ObamaCare Is Going To Burn The GOP To The Ground

The Pub health care system we've had is a bloated, cruel, stupid, ridiculously expensive disaster, and the CBO and every neutral expert says O-Care will fix it. Change the channel, fools. lol
Amazing the amount of Pubcrappe the hater dupes believe. At the moment, with no Ag Dept, farmers aren't selling because they don't know the prices- just because you don't know what gov't does- thanks to your propaganda- doesn't mean gov't isn't absolutely neccessary in a myriad of ways. Good riddance to your ignorant, disastrous, brainwashed power.

70 percent of the USA now believes the GOP ONLY CARES ABOUT THEIR AGENDA, NOT THE COUNTRY- -NBC/WSJ...GREAT job, dingbats...

Spot on...If we wish to be a modern country there's only two positions to take.
1. social democrat
2. wise management of the budget with pro business economic policies. (Reagan, Nixion, Etc)

1. Is Norway, Sweden, etc kind of policy
and 2. is republicans of the 80's that wanted America to be powerful ;)

This gut infrastructure, tech and science bull shit must come to a end before we're like fucking Africa.
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I mostly agree with what you're saying except that the government doesn't actually control or administer health care, as you say.

Baloney. How many government healthcare programs are there? Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP, etc. The government completely dominates the dollars spent on healthcare in America.

Insurance is still in the free market and so are healthcare providers.


How come I can pick up a telephone and call any auto insurance company in America and choose what options I want and don't want? How come I can't do that with health insurance?

Because the government is not in the auto repair or auto insurance business, but it is in the healthcare and health insurance business. Not only that, it gets to write the rules for its competition! How fucked up is that? Is it any wonder the playing field is so skewed in the government's favor?

And because Medicaid is a national health plan, and the government dominates the landscape and writes all the rules for its private sector competitors, all other insurance plans are indexed to Medicaid's reimbursement rates.

Now, who is running all these new state and federal health insurance exchanges? Who is the gatekeeper to your vaunted private insurance companies?

That's right. The government.

So how in the world did you reach the conclusion that health insurance is still in the FREE market?

When you think of your home, auto, or life insurance does health insurance strike you as being even remotely similar to the home, auto, or life insurance markets?


Under O-Care, for the first time you can compare the prices of private insurer plans that you KNOW will be up to good standards and guaranteed. What is your idiotic problem, hater dupe LOL:cuckoo::eusa_liar::eusa_whistle:

BREAKING- The websites are working- ts, Pubs lol
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ObamaCare 20,000 pages of crap. Anyone who read it wants to be exempt from it and they spent more money than 99% of companies make in a year designing a website that's chock full of fail. Yeah I'm a-scared of Obamacare
I mostly agree with what you're saying except that the government doesn't actually control or administer health care, as you say.

Baloney. How many government healthcare programs are there? Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP, etc. The government completely dominates the dollars spent on healthcare in America.

Insurance is still in the free market and so are healthcare providers.


How come I can pick up a telephone and call any auto insurance company in America and choose what options I want and don't want? How come I can't do that with health insurance?

Because the government is not in the auto repair or auto insurance business, but it is in the healthcare and health insurance business. Not only that, it gets to write the rules for its competition! How fucked up is that? Is it any wonder the playing field is so skewed in the government's favor?

And because Medicaid is a national health plan, and the government dominates the landscape and writes all the rules for its private sector competitors, all other insurance plans are indexed to Medicaid's reimbursement rates.

Now, who is running all these new state and federal health insurance exchanges? Who is the gatekeeper to your vaunted private insurance companies?

That's right. The government.

So how in the world did you reach the conclusion that health insurance is still in the FREE market?

When you think of your home, auto, or life insurance does health insurance strike you as being even remotely similar to the home, auto, or life insurance markets?


Under O-Care, for the first time you can compare the prices of private insurer plans that you KNOW will be up to good standards and guaranteed. What is your idiotic problem, hater dupe LOL:cuckoo::eusa_liar::eusa_whistle:

BREAKING- The websites are working- ts, Pubs lol



The White House says people have bought Obamacare. We haven’t met them quite yet.

So what happened following the 2010 mid-terms, Winger?

The Democratic House candidates got more votes than the Republican candidates did last go round. That's NOT winning in a HUGE way - that's gerrymandering - it's OK both sides do it. But quit trying to pretend it was a mandate. Your mandate was when Romney ran on repealing Obamacare and he LOST.

Did the Democratic House candidates get more votes than the Republican candidates in 2010? That was the HUGE win that I was talking about. Barack Obama himself described what happened to the the Democrats in the mid-terms as a "shellacking". That's Barry's term for it...not mine...and it was exactly that...a shellacking.

So the President admits that his side got smoked in the mid-terms yet the Democrats acted like the 2010 mid-terms never happened. They refused to admit that a large part of the country WASN'T enamored with their agenda. Harry Reid basically told the GOP majority in the House to go pound sand any time they sent a bill over that he didn't like. He didn't even let them come to the Senate floor for discussion let alone a vote! Barack Obama said he'd veto those bills if they came to his desk anyways. So where is the "representative" government for those Americans who elected GOP members of Congress to go to Washington and fight for a fiscally conservative Federal government?

