Obama looks so small compared to this great man

"Washington couldn't tell a lie, Nixon couldn't tell the truth, and Reagan couldn't tell the difference."
Mort Sahl
Excellent. Always did love Sahl.

I'm talking about the well-known fact that Obama NEVER speaks without teleprompter.
What a silly and dumb thing to say. As recently as yesterday, I watched him speaking without a teleprompter or notes. If you wanna see him turn the pubs into chopped liver, watch the Baltimore meeting. Not long after that, he invited them to join him, ON CAMERA, to discuss the health care act. On both occasions, he left them looking like the idiots they are. Since then, they have refused to meet with him on camera and have said they never will again. The Baltimore meeting is available on you tube.

Now, please prove that its a "well-known fact that Obama NEVER speaks without teleprompter". Thanks.

Back to corrupt and crooked Ronnie Ray-Gun ...
Ethics in Government
"Washington couldn't tell a lie, Nixon couldn't tell the truth, and Reagan couldn't tell the difference."
Mort Sahl
Excellent. Always did love Sahl.

I'm talking about the well-known fact that Obama NEVER speaks without teleprompter.
What a silly and dumb thing to say. As recently as yesterday, I watched him speaking without a teleprompter or notes. If you wanna see him turn the pubs into chopped liver, watch the Baltimore meeting. Not long after that, he invited them to join him, ON CAMERA, to discuss the health care act. On both occasions, he left them looking like the idiots they are. Since then, they have refused to meet with him on camera and have said they never will again. The Baltimore meeting is available on you tube.

Now, please prove that its a "well-known fact that Obama NEVER speaks without teleprompter". Thanks.

Back to corrupt and crooked Ronnie Ray-Gun ...
Ethics in Government

You really are completely empty-headed. I hope for Obama's sake that he has other people than you supporting him or he's doomed.
Ronald Reagan.

Did Reagan inherit two wars and an economy that had just lost 3 million jobs in six months?

He inherited the Iranian Revolution, the trauma of the hostage crisis, the US losing ground all over the World, a flaming Cold War and an economy suffering the results of sustained stagflation.

Rightwinger is an idiot that will never admit Obama inherited the things his party created.
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Ronald Wilson Reagan inherited a much LARGER mess from James Earl Carter than Barry and the boys inherited from GWB. 21% interest rate, double-digit inflation and the loss of Nicaraugua, Grenada, Afghanistan and other places to the Soviet sphere of influence. In anybody's book, Jimmy was a disaster. He absolutely GUTTED the military (just like Barry is trying to do) and I remember sitting in front of the TV while in the military listening to him drone on and on about how America had changed and that the troubles were the fault of everyone (but him of course - sound familiar?). That 'malaise' speech earned Jimmy a one-term stint. I shudder to think what would have happened had he been re-elected.

Ronald Reagan will go down in history as one of the top five Presidents in US History. Leadership is a quality that is hard to define. But the most beneficial thing that Ronald Reagan gave this country is the belief that we were and still are "that shining city on a hill." I realize that for the left, this just sends them into seizures because we all know that they see America as a dumb, stupid little country. To the left, America needs to learn to stand in line, like the good little countries of the European Union. But Ronald Reagan believed that America shouldn't and would not stand in line. We would lead.

For those that dislike Ronald Reagan, you can have your opinions. But I hate to tell you that historians are already writing the legacy of Ronald Reagan. And even for those who disliked him, they admit that at a time when we needed it most, Reagan gave us leadership.

Why do you think Barry constantly brings up his name?
Ronald Wilson Reagan inherited a much LARGER mess from James Earl Carter than Barry and the boys inherited from GWB. 21% interest rate, double-digit inflation and the loss of Nicaraugua, Grenada, Afghanistan and other places to the Soviet sphere of influence. In anybody's book, Jimmy was a disaster. He absolutely GUTTED the military (just like Barry is trying to do) and I remember sitting in front of the TV while in the military listening to him drone on and on about how America had changed and that the troubles were the fault of everyone (but him of course - sound familiar?). That 'malaise' speech earned Jimmy a one-term stint. I shudder to think what would have happened had he been re-elected.

Ronald Reagan will go down in history as one of the top five Presidents in US History. Leadership is a quality that is hard to define. But the most beneficial thing that Ronald Reagan gave this country is the belief that we were and still are "that shining city on a hill." I realize that for the left, this just sends them into seizures because we all know that they see America as a dumb, stupid little country. To the left, America needs to learn to stand in line, like the good little countries of the European Union. But Ronald Reagan believed that America shouldn't and would not stand in line. We would lead.

For those that dislike Ronald Reagan, you can have your opinions. But I hate to tell you that historians are already writing the legacy of Ronald Reagan. And even for those who disliked him, they admit that at a time when we needed it most, Reagan gave us leadership.

Why do you think Barry constantly brings up his name?

