Obama Wants You To Think Drone Attacks Are Foreign Policy Success


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

This is a picture of a scared to death Barack Obama during the Osama Bin Laden takedown. Notice how red his eyes are. It's not from lack of sleep but from fear. The mission only took a little over an hour....the actual takedown took only a few mins. Within 90 seconds after the first boots were on the ground Osama Bin Laden was dead. The longest part of the mission was the gathering of intelligence and the removal of the remains. The follow up to the mission was clouded by at least 23 different versions of Actions On The Objective supplied by the spinmeisters in the White House. Obama would want you to think he was intimately involved in the planning of the mission when in fact he had to be kept out of the planning phase for several reasons. One of them was the fear he would pull the plug like Carter did during the disaster in the desert in a failed attempt to rescue the Iranian Embassy hostages.

The Democrats have been lying to us for years about how unsuccessful the Iraq War was under Bush. They have successfully covered up thousands of successes, made the war appear like an immoral war filled with failures, and now they're trumpeting the meager accomplishments of Obama with his drone attacks and diplomatic failures.

Obama, the liar that he is, claims to be the fourth most successful President in our history. But what has he done in comparison to those great men that held the office during some of the darkest hours in our history? What has he done in comparison even to Bush? Well this video will show some of the successes that our men and women in and out of uniform had once the surge went into operation. With the help of Iraqis they cleaned up Iraq, but you never heard about it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-V1_XTMJRk]The Lies Of Senator Harry Reid - YouTube[/ame]

Compare this with the few drone attacks Obama is bragging about. All the while Democrats in Congress were telling us we were losing the war we were winning big. But you never heard about it.

Having been in one of these wars in the past myself I can tell you the media only tells you what they want you to know, nothing more.

This is a picture of a scared to death Barack Obama during the Osama Bin Laden takedown. Notice how red his eyes are. It's not from lack of sleep but from fear. The mission only took a little over an hour....the actual takedown took only a few mins. Within 90 seconds after the first boots were on the ground Osama Bin Laden was dead. The longest part of the mission was the gathering of intelligence and the removal of the remains. The follow up to the mission was clouded by at least 23 different versions of Actions On The Objective supplied by the spinmeisters in the White House. Obama would want you to think he was intimately involved in the planning of the mission when in fact he had to be kept out of the planning phase for several reasons. One of them was the fear he would pull the plug like Carter did during the disaster in the desert in a failed attempt to rescue the Iranian Embassy hostages.

The Democrats have been lying to us for years about how unsuccessful the Iraq War was under Bush. They have successfully covered up thousands of successes, made the war appear like an immoral war filled with failures, and now they're trumpeting the meager accomplishments of Obama with his drone attacks and diplomatic failures.

Obama, the liar that he is, claims to be the fourth most successful President in our history. But what has he done in comparison to those great men that held the office during some of the darkest hours in our history? What has he done in comparison even to Bush? Well this video will show some of the successes that our men and women in and out of uniform had once the surge went into operation. With the help of Iraqis they cleaned up Iraq, but you never heard about it.

The Lies Of Senator Harry Reid - YouTube

Compare this with the few drone attacks Obama is bragging about. All the while Democrats in Congress were telling us we were losing the war we were winning big. But you never heard about it.

Having been in one of these wars in the past myself I can tell you the media only tells you what they want you to know, nothing more.

Okay, so we should assume the reason why the war in Iraq had so many successes was because Bush was president, but we should also assume Obama as commander in chief was a complete failure?


This is a picture of a scared to death Barack Obama during the Osama Bin Laden takedown. Notice how red his eyes are. It's not from lack of sleep but from fear. The mission only took a little over an hour....the actual takedown took only a few mins. Within 90 seconds after the first boots were on the ground Osama Bin Laden was dead. The longest part of the mission was the gathering of intelligence and the removal of the remains. The follow up to the mission was clouded by at least 23 different versions of Actions On The Objective supplied by the spinmeisters in the White House. Obama would want you to think he was intimately involved in the planning of the mission when in fact he had to be kept out of the planning phase for several reasons. One of them was the fear he would pull the plug like Carter did during the disaster in the desert in a failed attempt to rescue the Iranian Embassy hostages.

The Democrats have been lying to us for years about how unsuccessful the Iraq War was under Bush. They have successfully covered up thousands of successes, made the war appear like an immoral war filled with failures, and now they're trumpeting the meager accomplishments of Obama with his drone attacks and diplomatic failures.

Obama, the liar that he is, claims to be the fourth most successful President in our history. But what has he done in comparison to those great men that held the office during some of the darkest hours in our history? What has he done in comparison even to Bush? Well this video will show some of the successes that our men and women in and out of uniform had once the surge went into operation. With the help of Iraqis they cleaned up Iraq, but you never heard about it.

