Obama is spending $200 million PER DAY on his little jaunt to India

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india reported he is taking 34 naval ships with him too.

pentagon dismissed that claim several house ago. :p
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Sticks and stones....

But keep kissing Obama's Muslim ass.

Gee, you didn't act so non-chalant in your response to my neg rep.

So now Obama is a Muslim too?

You are obviously dumber than bricks.

I am still laughing at your belief that 200 million a day was a legitimate figure.

If you are a super villain, would you hold the world ransom for 100 million-billion dollars?

And you still have not come up with one bit of proof that it is not.

Keep up the negative reps. I want to see if I can break the record for negatives.
Considering the source that it came from has already been proven to be bullshit, maybe that might guide your thinking in the bullshit detector department.
Of course they did, they are following orders of the C-in-C.

I urge you to exercise some common sense in determining the validity of this story. Honestly, does it make sense to you that a diplomatic mission would cost more per day than a war? I mean, c'mon... I get the whole "I don't like the President" routine, but you're hurting your own reputation by buying into this thing.
I'm watching Rachel Maddow elegantly and comprehensively demolish this fairy tale right now.

Under the segment title:

Home of the Whopper

Trip to Mumbai | FactCheck.org

This story has spread rapidly among the president’s critics, but there is simply no evidence to support it. And common sense should lead anyone to doubt it. For example, the entire U.S. war effort in Afghanistan currently costs less than that — about $5.7 billion per month, according to the Congressional Research Service, or roughly $190 million per day. How could a peaceful state visit cost more than a war?

What else can you get for $200 million? Try the New Jersey Nets basketball team or possibly the Hope diamond — if only the Smithsonian were selling it.

The hard-to-swallow claim originated with a Nov. 2 Press Trust of India article quoting an unnamed "top official" in the government of Maharashtra (one of India’s states). The source was quoted as saying that Obama’s upcoming trip to Mumbai will cost $200 million per day for security and living arrangements, among other things. The story claimed that the president would be accompanied by about 3,000 people, including Secret Service agents, government officials and journalists, and will stay at the Taj Mahal Hotel — the scene of a 2008 terrorist attack.

We find stories based on anonymous sources always deserve special caution, especially when they come from only one news organization. In this case, the anonymous official is not even in the U.S. government, and any information about costs would necessarily have come second-hand at best, an added reason for caution.

"fact check" is a left wing organization. What they say is meaningless.

Maddow was just commenting, brilliantly, on what you just did here. In the rightwing subculture,

no non-rightwing source of information is allowed to be credible. Therefore, an insulated, impenetrable circle of rightwing-friendly sources are the only rightwing acceptable sources.

It's the equivalent of a real life conversation I once had many moons ago with a Jehovah's witness. I asked him how he knew something was true. He said because it's in the Bible. I asked him how its being in the Bible made it true. He said, because it's the Bible.
Of course they did, they are following orders of the C-in-C.

I urge you to exercise some common sense in determining the validity of this story. Honestly, does it make sense to you that a diplomatic mission would cost more per day than a war? I mean, c'mon... I get the whole "I don't like the President" routine, but you're hurting your own reputation by buying into this thing.


Face it... his credit card is going to be revoked in January 2011. The guy is just doing what those people do best; spending whitie's money while the spending is still good.
Economically it good for India...helps keep them employed.

It's not like there's anywhere to go in the United States after all.
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Aren't you happy there's so much extra cash in the Treasury that Obama can afford to take 3,000 of his closest friends and relatives to India on your dime?


Roll the (money printing) presses, Obama needs to replenish his Debit card.

“The unprecedented amount of around $200 million/day would be spent on security, stay and other aspects of the Presidential visit,” a top official of the Maharashtra Government privy to the arrangements for the high-profile visit said.

US to spend $200 mn a day on Obama's Mumbai visit

How come right wingers never believe the truth, but always believe the most far out and weird bullshit? Are their tiny brains just wired that way? Is it moldy communion wafers? What could it be? A bad batch of moonshine? Trailer fumes? What could it be? I'm, pardon the word, "mystified".
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