Obama: "You didn't get there on your own". He's right!!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Im so sick of this extreme right bullshit. Either they truly think they got all their success without ANY help or aid from anyone at all, or they're fucking idiots. I wont waste time listing all the people and programs this nation provides to aid a person in their path to success. Thats common sense.

What I will comment on is this:

If the right wing GOP is saying Obama is wrong, that a person DOES in fact get there on their own, and needs NO ONE to help them.............then why the fuck is the GOP trying so hard to convince people and businesses how much we really need THEM?????
Im so sick of this extreme right bullshit. Either they truly think they got all their success without ANY help or aid from anyone at all, or they're fucking idiots. I wont waste time listing all the people and programs this nation provides to aid a person in their path to success. Thats common sense.

What I will comment on is this:

If the right wing GOP is saying Obama is wrong, that a person DOES in fact get there on their own, and needs NO ONE to help them.............then why the fuck is the GOP trying so hard to convince people and businesses how much we really need THEM?????

Where did the money come from?
In 2011 Total Federal Revenues and sources:
Personal income tax $1,015 47.4% people that work for companies that work for profits primarily.
Social security/Medicare tax 818 35.5% employer pays Half of total paid-- where will that come from???
Corporate income tax 181 7.8% corporate evil profits generate taxes - then dividends taxed again!
Customs,Duties, Misc. 131 5.7%
Excise taxes 72 3.1%
Estate & Gift 7 .4%
Total: $2,302 100%
Federal Revenues by Source

35.5% of Total Revenue comes from Social security and Medicare deductions.

Now this is not news to most people.. That $818 billion comes from people's paychecks.

BUT How many of you honestly KNOW that MORE then half of that $818 billion has been paid by employers?
True the employer today pays 6.2% of the employee's salary for Social security and 1.45% for Medicare.

That is a surprise to many of you isn't it???

So when Obama says:
"I prefer single payer health system" what he means is he wants the 1,300 health insurance companies to go out of business!
That means half of that social security and Medicare payments gone when the employees are let go because OBAMA Wants them
to go out of business!

When Obama said "So, if somebody wants to build a coal[electric utility] plant, they can it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"

Do you people understand THAT means JOBS will disappear! That means NO employers paying Social Security/Medicare!

These are just two examples of Obama wanting to destroy American businesses!
Im so sick of this extreme right bullshit. Either they truly think they got all their success without ANY help or aid from anyone at all, or they're fucking idiots. I wont waste time listing all the people and programs this nation provides to aid a person in their path to success. Thats common sense.

What I will comment on is this:

If the right wing GOP is saying Obama is wrong, that a person DOES in fact get there on their own, and needs NO ONE to help them.............then why the fuck is the GOP trying so hard to convince people and businesses how much we really need THEM?????
Dude...You're really starting to bore the hell out of me.
Why won't you move to Cuba so the government can do everything for you??? Seriously, I understand that the local government builds the roads and other people buy the products....But there sure as hell wouldn't be a business if it wasn't for a man or a woman working hard to make it so.

YES you did build that!!!! Making sure we have the leadership to create the environment is very important too, but I doubt there would be many businesses if it wasn't for the person.
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Just asking, and not getting much of a response........if you truly dont need anyone to succeed, then why is it we're told how much we need Republicans for us to succeed?
Why won't you move to Cuba so the government can do everything for you??? Seriously, I understand that the local government builds the roads and other people buy the products....But there sure as hell wouldn't be a business if it wasn't for a man or a woman working hard to make it so.

YES you did build that!!!! Making sure we have the leadership to create the environment is very important too, but I doubt there would be many businesses if it wasn't for the person.

100% agree. But what irks me is the growing attitude of some that they alone attained all their success, that NO ONE helped or aided them in any way. It's gone past arrogance, and into just pure hateful attitudes. Not all, or even most. But some have gotten truly insane with that attitude.
Just asking, and not getting much of a response........if you truly dont need anyone to succeed, then why is it we're told how much we need Republicans for us to succeed?
Where do you think the money to pay for infrastructure comes from, Lucky the goddamn Leprechaun?

Somebody has to make profits to tax before any of the bureaucratic parasites have anything to loot.
Just one example of the "help" a business gets:

Most businesses have an alarm system. Yep. So when they go home at night, no one breaks in and steals their product. They buy that alarm from a private company.

The local govt funds a police force that responds to that alarm, so that owner wont get his shit stolen. AND, they are willing to respond on behalf of the alarm company, allowing that alarm company to sell their alarms.

It's a great big successful cooperation, and happens all over our society.
Just one example of the "help" a business gets:

Most businesses have an alarm system. Yep. So when they go home at night, no one breaks in and steals their product. They buy that alarm from a private company.

The local govt funds a police force that responds to that alarm, so that owner wont get his shit stolen. AND, they are willing to respond on behalf of the alarm company, allowing that alarm company to sell their alarms.

It's a great big successful cooperation, and happens all over our society.
Never heard of Pinkerton or Wells Fargo, have you, comrade?
Just asking, and not getting much of a response........if you truly dont need anyone to succeed, then why is it we're told how much we need Republicans for us to succeed?
Where do you think the money to pay for infrastructure comes from, Lucky the goddamn Leprechaun?

Somebody has to make profits to tax before any of the bureaucratic parasites have anything to loot.

Thats right. Because our Founding Fathers, in their genius, realized that there are some things the collective whole of the population should do together, through a tax, which they wrote into the Constitution.

Some stuff is meant to be paid for with tax dollars. Its how the Founders planned it.
Just one example of the "help" a business gets:

Most businesses have an alarm system. Yep. So when they go home at night, no one breaks in and steals their product. They buy that alarm from a private company.

The local govt funds a police force that responds to that alarm, so that owner wont get his shit stolen. AND, they are willing to respond on behalf of the alarm company, allowing that alarm company to sell their alarms.

It's a great big successful cooperation, and happens all over our society.
Never heard of Pinkerton or Wells Fargo, have you, comrade?

Oh sure I have. There are now Wells Fargo banks all over Charleston, SC. They started popping up a year ago. They have shitloads of cash inside them. At night....the manager leaves an alarm set. The local govt has men ready to respond if that alarm goes off...you know, so Wells Fargo doesn't get their shit stolen. OH....and guess what? Even when they are open, those same guys will respond is some shithead walks in with a gun and tries to steal Wells Fargo's money.

See? That pesky social cooperation idea again.
Im so sick of this extreme right bullshit. Either they truly think they got all their success without ANY help or aid from anyone at all, or they're fucking idiots. I wont waste time listing all the people and programs this nation provides to aid a person in their path to success. Thats common sense.

What I will comment on is this:

If the right wing GOP is saying Obama is wrong, that a person DOES in fact get there on their own, and needs NO ONE to help them.............then why the fuck is the GOP trying so hard to convince people and businesses how much we really need THEM?????

Haven't we hashed this enough?

He said it, we know what he meant and Obama meant it as an insult, he just didn't think people would actually listen.

Spin it your way, but you aren't going to convince anyone any differently.
You're a true blue fucking imbecile.

Pinkerton and Wells Fargo agents are private agents.

With absolutely no law enforcement powers. You edited your post from private "cops" to "agents" because you realized how stupid what you said was.

They're security guards. Lots of people have them.

But if Wells Fargo is robbed....or the alarm goes off during closed hours, REAL cops will show up.

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