Obama Is Ruining America - Really? Tell Us Exactly HOW He Is Doing That

Seriously You need links to see how Obama is ruining America???
Click on DRUDGE.com. You will find links to most major news sources...Click on any one of them. You will find a multitued of articles as to how & why Obama is ruining America. Are you new to reading the news or just haven't had a chance to catch up with what's happening in the world these days.

Do you own a home?? How about those home values these days. Got a Job?? If you do you must be a govt worker or a union member or Both. How about the price of gas these days??? We're going to be buying oil from Brazil that they are drilling with our own money. How fantastic is that??? Oh and the 2 New wars that have Not been approved by congress making them illegal....Speaking of illegal how about that so. border of ours???? Or have you heard that there's a debate going on about raising the debt ceiling?? Do you have a clue to what that actually means?? Been to the grocery store lately??? Notice the smaller cans and packages with a higher pricetag????

Do a Little research & reading then maybe we can debate something but I have No desire to spoon feed you what is so readily available with just a few clicks on the internet...An amazing invention invented by Al Gore. It's time to Wake Up ~~~ :lol:

What and get articles from NewsMax, FOX, Breitbart, The New York Post and Wall Street Journal? All those rags are essentially owned and operated by the same people. And if you are so upset about not being able to get a private sector job...why don't you ask yourself why they aren't hiring instead of blaming people who still have jobs? TARP bailed out the banking, insurance and financial industries. How did the private sector reward the taxpayers? With more layoffs. They also rewarded their top executives with multimillion dollar compensation packages. And this while they are making more profit during this time period then in all of history. And our borders? Maybe you should pick up a paper from a more reliable news source. ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION IS DOWN. And President Obama sent troops to the border to supplement the border guards. And yeah..I've heard the batshit crazy Republicans are still holding the budget hostage over wanting to cut funding for seniors, kids and people that can't find jobs..while lavishing the wealthy with more wealth.

So maybe..you might want to try another news outlet. One that deals with reality.

I was actually making things simple for you. Want to learn something new each day start with Real Clear Politics. That should get your day started with something to think about. It's a grown up site!!!

And yet nothing to address any of the points raised in my post.

HOW is he bankrupting America? Specifically, what is Obama doing to make this happen?

WHERE is he over regulating?

HOW is he redistributing wealth?

The only specific thing you mentioned was health care, although you fail to mention how or in what manner this is going to ruin America.

Seriously You need links to see how Obama is ruining America???
Click on DRUDGE.com. You will find links to most major news sources...Click on any one of them. You will find a multitued of articles as to how & why Obama is ruining America. Are you new to reading the news or just haven't had a chance to catch up with what's happening in the world these days.

Do you own a home??

Pretty excellent. It's worth about 8 times as much as it did when we bought it. Even so, how is that Obama's fault?
Well, no. I do have a job, I'm self employed. I make a decent amount of money. Also, how is this Obama's fault?
I don't drive. Also, how is this Obama's fault?
Yeah, that's not true.I do love how now that the President is a Democrat, Conservatives have become pacifists, but according to the War Powers Act, Obama had to send a letter to Congress, and now it's on Congress to vote on it. They haven't yet...You mean the one that has more border guards, and more arrests than it did when Bush was President? Yes, I do. I bet you don't, though.
Been to the grocery store lately??? Notice the smaller cans and packages with a higher pricetag????
Not really, no. Pretty much the same prices I've been paying for the last decade.

Do a Little research & reading then maybe we can debate something but I have No desire to spoon feed you what is so readily available with just a few clicks on the internet...An amazing invention invented by Al Gore. It's time to Wake Up ~~~ :lol:
I think his point was no one seems to be able to explain why all of these problems are Obama's fault.

Everything is not fine. Very much like the twin towers that took a decade to build and a couple of hours to knock down..the solid US economy was knocked down by 8 years of gross conservative incompetence and corruption. That's going to take alot of heavy lifting to fix. And it's not made any easier by conservatives putting radicals in to governorships or electing them as representatives.

OMG...you crack me up.

The only thing you said here that makes any sense is that it's going to take a lot of heavy lifting to fix the mess we are in today. A position that has been made 100 times worse by putting a weak-knee'd nobody with ZERO experience in dealing with a national crisis.

You are bitching and complaining about conservatives electing radicals... REALLY? So who elected the radical in office today? Hmmm? Anyone??? Bueller? Bueller? Who elected the representatives that controlled the House during the last 2 years of the Bush admin.

POINT OF THE DAY....it wasn't conservatives that elected them or the current POTUS. He has magnified the problems we already had by leaps and bounds. And in the process has created more problems.

You can play the blame game if you want. But you're losing.

