Obama Threatens To Veto Planned Parenthood Defunding Bill

Obama Threatens To Veto Planned Parenthood Defunding Bill

Not good news for all the opponents to abortion who want deprive women their rights, better life and health. The Planned Parenthood won`t be defunded. Obama will veto Republican anti-abortion bill. Voila! Yet some of his presidential projects could be appreciated.
Stop the presses. How would a self fund raising planned parenthood deprive women of their "rights".....?....
Why does government need to be in the the parenting and family planning business.
Why can't PP accept donations from the private sector only?
Oh, will PP be defunded? Not without 60 votes in the Senate. Which means all is needed to to convince a few Senators from right leaning states that their seat would be in jeopardy if they don't go along. Once the Senate gets to that number, the vote would be veto proof.
Anyway, in the next administration, two things are getting the ax...Planned Parenthood and possibly that money bleeding inefficient rail system known as AMTRAK.....AMTRAK loses over $1billion every fiscal year. Now compared to the size of the typical federal budget $1 billion is a flyspeck. But it is a flyspeck that needs to go away.
Let the federal government float the system until such time as fares and increased to a level where the passengers are paying the full price of their trip and enough investment from the private sector becomes available. Air carriers are private sector. The rail system should be as well.
Of course he will veto it..... all progressives want dead babies it is what evil fucks do

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
How does defunding Planned Parenthood end abortions?

They are stilll legal and available elsewhere
It doesn't it just keeps my money away from it.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

None of the federal funding to Planned Parenthood goes for abortions. It all goes to womens health services.....

And democrats only want to raise your taxes to help poor people, really!

Would you be interested in buying a bridge?
Obama Threatens To Veto Planned Parenthood Defunding Bill

Not good news for all the opponents to abortion who want deprive women their rights, better life and health. The Planned Parenthood won`t be defunded. Obama will veto Republican anti-abortion bill. Voila! Yet some of his presidential projects could be appreciated.

Thank a god that we have a sensible, freedom-loving POTUS.
Us SR Libertarians don't like Nazi-oriented Repubs.
Nazi....Please. You fucking lefties misuse that term several times daily.
And don't give us this "Libertarian" shit....You're a card carrying left wing moon bat.
Who give a rat's who you "like"...
Lastly...What does freedom have to do with a taxpayer funded agency who's sole purpose is to further a far left wing agenda.

You should worry about YOUR OWN biological matter, not others like in that pic you posted.
I am concerned about my own family's welfare, as you should be about your own.
The moment you DICTATE to others & force YOUR beliefs on them, then you become a Nazi like portrayed in your pic.

I see you're another who would TURN THEIR BACK, as they did in Germany, in the second World War to INHUMANE TREATMENT! Bet you're all for the Syrian terrorists moving into America without any vetting or criminal history.... You disgust me!

WTF? Where's your logic? How do you arrive at your accusations?
I'm not the one who wants to force my beliefs onto others, like Nazi anti-choice extremists do.
Your stupid diversion is noted.

I betcha you would TURN YOUR BACK on those poor uneducated women after they give birth to unwanted babies. Now that's INHUMANE TREATMENT too!
Are Repubs going to shut down all hospitals? How about research labs that use fetal tissue?

Sick of Repubs refusing to do their job. Sick of them taking away from the least among us, just to line their own pockets.

Of course he will veto it..... all progressives want dead babies it is what evil fucks do

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Well, you don't want to help the mothers out once the babies out of the womb...So it takes two.
That's PURE bullshit....."help"?...define "help"...Why is that whenever you people on the left see someone in need of "help" ( once again please define) your immediate reaction is to come up with some scheme to reach into the pockets of others?
And once that reach in begins, why are you so resistant to proper administration of the funding"?....
For example. The school lunch program ( free and reduced price meals) has a federal regulation that prohibits any investigation of any family applying for the benefit...Why is this?
Why is it prohibited to weed out those gaming the system?

You should worry about YOUR OWN biological matter, not others like in that pic you posted.
I am concerned about my own family's welfare, as you should be about your own.
The moment you DICTATE to others & force YOUR beliefs on them, then you become a Nazi like portrayed in your pic.

I see you're another who would TURN THEIR BACK, as they did in Germany, in the second World War to INHUMANE TREATMENT! Bet you're all for the Syrian terrorists moving into America without any vetting or criminal history.... You disgust me!

