Obama is a liar.

He's done nothing BUT lie for 5 years now, and will continue to lie until he can figure out how to stay in office permanently. Then he won't need to lie anymore.

You're smart and I'm kidding.
If you look at his actions, you know where his loyalty really is. He is loyal to the Muslims, particularly the Muslim Brotherhood and all the radicals. He is loyal to himself.

His foreign policy has aided the radicals.

His domestic policy has aided his career. He lies and says the border is safe though he knows damn well it isn't. He wants votes from millions of illegals in this country, which are more important than the welfare of those living near the border.

He doesn't care about affordable health care. It's more expensive now and fewer have it. But he got the power he sought and nothing else matters.

Things are worse all the way around yet he claims they are better. I guess he figures his dependents don't know the difference and he doesn't give a shit about those of us who bear the burden of the liberal's lame ass ideas.
Bush lied the country into two wars that his cabinet members designed 30 years ago to never end.
Bush lied the country into two wars that his cabinet members designed 30 years ago to never end.

And yet 3 separate Congressional investigations found Bush did NOT lie us into any war. Further as has been pointed out every single time you retards make this claim, if Bush lied then Clinton and his entire administration lied. Hillary Clinton Reid, Kerry and a host of high level Democrats in Congress all lied. Britain, Germany, France and other Countries all lied as well.

The documents captured after the fall of Saddam's regime were all faked and all the inspectors at the UN before the invasion lied when they stated they did not find all the weapons.

Long list of liars there.
Indeed. That's what these limp wrested clowns do - they deflect. FORGET about what Obama does....just remember what Bush did.

Raining in your town? Snowing? Obviously it's George Bush's fault.

Obama is gutter trash. Nothing more and nothing less. He will go down in history as the worst president this country has EVER been saddled with.
Bush lied the country into two wars that his cabinet members designed 30 years ago to never end.

And yet 3 separate Congressional investigations found Bush did NOT lie us into any war. Further as has been pointed out every single time you retards make this claim, if Bush lied then Clinton and his entire administration lied. Hillary Clinton Reid, Kerry and a host of high level Democrats in Congress all lied. Britain, Germany, France and other Countries all lied as well.

The documents captured after the fall of Saddam's regime were all faked and all the inspectors at the UN before the invasion lied when they stated they did not find all the weapons.

Long list of liars there.
Not to mention the ultimate liar, Obama, who not only continued the wars but escalated them.
Bush lied the country into two wars that his cabinet members designed 30 years ago to never end.

And yet 3 separate Congressional investigations found Bush did NOT lie us into any war. Further as has been pointed out every single time you retards make this claim, if Bush lied then Clinton and his entire administration lied. Hillary Clinton Reid, Kerry and a host of high level Democrats in Congress all lied. Britain, Germany, France and other Countries all lied as well.

The documents captured after the fall of Saddam's regime were all faked and all the inspectors at the UN before the invasion lied when they stated they did not find all the weapons.

Long list of liars there.

Remember Gunny - the left NEVER let's the truth get in the way of a good lie.
Bush's lie cost Americans at least $2t, with an expected increase to around $4t over the next thirty years due to rising medical care costs for veterans.

Normal people would think that $4t could have been spent on something else like health care or public education, but instead it went to paying for secret torture prisons in an illegal invasion of a country that was not a threat to us.

Can Republican voters even admit that Bush lied to you all? Is it really so difficult? He lied to you. Just say it out loud to yourself. "Bush lied to America."
What's the article prove? Obama's not a liberal. I knew that. Look at the people he appoints to positions of power. No muslims either, as far as I know so this muslim brotherhood accusation comes from someone on the moon. Congressional hearing proved bush didn't lie? Congress wouldn't be so bold as to do otherwise. They protect their own. Don't worry right wingers, Obama's no threat to corporations and multibillionaires. The same ones you guys would defend to your deaths while you viciously go after people in need that maybe get some food stamps and unemployment. Did I vote for Obama? I did. Not much choice there. I would have prefered Kucinich, Gravel or Edwards though.
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He's been a liar since the day he was born. Only the left is surprised by this. They never expected it and will deny as long as they can.
He's been a liar since the day he was born. Only the left is surprised by this. They never expected it and will deny as long as they can.

How else could you expect the left to react? I mean, C'mon! Barry was the messiah for the left. He was going to "still the waters" and make the "oceans recede" and stop this BS global warming crap. He was going to put an end to conservatives and turn the United States into Switzerland. We were all going to be modern day "flower children" and talk to trees.

He was going to "steal from the rich and give to the poor" - you know, the same crap that we have heard from the left for the last 50 years....

And then, they wake up from their collective stupors to find that Barry (Papa Doc) Obama is just as much of a pretender as every other politician out there. Every time his mouth opens - lies spew forth. He gave them just enough to keep them frothing at the mouth.

Reality is a bitch you hippie MF'ers. Welcome to the real world.

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