The Lies Of Senator Harry Reid - YouTube

Compare this with the few drone attacks Obama is bragging about. All the while Democrats in Congress were telling us we were losing the war we were winning big. But you never heard about it.

Having been in one of these wars in the past myself I can tell you the media only tells you what they want you to know, nothing more.

Okay, so we should assume the reason why the war in Iraq had so many successes was because Bush was president, but we should also assume Obama as commander in chief was a complete failure?


Iraq was part of the war on terror. 9/11 was a wakeup call. You on the left want us to believe that the only threat to us was the people directly responsible for 9/11. However, there were numerous attacks against us by terrorists before 9/11. We are still being attacked. Electing Obama hasn't changed that. Now Iran is a greater threat thanks to his politically motivated decision to get out of Iraq. Muqtada al-Sadr, an Iranian sympathizer, is now deeply entrenched in the Iraqi government.

Iraqi cleric al-Sadr and followers tell US "Go Home" | GroundReport

All of the fighting and bloodshed has been for naught because we are now out of Iraq. It is on it's way to a Civil War. Of course the war will be blamed on Bush.
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Eygpt is in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood and well on it's way to being another Iran, Libya has fallen into al-Qaeda radicals, Iraq is shifting to Iran, 5000 "peace demonstrators" have been killed in Syrian streets. They're next. Pakistan is all in with our enemies now. Afghanistan soon to follow. Iran is conducting war-games to shut down the Persian Gulf. All under the watchful eye of the Obama administration.

Wow. Obama sure has done a lot in a very short time.

He must be proud. I hope he gets what he wanted for Christmas. Or has he already?

Now all he needs is to fool us long enough to give him 4 more years.

This is a picture of a scared to death Barack Obama during the Osama Bin Laden takedown. Notice how red his eyes are. It's not from lack of sleep but from fear. The mission only took a little over an hour....the actual takedown took only a few mins. Within 90 seconds after the first boots were on the ground Osama Bin Laden was dead. The longest part of the mission was the gathering of intelligence and the removal of the remains. The follow up to the mission was clouded by at least 23 different versions of Actions On The Objective supplied by the spinmeisters in the White House. Obama would want you to think he was intimately involved in the planning of the mission when in fact he had to be kept out of the planning phase for several reasons. One of them was the fear he would pull the plug like Carter did during the disaster in the desert in a failed attempt to rescue the Iranian Embassy hostages.

The Democrats have been lying to us for years about how unsuccessful the Iraq War was under Bush. They have successfully covered up thousands of successes, made the war appear like an immoral war filled with failures, and now they're trumpeting the meager accomplishments of Obama with his drone attacks and diplomatic failures.

Obama, the liar that he is, claims to be the fourth most successful President in our history. But what has he done in comparison to those great men that held the office during some of the darkest hours in our history? What has he done in comparison even to Bush? Well this video will show some of the successes that our men and women in and out of uniform had once the surge went into operation. With the help of Iraqis they cleaned up Iraq, but you never heard about it.

The Lies Of Senator Harry Reid - YouTube

Compare this with the few drone attacks Obama is bragging about. All the while Democrats in Congress were telling us we were losing the war we were winning big. But you never heard about it.

Having been in one of these wars in the past myself I can tell you the media only tells you what they want you to know, nothing more.

What is he looking at? We know it wasn't the take down because the video feed failed. We know that there was a recreated photo op that made it look like he was watching as it happened.

Is this just another picture from that photo op?
Goddamn Mud, still pissed because President Obama did what he said he was going to do? He said early on that he would kill or capture Bin Laden, no fanfare, or silly 'wanted dead or alive' statements, just I will see that Bin Laden is killed or captured.

And the drone and other attacks have decimated the Al Queda. And you are pissing and moaning over that. Too bad that people like you have such a lack of patriotsism that you rather see the nation fail than our President succeed. You really are a bunch of crybaby assholes.
Goddamn Mud, still pissed because President Obama did what he said he was going to do? He said early on that he would kill or capture Bin Laden, no fanfare, or silly 'wanted dead or alive' statements, just I will see that Bin Laden is killed or captured.

And the drone and other attacks have decimated the Al Queda. And you are pissing and moaning over that. Too bad that people like you have such a lack of patriotsism that you rather see the nation fail than our President succeed. You really are a bunch of crybaby assholes.

Our drone capability is what is decimated.

Pakistan shut us down.
Notice how Bush gets attacked for bombing people

yet Obama gets PRAISED for doing the same thing..

Obama's foreign policy is going to come back and HAUNT US..he has made a mess of the middle east...you have to wonder what HIS MOTIVES were for all this.
how desperate and childish.

