Obama will request increase in debt ceiling AGAIN...


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Obama delays request to hike debt ceiling

HONOLULU -- At the request of congressional leaders, President Obama is delaying his certification that government spending is again nearing the legal borrowing limit and it must be increased by $1.2-trillion.

On the advice of the Treasury Department, Mr. Obama was poised to declare Friday that the debt of the United States was within $100 billion of the statutory debt ceiling, which now stands at $15.194 trilllion.

Under the Budget Control Act enacted this year, that certification enables the president to call for an increase in the debt limit of $1.2 trillion.
Obama delays request to hike debt ceiling - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Delay of a few days only just so Congress gets more of a vacation. Humph! :mad: When will this stop? We have to make cuts!
Obama will request increase in debt ceiling AGAIN...
When will this stop? We have to make cuts!

Ummmm...it was part of the deal. BTW, raising the debt ceiling is a routine matter. Only after the Tea Party came to town did it become the debacle that got the US downgraded.

Under the Budget Control Act enacted this year, that certification enables the president to call for an increase in the debt limit of $1.2 trillion.
Debt ceiling requests have be a matter of everyday business for decades = Nothing new

If Uncle Sam does not its' bills Wall Street will go straight to hell,zillions more will be out of work and in general the USA need to hang out a sign saying " Closed ".
Obama will request increase in debt ceiling AGAIN...
When will this stop? We have to make cuts!

Ummmm...it was part of the deal. BTW, raising the debt ceiling is a routine matter. Only after the Tea Party came to town did it become the debacle that got the US downgraded.

Under the Budget Control Act enacted this year, that certification enables the president to call for an increase in the debt limit of $1.2 trillion.

Do you realize how amazingly dumb that statement is?
Debt ceiling requests have be a matter of everyday business for decades = Nothing new

If Uncle Sam does not its' bills Wall Street will go straight to hell,zillions more will be out of work and in general the USA need to hang out a sign saying " Closed ".

So let's request a $20 trillion raise in the debt ceiling then. It's just a matter of every day business right?
Obama will request increase in debt ceiling AGAIN...
When will this stop? We have to make cuts!

Ummmm...it was part of the deal. BTW, raising the debt ceiling is a routine matter. Only after the Tea Party came to town did it become the debacle that got the US downgraded.

Under the Budget Control Act enacted this year, that certification enables the president to call for an increase in the debt limit of $1.2 trillion.

Do you realize how amazingly dumb that statement is?

Ignorant people make ignorant statements. He can't help himself.
Obama will request increase in debt ceiling AGAIN...
When will this stop? We have to make cuts!

Ummmm...it was part of the deal. BTW, raising the debt ceiling is a routine matter. Only after the Tea Party came to town did it become the debacle that got the US downgraded.

Under the Budget Control Act enacted this year, that certification enables the president to call for an increase in the debt limit of $1.2 trillion.

Do you realize how amazingly dumb that statement is?

What's dumb about it?

Fact: raising the debt ceiling is a routine matter.

Fact: the debt ceiling increase that Obama is asking for was part of the recent deal reached with congressional Republicans.

Fact: the US credit rating was downgraded by S&P after the last debacle over raising the debt ceiling.

Which part don't you understand? Talk about amazingly dumb. Get a clue, hack.
Obama will request increase in debt ceiling AGAIN...
When will this stop? We have to make cuts!

Ummmm...it was part of the deal. BTW, raising the debt ceiling is a routine matter. Only after the Tea Party came to town did it become the debacle that got the US downgraded.

Under the Budget Control Act enacted this year, that certification enables the president to call for an increase in the debt limit of $1.2 trillion.

The Tea Party said this?

The fact that we're here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. Leadership means 'The buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt limit.

Obama will request increase in debt ceiling AGAIN...
When will this stop? We have to make cuts!

Ummmm...it was part of the deal. BTW, raising the debt ceiling is a routine matter. Only after the Tea Party came to town did it become the debacle that got the US downgraded.

The Tea Party said this?

The fact that we're here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. Leadership means 'The buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt limit.


Sorry, this isn't then, this is now. Nice deflection, though.
Debt ceiling requests have be a matter of everyday business for decades = Nothing new

If Uncle Sam does not its' bills Wall Street will go straight to hell,zillions more will be out of work and in general the USA need to hang out a sign saying " Closed ".

And precisely the probem. Business as usual...didn't the O promise that would end, or was it another lie to give him an out to blame others for his and the Statists doubling down on spending?

Perhaps you prefer running off the cliff as most of prefer we turn back...?
Debt ceiling requests have be a matter of everyday business for decades = Nothing new

If Uncle Sam does not its' bills Wall Street will go straight to hell,zillions more will be out of work and in general the USA need to hang out a sign saying " Closed ".

And precisely the probem. Business as usual...didn't the O promise that would end, or was it another lie to give him an out to blame others for his and the Statists doubling down on spending?

Perhaps you prefer running off the cliff as most of prefer we turn back...?

Democrats are looking for another excuse to threaten the populace with SS not going out. Then out of the other side of their ass, ITS SOLVENT.............
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeu7Iuz-vKY&feature=relmfu]Republicans Want A Shutdown - YouTube[/ame]

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