Obama officially turns back on Isreal.

Well then you admit that FAUX are imbeciles, but I say you are too kind to FAUX, they are premeditated liars.
Here's what FAUX said:

Are you comprehending what you are saying? Did obama say this or not?
"The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states,"

you are wasting your time, there is nothing to swap if he ISN'T speaking of pre- 67. he won't/cannot grasp that fact.

Useful idiots use three tools : Confuse, obfuscate, distract. We have all three at play with this one. :lol:
Well then you admit that FAUX are imbeciles, but I say you are too kind to FAUX, they are premeditated liars.
Here's what FAUX said:

Are you comprehending what you are saying? Did obama say this or not?
"The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states,"

you are wasting your time, there is nothing to swap if he ISN'T speaking of pre- 67. he won't/cannot grasp that fact.

There is nothing to swap anyway. Israel has no land and Israel has no borders.

This whole "peace process" scam is to make Palestine give land to Israel.

The 1967 borders are really the 1949 armistice lines that were specifically not to be borders
All Obama is doing is encouraging Israel's enemies on...and making the United States an enemy of Israel...and it's by design.
So you believe U.S. failure to conform to Israel's master plan will cause Israel to regard us as an enemy?

That's quite a projection.
It has been noted by the more rational that what Obama stated has been the foundation of US diplomacy towards the Palestinian/Israeli situation for some time now....all Obama did was to OFFICIALLY offer it as POLICY.

And the President was quite careful to state this would entail NEGOTIATIONS...NOT just re-establishment of old border lines.
The UN partition plan was never implemented by the Security Council. It did not partition Palestine and it created no state.

Israel was not the victor. The 1948 war was called by a UN Security Council resolution. Nobody won that war. Nobody lost that war.

Why wasn't it implemented? What makes you think it wasn't implemented?

A transitional period under United Nations auspices was to begin with the adoption of the resolution, and lasting until the establishment of the two states. However, war broke out and the partition plan was never implemented by the Security Council. On March 5, 1948, the United Nations Security Council reached an impasse when it refused to pass a resolution which would have accepted the partition plan as a basis for Security Council action. The United States subsequently recommended a temporary UN trusteeship for Palestine "without prejudice to the character of the eventual political settlement", and the Security Council voted to send the matter back to the General Assembly for further deliberation. The General Assembly decided to appoint a Mediator, and relieved the Palestine Commission from any further exercise of responsibility under resolution 181 (II) of 29 November 1947.

United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If the war prevented the implemention of the UN partition plan that isn't Israels fault they did not start the war. They won by default.
Again you run terrified from addressing the lies in the FAUX article.
Thank you.
"Terrified"? What gave it away -- the hearty laughter at your utterly unearned sense of self-importance?

Watch closely, because I'm going to laugh directly in your face, and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it:


Dumbass. :lol:
Laughter is a well known defense mechanism to hide one's fear, so laugh all you want!!!

The fact remains you are still too afraid to address the points about the obvious lies of FAUX.

Look out, rdean -- you have serious competition for the title of King Retard.
this is a balls up.

Israel rejects US call for withdrawal to 1967 position

Posted by Agencies on May 20th, 2011 // No Comment


“Prime Minister Netanyahu expects to hear a reaffirmation from President Obama of US commitments made to Israel in 2004, which were overwhelmingly supported by both Houses of Congress,” read a statement released late Thursday, “Among other things, those commitments relate to Israel not having to pull out to the 1967 line which are both hard to defend and would leave major Israeli population centers in Judea and Samaria (in the West Bank) beyond those lines.”

The News Tribe » Israel rejects US call for withdrawal to 1967 position

I Don't blame them for rejecting it. They WON the territory fair and square in BATTLE...and only when ATTACKED...

Now Obama wants them to give it back...as with Obama's Domestic policy on the borders...He seems to want US to give back territory fought for and WON from Mexicans...while wanting to make illegals Citizens...

Obama is so wrong on so many levels...

Maybe Gators and Moats would DO us a service?
Your comparative example of U.S./Mexico relationship is valid but irrelevant in that (a) Mexicans are not engaged in terrorist activity against America and (b) Obama is not litigating a land dispute in civil court. He is concerned with alleviating tensions which have a significant effect on U.S. relations with Middle Eastern peoples. If Israel doesn't wish to cooperate I suggest that Obama resolve the situation by withdrawing all further support of Israel and severing diplomatic relations. That would free Israel to deal with the Arabs any way they wish to with no objectionable interference from the U.S.
Well then you admit that FAUX are imbeciles, but I say you are too kind to FAUX, they are premeditated liars.
Here's what FAUX said:

Are you comprehending what you are saying? Did obama say this or not?
"The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states,"

you are wasting your time, there is nothing to swap if he ISN'T speaking of pre- 67. he won't/cannot grasp that fact.
That's a crock!

