Federal Court Chides Dem Activists: There’s Nothing Racist About Election Integrity Laws Like Florida’s


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Federal Court Chides Dem Activists: There’s Nothing Racist About Election Integrity Laws Like Florida’s

22 Sep 2023 ~~ By Shawn Fleetwood

A full federal appeals court declined to take up Democrat groups’ challenge of Florida’s 2021 election integrity law on Thursday, marking a major win for Gov. Ron DeSantis and the GOP-controlled state legislature.
According to the Orlando Sentinel, Thursday’s decision by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals “let stand an April ruling by a three-judge panel of the [court] that sided with the state on major issues in the case.” The 11th Circuit’s April decision effectively overturned a prior ruling issued by U.S. District Judge Mark Walker — an Obama appointee — who baselessly claimed the law in question discriminated against black voters.
“What are the supposedly racist provisions that the district judge enjoined officials from enforcing?” Chief Judge William Pryor wrote of the court’s Thursday decision. “They are unremarkable, race-neutral policies designed to bolster election security, maintain order at the polls and ensure that voter-registration forms are delivered on time.”
Signed into law in May 2021, SB 90 includes numerous provisions heavily supported by election integrity activists and American voters. According to a DeSantis press release, the statute “strengthens existing voter ID laws, bans ballot harvesting, prohibits unsolicited mass mailing of ballots, increases election transparency, and prohibits private money from administering elections.”
“Under our precedent, this history cannot support a finding of discriminatory intent in this case. Florida’s more recent history does not support a finding of discriminatory intent,” Pryor wrote

Marxian Democrats will now try to say that the appeals court itself is racist.
The Democrat claims of racism will continue unabated. Democrats have unlimited sources of funding from various dark money groups, they will file one lawsuit after another knowing that most will not be successful, when one is successful, they will use that as precedence to file even more lawsuits, hoping to change elections laws around the country.
Congress should be impeaching all the Judges legislating from the bench, especially after a reversal like this where the Appeals Court calls out the Judge for being biased and stupid.
The Corrupt Democrat Party's version of 'voting rights' means that they get to vote as often as they want.


Federal Court Chides Dem Activists: There’s Nothing Racist About Election Integrity Laws Like Florida’s

22 Sep 2023 ~~ By Shawn Fleetwood

A full federal appeals court declined to take up Democrat groups’ challenge of Florida’s 2021 election integrity law on Thursday, marking a major win for Gov. Ron DeSantis and the GOP-controlled state legislature.
According to the Orlando Sentinel, Thursday’s decision by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals “let stand an April ruling by a three-judge panel of the [court] that sided with the state on major issues in the case.” The 11th Circuit’s April decision effectively overturned a prior ruling issued by U.S. District Judge Mark Walker — an Obama appointee — who baselessly claimed the law in question discriminated against black voters.
“What are the supposedly racist provisions that the district judge enjoined officials from enforcing?” Chief Judge William Pryor wrote of the court’s Thursday decision. “They are unremarkable, race-neutral policies designed to bolster election security, maintain order at the polls and ensure that voter-registration forms are delivered on time.”
Signed into law in May 2021, SB 90 includes numerous provisions heavily supported by election integrity activists and American voters. According to a DeSantis press release, the statute “strengthens existing voter ID laws, bans ballot harvesting, prohibits unsolicited mass mailing of ballots, increases election transparency, and prohibits private money from administering elections.”
“Under our precedent, this history cannot support a finding of discriminatory intent in this case. Florida’s more recent history does not support a finding of discriminatory intent,” Pryor wrote

Marxian Democrats will now try to say that the appeals court itself is racist.
The Democrat claims of racism will continue unabated. Democrats have unlimited sources of funding from various dark money groups, they will file one lawsuit after another knowing that most will not be successful, when one is successful, they will use that as precedence to file even more lawsuits, hoping to change elections laws around the country.
Congress should be impeaching all the Judges legislating from the bench, especially after a reversal like this where the Appeals Court calls out the Judge for being biased and stupid.
Can't argue with this nor, based on the Demorats' track record, do I consider your opinion of what will likely now happen to be unreasonable or even highly speculative.

It is my strong opinion and what I would dictate if I am ever made dictator for a month or year or whatever:
1. Proof of identity, citizenship, age and residency should be the minimum requirements to register to vote.
2. Voter registrations will be completed 4 to 6 weeks before an election so that the registry can be finalized for the upcoming elections.
3. Photo ID will be required to vote in any election. If any citizen cannot afford a certified photo ID, the state will provide one to the citizen at no charge.
4. ID or double verification will be required to request an absentee ballot and once requested it MUST be used or the person doesn't vote at all. Absentee ballots MUST be notarized and returned to proper authorities before the polls close on election day and MUST be counted first.
5. Any mailed in ballot must be sent one at a time via USPS or licensed carrier such as UPS or FedEx or delivered in person at an in person polling location. Drop boxes are illegal as is anyone other than the person or his/her family member or POA or representative in a multi residential facility mailing the ballot.
6. All ballots cast at a polling location will be paper ballots and will be counted by hand with a certified tally kept with copies of the tally provided to poll watchers before they are fed into any machine.
7. All ballots will have a unique serial number to make duplications difficult or impossible.
8. Any person convicted of intentionally casting a fraudulent vote will have a felony record, mandatory jail time and fine.
9. Any person not voting in either the primary or general election will have his/her name removed from the registry and will need to re-register to vote. (That not only encourages people to vote but also helps ensure people vote in the precinct they are assigned.)

If we do that every American can be reasonably certain his/her ballot is counted as he/she voted and that the final vote is as accurate and honest and legal as we are able to make it.

And that would be a very good thing for America and an important component to heal some of the divisions between us.

And there is not a racist or unfair element to be found there.
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