President Obama is in no way radical. None. Nothing he's done even compares to the Radical policy of invading a country you percieve as a threat. That's never been done by America before. And it was extremely radical. Add in all the other radical elements of the Bush administration, like torture (Which by the way is unconstitutional), warantless wiretaps (Again unconstitutional), set up "Free Speech Zones" (again unconstitutional), denied an American citizen Habeas ( again unconstitutional ), and foreign citizens were subject to rendition and hidden away in black sites. Thats the short list on Bush. Add in Rick Scott, Michelle Bachmann, Rand Paul, Rick Perry ( who talked about Secession), Paul Ryan, etc..and you have a real hotbed of radicalism.
RepubliCON$ = Radicalism.

Plain and simple.

What and get articles from NewsMax, FOX, Breitbart, The New York Post and Wall Street Journal? All those rags are essentially owned and operated by the same people. And if you are so upset about not being able to get a private sector job...why don't you ask yourself why they aren't hiring instead of blaming people who still have jobs? TARP bailed out the banking, insurance and financial industries. How did the private sector reward the taxpayers? With more layoffs. They also rewarded their top executives with multimillion dollar compensation packages. And this while they are making more profit during this time period then in all of history. And our borders? Maybe you should pick up a paper from a more reliable news source. ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION IS DOWN. And President Obama sent troops to the border to supplement the border guards. And yeah..I've heard the batshit crazy Republicans are still holding the budget hostage over wanting to cut funding for seniors, kids and people that can't find jobs..while lavishing the wealthy with more wealth.

So maybe..you might want to try another news outlet. One that deals with reality.

I was actually making things simple for you. Want to learn something new each day start with Real Clear Politics. That should get your day started with something to think about. It's a grown up site!!!

And yet nothing to address any of the points raised in my post.

That's cause they got bupkiss!

OMG...you crack me up.

The only thing you said here that makes any sense is that it's going to take a lot of heavy lifting to fix the mess we are in today. A position that has been made 100 times worse by putting a weak-knee'd nobody with ZERO experience in dealing with a national crisis.

You are bitching and complaining about conservatives electing radicals... REALLY? So who elected the radical in office today? Hmmm? Anyone??? Bueller? Bueller? Who elected the representatives that controlled the House during the last 2 years of the Bush admin.

POINT OF THE DAY....it wasn't conservatives that elected them or the current POTUS. He has magnified the problems we already had by leaps and bounds. And in the process has created more problems.

You can play the blame game if you want. But you're losing.

President Obama is in no way radical. None. Nothing he's done even compares to the Radical policy of invading a country you percieve as a threat. That's never been done by America before. And it was extremely radical. Add in all the other radical elements of the Bush administration, like torture (Which by the way is unconstitutional), warantless wiretaps (Again unconstitutional), set up "Free Speech Zones" (again unconstitutional), denied an American citizen Habeas ( again unconstitutional ), and foreign citizens were subject to rendition and hidden away in black sites. Thats the short list on Bush. Add in Rick Scott, Michelle Bachmann, Rand Paul, Rick Perry ( who talked about Secession), Paul Ryan, etc..and you have a real hotbed of radicalism.

Invading a country with the blessing of a majority of democrats who controlled the House? I get it...you're a peace lover...that's cool...war is ugly. But you can't strap the right with that responsiblity when so many democrats had the same perception. Torture? Shall I assume you mean waterboarding? There are so many types of torture. Can you say for certain that there has been NO torture during this administration or other administrations prior to Bush (including democrat presidents)? There are so many things that we don't know that happen on a daily basis. I'm not saying I approve of waterboarding. I'm simply suggesting that, once again, you can't just label the radicals on the right if you're not willing to acknowledge the radicals on the left who supported it. Wiretaps...this one is so borderline. Yeah, it did smack of right infringement. But it was hardly "warrantless". It was set up to detect communication between Al Queda members abroad and within our borders. It's concept had merit. Hardly radical. The FBI bugs phones and rooms everyday. Are they radical? No. And BTW, the program was ultimately ruled by the US Court of Appeals to be allowed to continue and was later dismissed by that same court based on a lack of standing by the plaintiff. IO think I have made my point...besides, I'm too tired to go into the rest of these things...but I will say this
though, you put quite a list of names together there at the end...
You should do a little research on Obama and his list of pals over the past. But you are going to have to be willing to accept what you find out. And you're going to have to dig a little. Well, not too deep really. You can look at his early appointed positions to find several. Kevin Jennings comes to mind. Of course, Ayers and Wright...but they are to expected to be brought up here. ACORN...radical to the nth degree, all of them.