It has been noted by the more rational that what Obama stated has been the foundation of US diplomacy towards the Palestinian/Israeli situation for some time now....all Obama did was to OFFICIALLY offer it as POLICY.

And the President was quite careful to state this would entail NEGOTIATIONS...NOT just re-establishment of old border lines.

he wasn't very careful when he demanded Israel stop settlements before negotiations, was he?
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It has been noted by the more rational that what Obama stated has been the foundation of US diplomacy towards the Palestinian/Israeli situation for some time now....all Obama did was to OFFICIALLY offer it as POLICY.

And the President was quite careful to state this would entail NEGOTIATIONS...NOT just re-establishment of old border lines.

he wasn't very careful when he demanded Israel stop settlements before negotiations, was he?
How was that any different from Bush's 2003 "road map" which had its settlement freeze in phase I?
Here'sanother map I doubt you will comprehend it
I comprehend that you are desperately trying to distract from the CON$ervative lie that there is nothing to swap post 1967.

I told you to stop deleting my post. Dam you're stupid go find a middle east histroy book.
I'll let one of your fellow travelers put you in your place.
Useful idiots use three tools : Confuse, obfuscate, distract. We have all three at play with this one. :lol:
I comprehend that you are desperately trying to distract from the CON$ervative lie that there is nothing to swap post 1967.

I told you to stop deleting my post. Dam you're stupid go find a middle east histroy book.
I'll let one of your fellow travelers put you in your place.
Useful idiots use three tools : Confuse, obfuscate, distract. We have all three at play with this one. :lol:

That comment was for you useful idiot.
I told you to stop deleting my post. Dam you're stupid go find a middle east histroy book.
I'll let one of your fellow travelers put you in your place.
Useful idiots use three tools : Confuse, obfuscate, distract. We have all three at play with this one. :lol:

That comment was for you useful idiot.
See the first quote in my sig!

Your map had nothing to do with the CON$ervative lie that there was nothing to swap post 1967, which they used as a rationalization to change Obama's words, therefore it is a distraction intended to confuse and obfuscate that fact.
I'll let one of your fellow travelers put you in your place.

That comment was for you useful idiot.
See the first quote in my sig!

Your map had nothing to do with the CON$ervative lie that there was nothing to swap post 1967, which they used as a rationalization to change Obama's words, therefore it is a distraction intended to confuse and obfuscate that fact.
As long as you keep editing I will keep reposting it. It has had something to do with the topic since you postred that Faux map.
I don't speak or understand Hebrew so I am not for sure what Netanyahu is saying in this video but the captions say Netanyahu stopped the Oslo Peace Accord.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6KLFrye9Xk"]Undermined Oslo Accord[/ame]

This is the letter Netanyahu is referring to:

This letter was provided by U.S. Secretary of State Christopher to Benjamin Netanyahu at the time of signing of the Hebron Protocol
Dear Mr. Prime Minister,

I wanted personally to congratulate you on the successful conclusion of the "Protocol Concerning the Redeployment in Hebron." It represents an important step forward in the Oslo peace process and reaffirms my conviction that a just and lasting peace will be established between Israelis and Palestinians in the very near future.

In this connection, I can assure you that it remains the policy of the United States to support and promote full implementation of the Interim Agreement in all of its parts. We intend to continue our efforts to help ensure that all outstanding commitments are carried out by both parties in a cooperative spirit and on the basis of reciprocity.

As part of this process, I have impressed upon Chairman Arafat the imperative need for the Palestinian Authority to make every effort to ensure public order and internal security within the West Bank and Gaza Strip. I have stressed to him that effectively carrying out this major responsibility will be a critical foundation for completing implementation of the Interim Agreement, as well as the peace process as a whole.

I wanted you to know that, in this context, I have advised Chairman Arafat of U.S. views on Israel's process of redeploying its forces, designating specified military locations and transferring additional powers and responsibilities to the Palestinian Authority. In this regard, I have conveyed our belief, that the first phase of further redeployments should take place as soon as possible, and that all three phases of the further redeployments should be completed within twelve months from the implementation of the first phase of the further redeployments but not later than mid-1998.

Mr. Prime Minister, you can be assured that the United States' commitment to Israel's security is ironclad and constitutes the fundamental cornerstone of our special relationship. The key element in our approach to peace, including the negotiation and implementation of agreements between Israel and its Arab partners, has always been a recognition of Israel's security requirements. Moreover, a hallmark of U.S. policy remains our commitment to work cooperatively to seek to meet the security needs that Israel identifies. Finally, I would like to reiterate our position that Israel is entitled to secure and defensible borders, which should be directly negotiated and agreed with its neighbors.
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