Obama used recess appointments to fill 15 admin posts without Senate confirmation


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Oct 10, 2009
In your head
And while you were sleeping

Despite intense Republican objections, Obama on Saturday used recess appointments to fill 15 administration posts without Senate confirmation, including Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board.

All 41 Senate Republicans wrote Obama this week urging him not to use a recess appointment for Becker, a former top lawyer with Service Employees International Union and the AFL-CIO. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce also wrote Obama on behalf of 20 business groups that oppose Becker's nomination.

Of course Obama is not a asshole racist or nothing, because at least 2 of the 15 were white. Where is the EEOC? Affirmative action police? Anyone - Bueller, Bueller?

Washington Post - Obama uses recess appointments to fill 15 posts
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Recess appointments happen. Bush had a few hundred. So did Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, etc.

That's politics.

How about some links to that claim? Here we have the U.S. Chamber of Commerce objecting to a UNION lawyer, along with many business'es in this country. The DEMOCRAT senate never got an opportunity to do any case law study on this man--& OBAMA appoints him anyway.

This administration is the most ANTI-BUSINESS President we have ever had in U.S. History. What employer in this country--in their right minds would want to expand their business or hire new employees?

This is the picture that actually speaks a thousand words.

It is a story because not only did all the Republicans Senators ask that this one person not be appointed but several Democrats were also against his appointment. Obama is simply ignoring everyone when he wants something or owes someone.
And the first recess appointment was Washington appointing a Justice, I believe a Chief Justice, to the Supreme Court who had already been voted down.

It's an enumerated Article 2 power, every President has used it and every time there is some objection. If you don't like it (and there have been many times I didn't btw) then there's an Amendment process.
Recess appointments happen. Bush had a few hundred. So did Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, etc.

That's politics.

and none of them had a supermajority,, the loser in the wh had a supermajority and still has to use reconcilliation and recess appointments.. :eek:
Recess appointments happen. Bush had a few hundred. So did Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, etc.

That's politics.

How about some links to that claim? Here we have the U.S. Chamber of Commerce objecting to a UNION lawyer, along with many business'es in this country. The DEMOCRAT senate never got an opportunity to do any case law study on this man--& OBAMA appoints him anyway.

This administration is the most ANTI-BUSINESS President we have ever had in U.S. History. What employer in this country--in their right minds would want to expand their business or hire new employees?

This is the picture that actually speaks a thousand words.

View attachment 9850

Yep. That would be Craig Becker whom is a HUGE Union guy. And it brings us that much closer to the "Employee Free Choice Act"...and that is the bone of contention in the Senate.

Obama just paid off one of his Union Buddies...Chicago Style.
I am proud to see it took a full 18 hours before we saw "Mom the other kid did it too!"

Too bad it was still the first reply to the OP, as predicted.

So much for "change" huh.
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A few months back I remember seeing where Obama still had well over 100 appointments to make. Here we are going on 15 months and still he hasn't made them all? And no he can't blame it on congress.
It's not "The other kid did it too" in this case. It's standard practice and exercise of a power explicity given the President in Article 2, Section 2 of the COTUS.

I don't really like it, but three are times recess appointment is necessary - when, say, the Senate is holding up an appointee whose position needs to be filled to get the business of government done. Does anybody remember Bush and his backlog of judicial appointments that weren't getting their hearings? Dockets don't clear themselves. Other times it's political. Can't have one without the other unfortunately.
It's not "The other kid did it too" in this case. It's standard practice and exercise of a power explicity given the President in Article 2, Section 2 of the COTUS.
It IS the appeal to mom fallacy. The fallacy assumes it's okay because the other kid did it.

In the case of Obama, it also totally undermines the "change" mantra.

I am fully versed on the constitutional powers granted the POTUS, and you'll note I am not attacking Obama for exercising it.

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