WTF? Where's your logic? How do you arrive at your accusations?
I'm not the one who wants to force my beliefs onto others, like Nazi anti-choice extremists do.
Your stupid diversion is noted.

I betcha you would TURN YOUR BACK on those poor uneducated women after they give birth to unwanted babies. Now that's INHUMANE TREATMENT too!

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Of course he will veto it..... all progressives want dead babies it is what evil fucks do

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

But even you RWs know that this will not stop any abortions.

It would not stop even one abortion.

Again I ask - are the Repubs going to close down all the hospitals?

How about NIH? How about all the other researchers who use fetal tissue.

BTW dupes - the video of the baby on the table is fake.
Are Repubs going to shut down all hospitals? How about research labs that use fetal tissue?

Sick of Repubs refusing to do their job. Sick of them taking away from the least among us, just to line their own pockets.

There never has been a shut down of government.
This term "shut down of government" is nothing but a narrative supported by a talking point.
The only thing that happens is discretionary spending, about 17% of the total budget is affected. So a few people get some days off. So what?...
They have to use their PTO days if they want to be paid. So what?
"We" lost $25 billion"? Umm, where'd it go? The money did not disappear into outer space?....It was spent elsewhere on other nonsense.

You should worry about YOUR OWN biological matter, not others like in that pic you posted.
I am concerned about my own family's welfare, as you should be about your own.
The moment you DICTATE to others & force YOUR beliefs on them, then you become a Nazi like portrayed in your pic.

I see you're another who would TURN THEIR BACK, as they did in Germany, in the second World War to INHUMANE TREATMENT! Bet you're all for the Syrian terrorists moving into America without any vetting or criminal history.... You disgust me!

WTF? Where's your logic? How do you arrive at your accusations?
I'm not the one who wants to force my beliefs onto others, like Nazi anti-choice extremists do.
Your stupid diversion is noted.

I betcha you would TURN YOUR BACK on those poor uneducated women after they give birth to unwanted babies. Now that's INHUMANE TREATMENT too!

More lib talking points.

You should worry about YOUR OWN biological matter, not others like in that pic you posted.
I am concerned about my own family's welfare, as you should be about your own.
The moment you DICTATE to others & force YOUR beliefs on them, then you become a Nazi like portrayed in your pic.

I see you're another who would TURN THEIR BACK, as they did in Germany, in the second World War to INHUMANE TREATMENT! Bet you're all for the Syrian terrorists moving into America without any vetting or criminal history.... You disgust me!

WTF? Where's your logic? How do you arrive at your accusations?
I'm not the one who wants to force my beliefs onto others, like Nazi anti-choice extremists do.
Your stupid diversion is noted.

I betcha you would TURN YOUR BACK on those poor uneducated women after they give birth to unwanted babies. Now that's INHUMANE TREATMENT too!
"I'm not the one who wants to force my beliefs onto others".....
Yes. You are.
Of course he will veto it..... all progressives want dead babies it is what evil fucks do

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Well, you don't want to help the mothers out once the babies out of the womb...So it takes two.
What a fucking lie. What help do you progressives do? Enslavement and disillusionment? What good has your ideology done for the poor? it has been 50 years since the great society and poverty hasn't gotten better but those rich democrats stayed rich didn't they?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Buncha lies there. Adult poverty has been cut by 2/3ds in fifty years and child povery in 1/2 in the same time. And the far right bitches. Bitterly. Fuck them.
Oh it has?.....Really? Then why are there more people than ever in the history of the USA, living off some kind of social benefit?.
Why are there over 90 million people of working age, not working?...
Of course he will veto it..... all progressives want dead babies it is what evil fucks do

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Well, you don't want to help the mothers out once the babies out of the womb...So it takes two.
What a fucking lie. What help do you progressives do? Enslavement and disillusionment? What good has your ideology done for the poor? it has been 50 years since the great society and poverty hasn't gotten better but those rich democrats stayed rich didn't they?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Buncha lies there. Adult poverty has been cut by 2/3ds in fifty years and child povery in 1/2 in the same time. And the far right bitches. Bitterly. Fuck them.

And the reason it isn't even better is because of the right wings tax cuts and deregulations on the super rich. This has allowed them to kill most small businesses and screw over the middle class.

