Tommy Tuberville admits he went to NYC to help trump break his gag order.

No he can't. He isn't party to the trial.

The only way he can be held in contempt is if he got rowdy in the courtroom. Outside the building, though? The judge is powerless.

But Trump can be called for violations of the gag order. The order says that he cannot induce others to attacks the judge's family either. Having his surrogates show up and lie to the American people is a violation of Trump's gag order.
Who the fuck do you think you're talking to Nostra Dumbass? You must think that others are as stupid and gullible as you are.

Your post is almost as unintelligible as your scrambled brain. I guess posting daily in support of criminal conman and being shot down for idiocy on a daily basis is unhinging you.

Such is your desperation to promote false equivalencies that you'll say ANYTHING to denigrate Democrats, while denying Trump's respsonsibility for any of the deaths or harms he causes the American people.
Just when you think Leftists can't get
But Trump can be called for violations of the gag order. The order says that he cannot induce others to attacks the judge's family either. Having his surrogates show up and lie to the American people is a violation of Trump's gag order.
Good luck with
Nobody cares about your historic mistake

We are going to try him on the other 3 cases in the court of public opinion. This case was our weakest case. Republican Judges are going to delay till after the election and that is a problem. We can't have a sitting president under indictment. It would cause a constitutional crisis.
We are going to try him on the other 3 cases in the court of public opinion. This case was our weakest case. Republican Judges are going to delay till after the election and that is a problem. We can't have a sitting president under indictment. It would cause a constitutional crisis.
No it won'

But at least you admit these are show trials.
But Trump can be called for violations of the gag order. The order says that he cannot induce others to attacks the judge's family either. Having his surrogates show up and lie to the American people is a violation of Trump's gag order.

I don't mind them coming down and supporting Trump but if they attack the judge, lawyers or families, I'd arrest those politicians. Maybe that's what they want? They want to say we're silencing and arresting the other side.

I'm telling you, boy, these guys are Nazi's. Not exactly Nazi's of course but a bad organization is trying to take over our government just like they did in Germany. There is no difference in that respect. They have taken over the Republican party.
And having your surrogates come say the things you've been enjoined not to is a violation of that principal.
Why not have the judge issue a gag order on anyone who says, thinks about saying, anything favorable to President Trump? Would that work for you? Punishable by, say, a $10,000 fine? Or do they need to do jail time, too? Since you demand a Banana Republic, let's go all the way.

Sure it's kosher. It's called "free speech". I know how you people hate free speech, but there's nothing you can do about it.

You really need to reread the Constitution

Congress shall pass no laws…..means the government can’t prosecute you for your speech.

A private citizen, newspaper, web site is free to restrict what you say
I don't mind them coming down and supporting Trump but if they attack the judge, lawyers or families, I'd arrest those politicians. Maybe that's what they want? They want to say we're silencing and arresting the other side.

I'm telling you, boy, these guys are Nazi's. Not exactly Nazi's of course but a bad organization is trying to take over our government just like they did in Germany. There is no difference in that respect. They have taken over the Republican party.
The fucking
We are going to try him on the other 3 cases in the court of public opinion. This case was our weakest case. Republican Judges are going to delay till after the election and that is a problem. We can't have a sitting president under indictment. It would cause a constitutional crisis.
Oh no doubt you all will continue to abuse your offices and prosecute political rivals
No it won'

But at least you admit these are show trials.

You arguing with Trump?

“If she were to win, it would create an unprecedented Constitutional crisis that would cripple the operations of our government,” he said. “She is likely to be under investigation for many years, and also it will probably end up – in my opinion – in a criminal trial.
You really need to reread the Constitution

Congress shall pass no laws…..means the government can’t prosecute you for your speech.

A private citizen, newspaper, web site is free to restrict what you say
The judge isn't a private citizen. And there's nothing you can do to stop them.
You arguing with Trump?

“If she were to win, it would create an unprecedented Constitutional crisis that would cripple the operations of our government,” he said. “She is likely to be under investigation for many years, and also it will probably end up – in my opinion – in a criminal trial.
Hillary actually broke the law.
The judge isn't a private citizen. And there's nothing you can do to stop them.

The Judge is responsible for his court and has a responsibility to protect those in the court including jurors, witnesses, court officers and their family.

Trump is free to talk about the case. He just can’t engage in personal attacks against the court.
Hey, we aren't the ones who tried to steal an election and we aren't the ones who are supporting a criminal creepy lying con man. I shouldn't be surprised

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And we are the ones attempting to keep COVID elections laws that make cheating easier nor do we support a demented, treasonous puppet.
It isn't a threat. It's the exercise of free speech.

It's a threat. And Trump knows it.
No it won'

But at least you admit these are show trials.

These are not show trials. If Donald Trump isn't convicted and jailed for attempting to overthrow the government, the next attempt will succeed.

Of course you want a white authoritarian dictatorship, so you're cheering for it.
And we are the ones attempting to keep COVID elections laws that make cheating easier nor do we support a demented, treasonous puppet.

Yet, a detailed investigation of the 2020 election found no cheating with the exception of Trump who tried to steal the election.

He is being prosecuted for it
And we are the ones attempting to keep COVID elections laws that make cheating easier nor do we support a demented, treasonous puppet.

There were no "covid election laws". You're just pissed that after 8 years of keeping brown and black people away from the polls, and putting polling places outside of town with no bus services for inner city neighbourhoods, EVERYONE got a chance to vote in 2020, and to have their votes counted.

Republicans lost because their candidate was a complete and total failure as President. Nobody had to cheat. The American people are sick of your orange clown. Over a million Americans dead. The economy crashed.

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