The people who decided that they had a "mandate" were Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Those two used their majorities to pass whatever they felt like. They locked the GOP out in the hall and wrote things like ObamaCare and the first Obama Stimulus with no input from the GOP at all. THEY HAD THAT RIGHT! The Democrats won big in 2008. They did have a mandate! That was totally GONE however when the results from the 2010 mid-terms came in. The American people sent a very loud message that they were NOT pleased with the direction that Harry and Nancy were taking us...that they were NOT pleased with what "Hope & Change" turned out to be. So why did the Obama Administration not do a Clinton and respond to the wishes of the voters?
You don't like the law? Get the votes to repeal it. Better yet, get the votes to make it better. republicans LOST, multiple times. Obama got reelected.

But what do Republicans do when they can't get their way. Hold the country hostage......even there, they lost

So what happened following the 2010 mid-terms, Winger? The Republicans won in a huge way in that election taking back more seats in one election in modern American political history! What did Barack Obama and Harry Reid DO following 2010? What compromises did they make? What GOP House bills did they allow through?

The truth is...they tabled those GOP bills. Just stuck them on a desk and let them collect dust while Obama repeatedly went AROUND Congress to push his agenda.

You want to know why we have such a polarized government now? Two things...it is a direct result of Obama, Reid and Pelosi shoving their agenda down the throats of the GOP when they had control of government...and their total indifference to the message that the voters sent in 2010 about being unhappy with the direction the three of them had taken the country.

You tell me....Did Republicans get enough votes to repeal?

Why do Republicans think that ruling one third of Government gave them any power?

Because controlling one third of the Government normally means that the other side makes concessions. Reagan did it with Tip O'Neil. Clinton did it with Newt Gingrich. W. did it with Nancy Pelosi. So what concessions have the Democrats made since the GOP took over the House?

I had to laugh at Harry Reid standing in front of the White House today declaring with a straight face that he was willing to negotiate on ANYTHING as long as the GOP gives them a "clean" bill on raising the debt ceiling! What's he been doing for the past three years? He tabled their bills and constantly repeated that he was unwilling to negotiate on any part of the progressive agenda.

Here's my prediction. The GOP will give the Democrats their clean bill...and then the Democrats will give them NOTHING in negotiations over the next 90 days.
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I agree. OL'Harry advised anything coming from the House was DOA to his Senate.

Yeah. He's a winner all right.
Baloney. How many government healthcare programs are there? Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP, etc. The government completely dominates the dollars spent on healthcare in America.


How come I can pick up a telephone and call any auto insurance company in America and choose what options I want and don't want? How come I can't do that with health insurance?

Because the government is not in the auto repair or auto insurance business, but it is in the healthcare and health insurance business. Not only that, it gets to write the rules for its competition! How fucked up is that? Is it any wonder the playing field is so skewed in the government's favor?

And because Medicaid is a national health plan, and the government dominates the landscape and writes all the rules for its private sector competitors, all other insurance plans are indexed to Medicaid's reimbursement rates.

Now, who is running all these new state and federal health insurance exchanges? Who is the gatekeeper to your vaunted private insurance companies?

That's right. The government.

So how in the world did you reach the conclusion that health insurance is still in the FREE market?

When you think of your home, auto, or life insurance does health insurance strike you as being even remotely similar to the home, auto, or life insurance markets?


Under O-Care, for the first time you can compare the prices of private insurer plans that you KNOW will be up to good standards and guaranteed. What is your idiotic problem, hater dupe LOL:cuckoo::eusa_liar::eusa_whistle:

BREAKING- The websites are working- ts, Pubs lol



The White House says people have bought Obamacare. We haven’t met them quite yet.

The White House says people have bought Obamacare. We haven?t met them quite yet.

I agree on that as well.

One of the guys I work with has a friend who pulled up that handydandy ACA website.

He input all his info and was advised his bill for HC would be $569 a month. Not bad right?

Thats what he thought till he got the cost of his deductable. $13,999.00. Not a misprint. $13,999.00. Bob said the guy almost fell out of his chair. Hell. I almost fell out of my fucking chair and I don't even know the guy.

He then went on to say that in 2015 the amount an employer pays for HC for employees is being declared as income. Taxable income. The emplyer will pay the tax and of course pass it on to employees.

Bob's friend then got an e-mail the next day from the ACA. IRS I think. They advised him that he'd better get coverage or they would freeze his license and he would pay a daily fine. All kinds of dire consequences. So if you get on that site ya better sign up or you'll be in the same boat.

Get ready folks. We are about to get royally fucked by the ACA.

Any ACA supporters out ther want to tell me once again how much better and cheaper the ACA is??

The only winners are those we taxpayers are forced to subsidize. Anyone else is shit outta luck.
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We should have listened when Sen. Dingell told us Obamacare was American Progressive fascism

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