Obama looks so small compared to this great man

Meanwhile... Mr. Soetoro is spending America's birthday (July 4th) in France... How decidedly fitting for the Commander in Choom.

Very fitting considering that without help from France we would likely have lost the Revolutionary War.

But hey - don't let history get in your way.

I always like a history lesson by Democrats. First you get it wrong, then you're smug about it. Too funny. In fact the more stupid your comments, the more smug you are about them. So, let me give you the 411:

- France disagreed with you on that. In fact France did not help us for a long time because they thought we could not win and they could not spare the resources due to their endless conflict with England across the globe. Only once they became convinced that we would win that they started to help us.

- The Revolution was not going to end until we won. Liberals always try to oversimplify things because their brains are simple and they can't comprehend everything else. The war would not have ended when it did, it would have gone on a bit longer. But lose would never have happened.

I eagerly await your next idiot rambling which demonstrates knowledge of nothing followed by another lame pronouncement of smugness about it followed by the applause of other morons who prefer rather than moron to be called either "Democrat" or "liberal."

Ben Franklin convincing the French to enter the war was a major turning point. Up till then, we fought defensive battles with the British holding the major cities. The French Navy neutralized the British Navy and opened up our ports.

Regardless...for Conservatives to say that it is insulting to visit France on the 4th of July shows massive historical ignorance
Ollie North was given a job to do, he saluted and did it the only way he knew to get around a Senate that wanted to allow the Communists to take over Central America.
What is wrong with your brain?

He was only following orders.

Where have we heard that one before?


Is every military man that follows orders a Nazi, or just the ones you that you disagree with? Only a worthless POS idiot would compare fighting communism in Central America to Nazi Germany. And those would be your good points.
Following orders is no excuse if the orders are illegal.

Ollie North knew it was illegal.
He was only following orders.

Where have we heard that one before?


Is every military man that follows orders a Nazi, or just the ones you that you disagree with? Only a worthless POS idiot would compare fighting communism in Central America to Nazi Germany. And those would be your good points.
Following orders is no excuse if the orders are illegal.

Ollie North knew it was illegal.

What was illegal about having Israel broker arms to Iran? The Boland Amendment(s) prohibited spending taxpayers money to support defeating Communism in Central America. PROFITS from arms sales were not US taxpayers money.
Regardless...for Conservatives to say that it is insulting to visit France on the 4th of July shows massive historical ignorance

That you think they are making a "historical" reference shows your ignorance. I don't advocate not going to France on the 4th of July, but don't be a dumb ass and actually address their point rather than putting overt BS like this out as if it were a coherent argument.
And Reagan was absolutely right about the homeless, as anyone who has ever worked with them will tell you. They don't want homes, they don't want jobs. They're mentally ill. They want to be left alone, and given what they need.

In what capacity have you worked with the homeless??? I can't imagine, because you don't know what you're talking about.

Interesting clip..

I notice that when Obama greets the 6th graders tyhere are no teleprompters in the room, but when you switch to the teleprompters, it is a different room and there are no 6th graders

You aren't trying to trick us are you?

Yet another attack on Obama through creative editing, huh?

And just because theyre so dumb they fall for it, they expect the rest of us to fall for it as well.
What was illegal about having Israel broker arms to Iran? The Boland Amendment(s) prohibited spending taxpayers money to support defeating Communism in Central America. PROFITS from arms sales were not US taxpayers money.[/QUOTE]

So this poster does not understand the Constitution any better than North or Reagan, or maybe they did (as some believe) do it inspite of knowing.

Money spent by the US government MUST be approved by the House. Stealing arms from the American people and illegally selling them to gain illegal profits to illegally arm international terrorists is, to put it mildly, unconstitutional and highly illegal. Those involved are not only criminals but traitors.
Reagan was a ridiculous marionette surpassed only by 'W'.
I love Minnesota. Not sure what your problem is with us.

Are you new here?