"notice how red his eyes are"

Notice how Bush gets attacked for bombing people

yet Obama gets PRAISED for doing the same thing..

Obama's foreign policy is going to come back and HAUNT US..he has made a mess of the middle east...you have to wonder what HIS MOTIVES were for all this.

What Bush did was the equivelent of attacking Brazil in retaliation for Pearl Harbor. Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11, no WMD, and did not represent a threat to us. Al Queda, and it's protector, the Taliban, on the other hand did. But Bush ignored them after the initial push.

President Obama made a mess of the Middle East? LOL. How do you make a mess out of a total mess. You flap yap talking point idiots are absolutely comical.
Obama was using drones to attack the Taliban inside Pakistan.

It's obvious you don't lknow the difference between al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

The Taliban has been the Al Quedas protector for many years. You protect the murderers of Americans, you get the same as the murderers. Of course, people like you would rather that they got away with murdering Americans. Exacting justice for those murders, if it is done by our President, is something you are against.

Mud, why don't you just admit you dislike our nation, and would rather live in a Fascist one.
Goddamn Mud, still pissed because President Obama did what he said he was going to do? He said early on that he would kill or capture Bin Laden, no fanfare, or silly 'wanted dead or alive' statements, just I will see that Bin Laden is killed or captured.

And the drone and other attacks have decimated the Al Queda. And you are pissing and moaning over that. Too bad that people like you have such a lack of patriotsism that you rather see the nation fail than our President succeed. You really are a bunch of crybaby assholes.

Our drone capability is what is decimated.

Pakistan shut us down.

Our drone capability is decimated? Then why are you bitching about it's successes?

Pakistan shut it down? Then why are they whining and sniveling about the continued attacks on the enemies of our nation that they are harboring?

Face it Mud, you are sniveling and moaning because the President is doing exactly what he said he would do, destroy Al Queda.
As far as no fanfare, the guy couldn't wait to run to the mic to tell the world he got Bin Laden, and then a month ago he bragged that he had plenty of foreign policy success. His example was the OBL takedown.

The pic was taken during the operation. That is not the pic that was used as a photo-op in the situation room.

When I get home I will post the faked photo.
As far as no fanfare, the guy couldn't wait to run to the mic to tell the world he got Bin Laden, and then a month ago he bragged that he had plenty of foreign policy success. His example was the OBL takedown.

The pic was taken during the operation. That is not the pic that was used as a photo-op in the situation room.

When I get home I will post the faked photo.

I'm just glad it was the Bush administration that put forth the intel., that brought Binny down. Now if Obama would have just not asked, "pretty please" give us that Drone back that you captured. All that intel....now in the hands of the enemy.....
Obama was using drones to attack the Taliban inside Pakistan.

It's obvious you don't lknow the difference between al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

The Taliban has been the Al Quedas protector for many years. You protect the murderers of Americans, you get the same as the murderers. Of course, people like you would rather that they got away with murdering Americans. Exacting justice for those murders, if it is done by our President, is something you are against.

Mud, why don't you just admit you dislike our nation, and would rather live in a Fascist one.

The Taliban never attacked us in America. You think nobody is a threat to us unless they were involved with 9/11. By that measure all hostilities should have ended when OBL got a bullet in the brain. Still Obama is bombing our enemies inside Pakistan and Yemen......and Libya.

By your rationale the war is over, but the fact is we are losing the war.
The objective was a war on terrorism

Bush's Iraq success cost 4500 American lives, eight years and trillions of dollars to achieve. It had minimal impact on the war on terror

Obamas drone attacks have taken out 22 of 30 top AlQaida leaders and have driven AlQaida into the shadows. They are no longer safe anywhere in the world. No US lives have been lost. The Bin Laden mission accomplished what Bush should have accomplished ten years earlier....again with no US lives lost
Obama Wants You To Think Drone Attacks Are Foreign Policy Success

And this is different from Bush in what way?
The objective was a war on terrorism

Bush's Iraq success cost 4500 American lives, eight years and trillions of dollars to achieve. It had minimal impact on the war on terror

Obamas drone attacks have taken out 22 of 30 top AlQaida leaders and have driven AlQaida into the shadows. They are no longer safe anywhere in the world. No US lives have been lost. The Bin Laden mission accomplished what Bush should have accomplished ten years earlier....again with no US lives lost

LOL, they are no longer SAFE anywhere IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD.

what is with you liberals today and your grandiose for the Obama spewing..first there was only a mere 100 terrorist in another thread, NOW THIS..:eusa_whistle:

No us lives have been lost...you people lie so much you actually believe them

60% of U.S. Military Deaths in Afghanistan Have Occurred Since Obama Was Inaugurated in 2009
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