As to Iraq..it seems that the intelligence that the President used to persuade Democratic votes in Congress was at best, dated. And, while I didn't sit in the room while he and his boys were constructing a case for invasion, I pretty much think he left alot of things out. Like the aluminium tubing he mentioned in his state of the union speech couldn't be used in the production of nuclear material. Or that the "yellowcake" story that was being floated about..was bogus. Or that Iraq..had No WMDs ( That one was a given, I don't know how anyone got suckered by that one. Several wars and withering sanctions left Iraq in no position to build anything)..and had no reponsibility for 9/11. Torture? Has that been used by previous administrations? Sure. And it was stopped. Personally I don't remember using waterboarding before in this country..but this country has previously categorized it as torture and arrested war criminals for using it. And there is nothing "borderline" about the wiretaps..they were scrapping email servers for textual strings that they thought would root out "terrorist activities" and mainly they were hitting journalists. This yielded so much information it was useless. So not only was it unconstitutional..it was a big waste of resources, time and money. As to Ayers, President Obama had a very casual association with the guy. And this was mainly in fund raising. It's doubtful he knew of Ayer's past and Ayer's was a repected, well liked and contributing member of his community. Turning him into a wild eyed domestic terrorist was and is misleading at best..and a lie at worst. And over and over..it's been shown that Wright's "firey" sermons were few and far between. And heck..you saying this veteran has no right to be angry at the abject racial discrimination that this country has subjected him to? ACORN? Really? What radical thing did they do that gets in your craw. Oh..they employed people no one else would employ and tried to get people shelter that no one else would shelter.
Lately, I have heard a number of conservatives/Republicans grousing about the fact that, in their opinion, Obama is "sinking the country" or is "ruining America."

Is that what you think? If so, howz about coming on this thread and telling us SPECIFICALLY what you think he is doing to "sink the country." Frankly, I would like to know if there is anything to this claim, or if (as I strongly suspect), he just isn't falling in line with what the cons want to have happen.

Gentlemen (and ladies) - start your engines!

Obama's Deficits are bigger than any Regan Budget

USA Credit is in the process of Downgrade

ObamaCare Unconstitutional Power Grab
Bankrupting America

Redistrubution of Wealth

Over Regulation

Increasing the size of government by 30%


etc etc etc

HOW is he bankrupting America? Specifically, what is Obama doing to make this happen?

WHERE is he over regulating?

HOW is he redistributing wealth?

The only specific thing you mentioned was health care, although you fail to mention how or in what manner this is going to ruin America.

Are you that dense? Have you looked at our debt lately? Have you seen how many public sector jobs created?

The very fact that he keeps asking these questions demonstrates how clueless he and obie doodle are..
Are you that dense? Have you looked at our debt lately? Have you seen how many public sector jobs created?

How has debt ruined America. Be specific.

How many jobs have been created and how did this ruin America?

So far you have two whines and all losses..............

OK Stupid...We are currently in danger of losing our AAA credit rating. This could cost the U.S. hundreds of billions in addition interest each year. Additionally, the Fed has resorted to printing money which devalues the dollar and creates inflation.

Jobs created...what a bunch of crap. The unemplotment rate is over 9%

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sH-59ZmD8hs]YouTube - ‪Bachmann Takes Obama To Task Over High Unemployment, Obamacare, Gov't Spending‬‏[/ame]

Yes, for once you're correct (even a broken clock etc.). Unemplotment is the word, and the word means a plot is underway to fundamentally change America into a plutocracy. And you and the other mentally impaired, proud, loud and profane RWers are complicit in killing democracy and ultimately our Republic.

Your kind wraps theselves in our flag and carrying the Christian cross are the greatest threat to America today. None of you are patriots; your kind are today's quislings, supporting not a foreign invader but a fifth column oligarchy lead by Grover Norquist.

Of course like most radicals you believe in the cause, parrot the propaganda but really have no clue as to events as they unfold. History will be your judge, for the one constant in our history is the American voter rejects extremists - even though Citizen United v. FEC wounded democracy, the pendulum always seeks the middle.
How has debt ruined America. Be specific.

How many jobs have been created and how did this ruin America?

So far you have two whines and all losses..............

OK Stupid...We are currently in danger of losing our AAA credit rating. This could cost the U.S. hundreds of billions in addition interest each year. Additionally, the Fed has resorted to printing money which devalues the dollar and creates inflation.

Jobs created...what a bunch of crap. The unemplotment rate is over 9%

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sH-59ZmD8hs]YouTube - ‪Bachmann Takes Obama To Task Over High Unemployment, Obamacare, Gov't Spending‬‏[/ame]

Yes, for once you're correct (even a broken clock etc.). Unemplotment is the word, and the word means a plot is underway to fundamentally change America into a plutocracy. And you and the other mentally impaired, proud, loud and profane RWers are complicit in killing democracy and ultimately our Republic.