Very true.
Ronald Wilson Reagan inherited a much LARGER mess from James Earl Carter than Barry and the boys inherited from GWB. 21% interest rate, double-digit inflation and the loss of Nicaraugua, Grenada, Afghanistan and other places to the Soviet sphere of influence. In anybody's book, Jimmy was a disaster. He absolutely GUTTED the military (just like Barry is trying to do) and I remember sitting in front of the TV while in the military listening to him drone on and on about how America had changed and that the troubles were the fault of everyone (but him of course - sound familiar?). That 'malaise' speech earned Jimmy a one-term stint. I shudder to think what would have happened had he been re-elected.

Ronald Reagan will go down in history as one of the top five Presidents in US History. Leadership is a quality that is hard to define. But the most beneficial thing that Ronald Reagan gave this country is the belief that we were and still are "that shining city on a hill." I realize that for the left, this just sends them into seizures because we all know that they see America as a dumb, stupid little country. To the left, America needs to learn to stand in line, like the good little countries of the European Union. But Ronald Reagan believed that America shouldn't and would not stand in line. We would lead.

For those that dislike Ronald Reagan, you can have your opinions. But I hate to tell you that historians are already writing the legacy of Ronald Reagan. And even for those who disliked him, they admit that at a time when we needed it most, Reagan gave us leadership.

Why do you think Barry constantly brings up his name?

Wasn't it under Carter where the 'Misery Index' came into prominence?
Reagan was Lucky historically like Clinton was. If Carter had tried to rescue the hostages as if his whole political carrear depended on the outcome and done a good job like Obama did with Bin Ladin Reagan would have faced a totally different election.

It isn't that Reagan was so bad a person..it is more like he was like Bush II. He had a bunch of bad people working for him that used him for cover. People give Ronnie all this undeserved praise when in reality he wasn't very smart or curious about what was happening right under his nose.

His Gorbachiev "tear down this wall" was the ultimate in baffoonery and hubris. The Soviet Union didn't fail because of ANYTHING Reagan did. The USSR failed because it was corrupt and horribly miss managed. Do you dummies know how much oil and precious metals are in the former Soviet Union? No... you don't do you? They failed because they are fuck ups and for no other reason. Ronnie was a fake. He was an actor and you fuckwits got sucked into his performance.... SUCKERS!!!
Ronald Reagan.

Did Reagan inherit two wars and an economy that had just lost 3 million jobs in six months?

He inherited the Iranian Revolution, the trauma of the hostage crisis, the US losing ground all over the World, a flaming Cold War and an economy suffering the results of sustained stagflation.

The hostage crisis lasted one day of his term
His economy was no where near as bad as what Obama inherited and unemployment skyrocketed after Reagan took office
Reagan was Lucky historically like Clinton was. If Carter had tried to rescue the hostages as if his whole political carrear depended on the outcome and done a good job like Obama did with Bin Ladin Reagan would have faced a totally different election.

It isn't that Reagan was so bad a person..it is more like he was like Bush II. He had a bunch of bad people working for him that used him for cover. People give Ronnie all this undeserved praise when in reality he wasn't very smart or curious about what was happening right under his nose.

His Gorbachiev "tear down this wall" was the ultimate in baffoonery and hubris. The Soviet Union didn't fail because of ANYTHING Reagan did. The USSR failed because it was corrupt and horribly miss managed. Do you dummies know how much oil and precious metals are in the former Soviet Union? No... you don't do you? They failed because they are fuck ups and for no other reason. Ronnie was a fake. He was an actor and you fuckwits got sucked into his performance.... SUCKERS!!!

If you had read about this particular speech, all of his advisors had told him NOT to say that line instead replacing it with something less confrontational. Even when Reagan ran the line past several high ranking Democrats from Congress, they told him that he shouldn't say the obvious. That if Gorbachov wanted the world to see the Soviet Union as something other than an "evil empire" then why would they have to build walls to keep people in? JFK hadn't said the obvious. Johnson, Nixon, Ford or Carter. None of them would say what everyone was thinking. The Germans wouldn't say it outloud instead wanting to give some creedence to the lie that the Soviets continued to tell. But Reagan wanted to say the line AND to give the speech in front of the wall so that the world could see it and also see the armed guards behind him.

Reagan had particular angst about this speech. It came at a time when relations with the Soviets were particularly strained. Pershing II missles being shipped to NATO and two World War II battleships, refitted and re-armed, were re-launched and cruising the oceans, much to the great displeasure of the Soviets. The US was forging ahead with Reagan's Star Wars and the Soviets were in an absolute PANIC. Then this speech. It was like a knife to the Soviet heart. And whether you like Reagan or not, these words which were NEVER spoken before, cut deeply and layed open a cold fact.

The fall of the Soviet empire did not occur until Bush 41 was President. The Soviet empire was like a row of dominos. The first one fell under Reagan (metaphoracally). Leaders don't turn the bolts or create the welds when building something, they provide a vision and direction of what to build. They understand those that do the work and provide the space for the work to get done. Sometimes, people take advantage of that space...
#2 on the all time landslide list. People loved Reagan and still do except the loons of course



People don't generally get to be millionaires by being stupid. Yet, how many millionaires were totally fooled by Bernie Madoff?

Ronnie Reagan was just a different type of con man.
Reagan wasn't perfect. None of em are.

Reagan inherited one hell of a mess and it took some time but he certainly got this country rocking.

