Obama needs to publicly tell Gaddafi to go.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
He needs to show his support for the protesters and tell this guy to go. Enough of the silence!
Since he is not an ally, it would not do much good

Maybe if Scotland told him to go
True, it would be a good gesture to the protestors but on the other hand he would be wary of the time that the USA encouraged the Kurds to rise against Saddam only to abandon them and see them viciously suppressed.
Gaddafi is just as capable as Saddam.
He needs to show his support for the protesters and tell this guy to go. Enough of the silence!

I don't even know where to start.

If it were GEORGE BOOOOOOSH! in the White House, we'd have partisan hack crackpots like you complaining (rightly) about pushing around little countries like Libya and imperialism.

But now, since the dope residing at 1600 Pennsylvania happens to have that (D) next to his name, he needs to assert his authouritahhh and tell other nations how to run their internal political affairs.

Just shoot me now.
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Gaddafi is looking for an excuse to squash the protests. Obama openly supporting them would give him that excuse
Gaddafi is looking for an excuse to squash the protests. Obama openly supporting them would give him that excuse
Boyking isn't that smart.

He's paralyzed buy his utter incompetence...It's no more complicated than that.

What is your proposed response?
How about just giving them "moral support" this time? If the citizens want to oust their leader, let em have at it while we watch on the sidelines.
Let Europe worry about Libya. Last time I checked, Europe is alot closer to Libya than we are. It's about time Europeans got off their overly judgemental lazy duffs. Afterall, its' European countries who stand to have to absorb alot of future mid-eastern immigrants as a result of recent/on-going events.
Get Americans the Hell out of there and let the people have at it. I'd say Gaddafi has lost it, but I'm not sure he ever had anything to lose anyway. Those Libyan protesters aren't messing with Mubarak, Mubarak was a tad overly strict and pretty out of touch, Gaddafi is an absolute total nutcase with no traces of sanity left.
Boyking isn't that smart.

He's paralyzed buy his utter incompetence...It's no more complicated than that.

What is your proposed response?
How about just giving them "moral support" this time? If the citizens want to oust their leader, let em have at it while we watch on the sidelines.

They need moral support from other Arab nations. Moral support from the infidels in the US would be used as a justification for attacking the protestors
Let Europe worry about Libya. Last time I checked, Europe is alot closer to Libya than we are. It's about time Europeans got off their overly judgemental lazy duffs. Afterall, its' European countries who stand to have to absorb alot of future mid-eastern immigrants as a result of recent/on-going events.

They should take point on this and they should get off their *sses. The prob is that (and this is speculation . . . no time to look it up now), a few of those countries probably have had very long economic ties [OIL] with Quackdafi and are not sure about about what to do [SCARED *#%?!less]. If you guessed France as one of those countries . . . you're a winner!
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I wonder what Lockerbie bomber Al Megrahi is thinking....maybe, if gadafi duck goes down hes gonna wish he was back in Merry Ole.......Or we can put a J-dam in his lap....

humm.......maybe obama can trade for him then send him to gitmo......:eusa_think:
He needs to show his support for the protesters and tell this guy to go. Enough of the silence!

Seriously, it does'nt matter who is at 1600.
This started in Tunisia and the dominoes are falling. Why should we mess with it?
If it ain't broke, why fix it.
There are going to be casualties, its going to happen.
All we should do is monitor with our intelligence on ground and prevent anything devastating.

Besides, we already sent an envoy who met with Quackdafy. The result was pointless.
Reagan, Carter, Clinton or Bush would'nt have been able to reason with/tell anything to that whack job.
I have heard varying opinions on this in the boob tube world and I must say that I believe we need to give some kind of signal to the protesters that the United States is supportive of any efforts to establish a Democracy. We cannot sit on the sidelines and allow the Muslim Brotherhood or Iran to gain a foothold in Libya. Gaddafi is gone. It is just a matter of time.

I don't think we want the emerging powers to ask, "And where were you, US?" I think a well thought out statement or signal could do worlds of good at this point. Let US citizens leave and then make a stand against this clown.
I have heard varying opinions on this in the boob tube world and I must say that I believe we need to give some kind of signal to the protesters that the United States is supportive of any efforts to establish a Democracy. We cannot sit on the sidelines and allow the Muslim Brotherhood or Iran to gain a foothold in Libya. Gaddafi is gone. It is just a matter of time.

I don't think we want the emerging powers to ask, "And where were you, US?" I think a well thought out statement or signal could do worlds of good at this point. Let US citizens leave and then make a stand against this clown.

Exactly...get in there now and offer to help while they set up their new country.
Become known as the good guys.
That has got to be the best defense against the likes of Al Qaeda.

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