I love Minnesota in the summer.

The last year I lived there was 1978. Freakin' cold!

I plan to visit around the weekend of the 21st. I usually come by a week later, but business dictates the re-schedule. I'll be in Duluth.

Jellus!!! I haven't been to the north shore in forever. And we are having a totally sucky summer. :(

Watching the weather, we are having exactly opposite results. In Indianapolis, it's beastly hot and we haven't had rain to measure in a bout two months.

Every time i notice, Minnesota's getting drenched.

Everything must be very green there.

Here, it looks like the low hills outside of LA. Dry and brown.
To be honest, I don't see anybody of Reagan-calibre in either party right now.

Reagan wasn't that great of a President. He didn't really do anything great.

  • Tax hiker (11 times, including the largest EVER)
  • Amnesty-giver
  • Cut-and-runner
  • Deficit exploder
  • Religious fundamentalist kowtow-er
  • Illegal arms salesman
  • Nun murderers supporter
  • Figurehead puppet
  • Corporate shill
  • Bad actor
  • Confused old man

What have I left out?

In his re-election, failed to carry all 50 states by .18% of the vote in Minnesota.
There were a few things about Reagan that made him more than just a suit...

He gave SPECTACULAR speeches.

He had a wonderful, wry sense of humor and knew how to use it. His one liners are second to NONE and put him in a class with the founding fathers.

Whatever he did, the vision of America that he sold to us was spectacular and moving, and HONORABLE.

The joke about Mondale's relative youth and inexperience closed the door on the competitive part of that race.
Bizarre that North and Reagan are heroes to some.

Very similar to those who still think 'W' was OK.

War criminals and traitors are poor role models for our youth.
Reagan was rated sixth best president by the Wall Street Journal, while historians only rated Reagan as wee bit above average. 16th. to 18th.

Historians are Democrat.
And trailer-trash are Republicans.

Political Bias in the Administrations and Faculties of 32 Elite Colleges and Universities - Reports - News - Students For Academic Freedom


The Center generated a list of 32 elite colleges and universities. We included the entire Ivy League, premier liberal arts colleges like Amherst and Pomona, well-known technically-oriented universities like MIT, highly competitive public institutions like the University of California at Berkeley, and other elite private universities like Stanford. We compiled lists of tenured or tenure-track professors of the Economics, English, History, Philosophy, Political Science and Sociology departments - choosing these because they teach courses focusing on issues affecting the society at large. We compared these lists to the voter registration lists of the counties or states in which the colleges were located, and attempted to match individual names.

Summary of Results

In our examinations of over 150 departments and upper-level administrations at 32 elite colleges and universities, the Center found the following:

The overall ratio of Democrats to Republicans we were able to identify at the 32 schools was more than 10 to 1 (1397 Democrats, 134 Republicans).
Although in the nation at large registered Democrats and Republicans are roughly equal in number, not a single department at a single one of the 32 schools managed to achieve a reasonable parity between the two. The closest any school came to parity was Northwestern University where 80% of the faculty members we identified were registered Democrats who outnumbered registered Republicans by a ratio of 4-1.
At other schools we found these representations of registered faculty Democrats to Republicans:
Brown 30-1
Bowdoin, Wellesley 23-1
Swarthmore 21-1
Amherst, Bates 18-1
Columbia, Yale 14-1
Pennsylvania, Tufts, UCLA and Berkeley 12-1
Smith 11-1
At no less than four elite schools we could not identify a single Republican on the faculty:
More BULLSHIT. EVERY president when giving a formal speech uses notes. A teleprompter is just a device that projects those notes.

Learn to accept reality that you are just parroting an ignorant right wing partisan attack on the duly elected President of the United States.

Oopps libs have a problem with words they never learned growing up liberal..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlkK65y_-T4]Obama can't pronounce "corpsman" - YouTube[/ame]

The majority of Americans who did not serve in the military do not know what a corpsman is

Um, he's their commander.

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