Obama Signs the Hate Crime Bill into Law!

So should Texans
I was born Texan. It wasn't a choice.

If you had half a brain you would be arguing that to Lonestar, how being homosexual isn't a choice.

But, you prefer bigotry. Weak minded dipshit.

As you can see....Lonestar bit
He smacked your stupid ad-hom right out of the park. You came back, somewhat using my suggestion.

He's wrong, and you're bigoted and stupid. What a pair.
I think it sucks that the government thinks that if some asshole kills me it is no big deal, but if that same asshole, kills my neighbor who is gay it makes a hell of a lot of difference.

If a homosexual were to beat the shit out of you simply because you are a redneck from Texas it would be a hate crime......

Last I checked being a "redneck" wasn't on this list of favored individuals.

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I think it sucks that the government thinks that if some asshole kills me it is no big deal
Where is the evidence the government thinks that? Last I checked, murder was a "big deal" in all 50 states.

The very law signed by President Obama.

I thought that in this nation we were all to be treated as equal under the law... in this case, we are not. If that asshole, kills me, my family will be lucky if he serves 7 years. If he kills my gay neighbor, he's likely to get life without the possibility of parole, if not the death sentence.

Did anyone consider this? What if a gay black guy with a learning disability hits your car with his car and you scream out all those references? Is that three hate crimes? Maybe you just get hit with two, because of double jeopardy?
Unless you have credible witnesses to racial slurs while the crime is being committed, video of the crime with audio, confession from the perp, and so on. Evidence. Not speculation.

Where in the hate crime bill does it say you don't have to have proof?
I don't know why you keep quoting me then asking this. I haven't made that assertion, and haven't seen anyone else make it.

I am merely pointing out that folks' objections to this don't seem to take into account that the burden of proof is still there. My opinion. Maybe they do.

You haven't made that claim, but others have.


For starters.
I see hate crime legislation is nothing more than appeasement. I am sure it will and has created more bureaucracy, and will take more time and costs more money to actually prosecute, what should be an open and shut case.
I thought that in this nation we were all to be treated as equal under the law... in this case, we are not. If that asshole, kills me, my family will be lucky if he serves 7 years. If he kills my gay neighbor, he's likely to get life without the possibility of parole, if not the death sentence.


and this is why i feel this law is a crock of shit.....if a guy robs a 7-11 and shots the clerk dead for the hell of it he might 25 to life with time off for good behavior....BUT if he calls him an ethnic slur before he shoots him he then will get life without parole.....BULL FUCKING SHIT...he should get the MAXIMUM sentence because he killed a HUMAN BEING ....there should be ZERO tolerance for violence perpetrated against ANYONE....period....
I thought that in this nation we were all to be treated as equal under the law... in this case, we are not. If that asshole, kills me, my family will be lucky if he serves 7 years. If he kills my gay neighbor, he's likely to get life without the possibility of parole, if not the death sentence.


and this is why i feel this law is a crock of shit.....if a guy robs a 7-11 and shots the clerk dead for the hell of it he might 25 to life with time off for good behavior....BUT if he calls him an ethnic slur before he shoots him he then will get life without parole.....BULL FUCKING SHIT...he should get the MAXIMUM sentence because he killed a HUMAN BEING ....there should be ZERO tolerance for violence perpetrated against ANYONE....period....

There are many mitigating factors that come into play when prosecuting a crime. Pre-meditation, prior criminal record, age, intent.........now hate crime is added as an additional factor
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Killing someone BECAUSE they are part of a group you HATE and want to intimidate is a hate crime.

IT harms more than just the victim of the crime but all individuals in the class of bigotry that were targeted en masse.

Hate crimes are message crimes. YOUR KIND will be eliminated.

I think Ed framed it best in a previous post, it is terrorism. Maybe people would understand it better if the law identified itself as anti-terrorism. And before someone gets all up in the mouth about equating the war on TARAH with killing a member of a group to affect the actions of a group:

Terrorism Definition | Definition of Terrorism at Dictionary.com
ter·ror·ism (těr'ə-rĭz'əm)
n. The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

So, a group has been recognized by the federal government as being a victim of this kind of coercion, and has taken steps to address it, making it a little less attractive as a tactic. I think its a good thing.

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