did not come back so I understand your pain.

I have no idea why we invaded Iraq and I could care less about the Iraqi people. In my opinion it was wrong for Bush to start the war and it was wrong for Obama to continue the war even to this day. Now he has expanded it to Syria. Who the hell cares about Syria? I know I don't.
Obama is an idiot

Stay the hell out of Syria. Nothing to be gained there
Lose/Lose proposition
First Obama declares to the American people that "there will be no boots on the ground in Syria".

Now he sends combat troops to Syria and denies that there are boots on the ground.

Blatant liar.

These aren't AMERICAN wars. .

Tell that to Master Sergeant Joshua Wheeler. He is the latest American soldier that has been killed fighting Obama's war.

Obama is the Commander in Chief of American forces, isn't he? Didn't you Moon Bats elect him to that job?

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