Your kind wraps theselves in our flag and carrying the Christian cross are the greatest threat to America today. None of you are patriots; your kind are today's quislings, supporting not a foreign invader but a fifth column oligarchy lead by Grover Norquist.
Of course like most radicals you believe in the cause, parrot the propaganda but really have no clue as to events as they unfold. History will be your judge, for the one constant in our history is the American voter rejects extremists - even though Citizen United v. FEC wounded democracy, the pendulum always seeks the middle.

Corporate Quislings..at that.
Both Dems and Repubs are not doing so well, here is the spending for both for 2012

The Obama administration's budget contains $2.627 trillion in revenues and $3.729 trillion in outlays for 2012.
The Republican plan contains $2.533 trillion in revenues and $3.529 trillion in outlays.

Dems budget is 1 trillion,one hundred and 2 billion over budget
Repubs is nine hundred ninety six billion over budget

Neither one is doing much about getting our spending under control.

Voters - Elect people who will cut the credit cards up. And keep firing the one's who don't.
By failing to see to it that tax dollars are invested wisely...exactly the same way that BUSH II was ruining the American economy, actually.
Ask a tough question and you get corporate sponsored talking points. Yesterday watching the evening news it occurred to me America is so retarded there may be no help till we crash completely and the fog disappears. Who is on TV, Anthony and the magic wiener factory, what a joke. Rome burns and our corporate media fiddles, next the Anna Nicole Smith of politics is covered, Sarah 'the reality show' star Palin. I started covering my eyes, my wife thought me nuts. Then I hear it's the economy stupid! It is? for whom I wonder, not for me, as I grew up in a slightly more sane time. And then the ads come for investing in China, or some other place, and the foreign products fill the screen, Walmart will match it as they lay off this month because billions ain't enough. Americans are making their beds and the corporations are smiling on the way to the French Rivera in their Bentley.

"Every Wednesday morning, a group of conspirators meets to plot out how to most effectively attack the federal government. This is not a group of rag-tag terrorists – they wear $2,000 suits and occupy powerful positions in society. But their ideas are politically radical and they do pose a real threat to the normal workings of government in the U.S. They are a group of leading conservatives who believe that government is a malevolent force in society and they have a fierce determination to drastically cut it back. They are convinced that the central problem in our country is too much government – too many social programs, too many regulations, and too much taxation – and they are committed to doing something about it." from link below

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Lately, I have heard a number of conservatives/Republicans grousing about the fact that, in their opinion, Obama is "sinking the country" or is "ruining America."

Is that what you think? If so, howz about coming on this thread and telling us SPECIFICALLY what you think he is doing to "sink the country." Frankly, I would like to know if there is anything to this claim, or if (as I strongly suspect), he just isn't falling in line with what the cons want to have happen.

Gentlemen (and ladies) - start your engines!

Obama's Deficits are bigger than any Regan Budget

USA Credit is in the process of Downgrade

ObamaCare Unconstitutional Power Grab

do you even know why our credit is being downgraded? Obama called for an up and down vote to raise the debt ceiling without any conditions attached to it. Republicans said no, they wanted huge spending cuts attached. so we now sit in limbo, and the financial markets dont like limbo. had the debt ceiling been raised, the full faith and credit of the government would still be intact. but now we sit a point without an ability to borrow to cover our obligations. im not talking about random reckless spending im talking about the social safety net programs that both dems and repubs support. medicare, medicaid, and social security. those along with defense and interest on the debt take up about 80% of the current budget. which is more than the federal revenues they take in.

if you truly want to cut spending you need to cut about 30% from all of these programs and you will be able to balance the budget. the problem is that it is political suicide to suggest cutting any of these programs. looks at Ryan's budget to change medicare, its being met with a huge backlash. the bipartisan debt commission couldnt even get enough of its members to agree on a plan to suggest to congress.

this is not a problem obama created, yet it is a problem he has to deal with.

im curious though, when bush and the repubs were in control of both congress (2000-2006) and the WH and the economy was in a huge boom, why were there no calls for fiscal conservancy and spending cuts to pay down the debt?
Yes..because it's impossible to make break throughs that accelerate technology by "Quantum" leaps.

I'm glad this type of thinking was not all that well regarded during the industrial revolution..or when the interwebs were being developed..

If man were meant to fly..he'd have wings.. :lol:

But no one suggested we dismantle the USPS because email would make it obsolete while the internet was nothing more than two computers connected by a phone line.

That's what Obama and his short-sighted fellow idiots want to do: They want to take coal plants off-line before the Magic Energy is practical, scalable, and economical.

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