I sure as hell wish he were running the show today instead of that incompetent idiot Barry boy.
And Obama didn't inherit one hell of a mess?

Who inherited a larger mess?

That's pretty easy to answer: Reagan. When he took over the US was on a sharp downward decline and was falling apart internally.
You are a dishonest piece of shit.

True story!
I would have asked him how many innocent Vietnamese children did he kill to get his Silver Star, Bronze Star Medal and two Purple Heart medals. And, did he throw his medals away and rat out his fellow Marines while they were still fighting and dying in Vietnam.

You may recall who it was that did that and DID get elected to public office.

So what? A false analogy. How many of our legislators and leaders dropped hell fire in WWII on the enemy and got elected to office?

What is wrong with your brain?

Ollie is part of the race that believes in lying, cheating, violating the law is OK in the cause of a 'higher morality.' If we are parsing that situational ethos, then, in his case, he should have gone to federal prison.

Ollie North was given a job to do, he saluted and did it the only way he knew to get around a Senate that wanted to allow the Communists to take over Central America.
What is wrong with your brain?

He was only following orders.

Where have we heard that one before?

#2 on the all time landslide list. People loved Reagan and still do except the loons of course

People don't generally get to be millionaires by being stupid. Yet, how many millionaires were totally fooled by Bernie Madoff?

Ronnie Reagan was just a different type of con man.

Even 3 decades later they still haven't gotten over it.
And Obama didn't inherit one hell of a mess?

Who inherited a larger mess?

Ronald Reagan.

Did Reagan inherit two wars and an economy that had just lost 3 million jobs in six months?

The unemployment rate plus the inflation rate to provide a snap shot of economic conditions. Jimmy Carter rendered the term prominent and notable with his average Misery Index of 16.26, with an apex in June 1980 of 21.98.

Of course the resolution of one war (Iraq) had already been negotiated by Bush 43. The housing bubble that was started by Clinton and continued by Bush, even though he tried to get it slowed down, and was rebuffed by a Dem congress, was the cause of the job loss.

TARP had been passed and implemented before Obama took office, and then he got almost another TRILLION dollar stimulus package to resolve the remaining problems.

All in all, Obama had it pretty good in by comparison.
So what? A false analogy. How many of our legislators and leaders dropped hell fire in WWII on the enemy and got elected to office?

What is wrong with your brain?

Ollie is part of the race that believes in lying, cheating, violating the law is OK in the cause of a 'higher morality.' If we are parsing that situational ethos, then, in his case, he should have gone to federal prison.

Ollie North was given a job to do, he saluted and did it the only way he knew to get around a Senate that wanted to allow the Communists to take over Central America.
What is wrong with your brain?

He was only following orders.

Where have we heard that one before?


Is every military man that follows orders a Nazi, or just the ones you that you disagree with? Only a worthless POS idiot would compare fighting communism in Central America to Nazi Germany. And those would be your good points.
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Reagan wasn't perfect. None of em are.

Reagan inherited one hell of a mess and it took some time but he certainly got this country rocking.

I sure as hell wish he were running the show today instead of that incompetent idiot Barry boy.
And Obama didn't inherit one hell of a mess?

Who inherited a larger mess?

That's pretty easy to answer: Reagan. When he took over the US was on a sharp downward decline and was falling apart internally.


Lets see: Two wars and a depression vs a hostage crisis and a recovering economy ( which he promptly put back into a downward spiral )

The worst recession since the Great Depression before the one were in right now happened in 1982, Thanks Ronnie! He took 5.9 % unemployment and took it up to 9.7 by 1982. Thanks Ronnie!

Carter ruined the economy; Reagan saved it

Art, next time you get the urge to post your thoughts on history, dont. Im embarassed for you.

Cmon No one believed Mondale could win. They were surprised he even won his home state. He ran because someone HAD to.

and all things considered:

Popular vote 54,455,472 37,577,352
Percentage 58.8% 40.6%

Mondale did get 40% of the vote.

And just because the mob agrees, dont make it right.

Yes, it figures you hate free elections and democracy.

Your assessment is flawed...as always. Next time take the blue pill.
Meanwhile... Mr. Soetoro is spending America's birthday (July 4th) in France... How decidedly fitting for the Commander in Choom.

Very fitting considering that without help from France we would likely have lost the Revolutionary War.

But hey - don't let history get in your way.

I always like a history lesson by Democrats. First you get it wrong, then you're smug about it. Too funny. In fact the more stupid your comments, the more smug you are about them. So, let me give you the 411:

- France disagreed with you on that. In fact France did not help us for a long time because they thought we could not win and they could not spare the resources due to their endless conflict with England across the globe. Only once they became convinced that we would win that they started to help us.

- The Revolution was not going to end until we won. Liberals always try to oversimplify things because their brains are simple and they can't comprehend everything else. The war would not have ended when it did, it would have gone on a bit longer. But lose would never have happened.

I eagerly await your next idiot rambling which demonstrates knowledge of nothing followed by another lame pronouncement of smugness about it followed by the applause of other morons who prefer rather than moron to be called either "Democrat" or "liberal."

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