These people are evil.
Wow.....So full of shit.
Evil? No. Evil is the desire to reach into the bank accounts of the producers and spend the money on horseshit.
This administration has run up an $18 trillion deficit.
All you have are left wing talking points. None of which are based in fact.
Let him veto it, tie it into the budget bill and then the fucking obomanation will shut down the government.... Unfortunately the fucking leadership of the Congress refuses to do this...for some UNKNOWN REASON$$$$$$$$$!
Maybe because it hurts the country (1%+ in GDP) and is such bad gov't it screws the stupid New BS LYING GOP in the election. The whole bs PP scandal is a lie. PP only gets paid back cost for essential research, and Fiorina is a lying POS like all the rest. No such film exists.
Who asked for your insipid banter?
Of course he will veto it..... all progressives want dead babies it is what evil fucks do

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Well, you don't want to help the mothers out once the babies out of the womb...So it takes two.
What a fucking lie. What help do you progressives do? Enslavement and disillusionment? What good has your ideology done for the poor? it has been 50 years since the great society and poverty hasn't gotten better but those rich democrats stayed rich didn't they?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Buncha lies there. Adult poverty has been cut by 2/3ds in fifty years and child povery in 1/2 in the same time. And the far right bitches. Bitterly. Fuck them.
Oh it has?.....Really? Then why are there more people than ever in the history of the USA, living off some kind of social benefit?.
Why are there over 90 million people of working age, not working?...
One, the country has grown by 100 million people, bub, but the % has remained within a couple of points of its low.

Two, you are counting infants, children, teenagers, disabled, retiring baby boomers.

In fact, less tha 7 million who want to work are looking for it.

This is why your puerile nonsense is despised by the mainstream of the GOP.
Here we go again. The lying New BS GOP screws the hell out of you people, and you vote for them because of wedge issues that are moot. Thank God the Dems are making abortions rare with free birth control. More than free, brainwashed functional morons. This law has been
Let him veto it, tie it into the budget bill and then the fucking obomanation will shut down the government.... Unfortunately the fucking leadership of the Congress refuses to do this...for some UNKNOWN REASON$$$$$$$$$!
Maybe because it hurts the country (1%+ in GDP) and is such bad gov't it screws the stupid New BS LYING GOP in the election. The whole bs PP scandal is a lie. PP only gets paid back cost for essential research, and Fiorina is a lying POS like all the rest. No such film exists.

Thank you for your input, you scumbag, fucking baby killer!
Here we go again, hater dupes. The lying New BS GOP screws the hell out of you people, and you vote for them because of wedge issues that are moot. Thank God the Dems are making abortions rare with free birth control. More than free, brainwashed functional morons.

This law has been on the books for 44 years, and your heroes don't do anything when they can. We used to have 5k women and girls die a year with your idiocy. When you have a vagina, call us, assholes.

Yes, you scum promote unsafe and immoral treatment of humans... but don't let ethics, morals, and principles spoil your knuckle dragging rants... Neanderthal!
Listen jackass, 99% of abortions take place within 3 months when the SC says they're certainly NOT human, and the rest are to save the life of the mother. End of story, brainwashed functional morons.
" when the SC says they're certainly NOT human"...
Newsflash....There is not one single ruling the references the above quote.
Of course he will veto it..... all progressives want dead babies it is what evil fucks do

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Well, you don't want to help the mothers out once the babies out of the womb...So it takes two.
What a fucking lie. What help do you progressives do? Enslavement and disillusionment? What good has your ideology done for the poor? it has been 50 years since the great society and poverty hasn't gotten better but those rich democrats stayed rich didn't they?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Buncha lies there. Adult poverty has been cut by 2/3ds in fifty years and child povery in 1/2 in the same time. And the far right bitches. Bitterly. Fuck them.
Oh it has?.....Really? Then why are there more people than ever in the history of the USA, living off some kind of social benefit?.
Why are there over 90 million people of working age, not working?...
One, the country has grown by 100 million people, bub, but the % has remained within a couple of points of its low.

Two, you are counting infants, children, teenagers, disabled, retiring baby boomers.

In fact, less tha 7 million who want to work are looking for it.

This is why your puerile nonsense is despised by the mainstream of the GOP.
Post up the left wing websites talking points on what you just posted! LOLOLOL...a NeoCommie making believe he's a mainstream republican.... and says he like Kasick who is at 2% in the latest poll!

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