Obama: I Am 'Absolutely' The Underdog In 2012


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Jennifer Bendery

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama said he considers himself the underdog in the 2012 presidential election. And he has no problem with that.

In a Monday interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, Obama said he is "absolutely" the underdog in his upcoming race, due in large part to the dismal economy playing out on his watch. His comment came in response to Stephanopoulos indicating that a new ABC poll coming out later Monday found that 55 percent of Americans think Obama will be a one-term president.

"I don't mind," Obama said of the poll's results. "I'm used to being an underdog."

Obama: I Am 'Absolutely' The Underdog In 2012 (VIDEO)
Incumbents are almost never the underdog.
He played that card last election, I don't think it's going to give him the full house this time around.
He'll be sent packing, write a couple more books, be highly overpaid for speeches and get 400 grand a year from the taxpayers until lightening hits him on some exotic golf course.
The man is a useless liar. I'm non partisan and he did sound promising but I quit voting many years ago.It makes no difference. Same ole same ole.
He should be so proud of himself. He managed to get the people to not like him in less than THREE YEARS. might be a record.

I don't think the people are going to be buying into he is a poor poor UNDERDOG routine.
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Obama is just trying to fire up his base... that he deserted... and now needs to be reelected.

Very Honest Assessment. The Problem is this, and I can't believe he is making this Mistake. His base is pissed at him yes, but his Base is Never going to vote for a Republican, so in the end he has their votes. He is and has been alienating Moderates and Independents and that my friend is how you lose an election. He can not win with out the Independents. Period.
He should be so proud of himself. He managed to get the people to not like him in less than THREE YEARS. might be a record.

I don't think the people are going to be buying into he is a poor poor UNDERDOG routine.

Conservatives don't like him because of his liberal policies.
Liberals don't like him because he hasn't been able to force his liberal ideas down every bodies throats.
Independents don't like him because none of his change has actually been good.

He's managed to piss off everybody. When was the last time a president pissed off everybody prior to reelection?
Why wouldn't he be the underdog? look at the economy. Look at his horrible leadership. You've got to be crazy to think he's done a good job.
He's done a HELLUVALOT betta than Dubya! Dat's fer dern sure!
Obama hasn't pissed off everyone - otherwise he'd be ZERO in the polls.

Hmmmm ... he could still be nonzero and have pissed everyone off.

There are some who would never give a pollster the satisfaction of knowing they were disappointed in the guy they voted for.

And some who'd say they supported him strictly out of party loyalty.

Not saying he's reached that point yet of course!
Obama hasn't pissed off everyone - otherwise he'd be ZERO in the polls.

Hmmmm ... he could still be nonzero and have pissed everyone off.

There are some who would never give a pollster the satisfaction of knowing they were disappointed in the guy they voted for.

And some who'd say they supported him strictly out of party loyalty.

Not saying he's reached that point yet of course!

not to mention the people who have no real Idea what he has or has not done. They don't follow the news etc. People who say they think he is doing a good job because he looks good, and talks nice.
He's done a HELLUVALOT betta than Dubya! Dat's fer dern sure!

Please. With the Exception of his success against Al Qaeda, I simply can not see where you think he has done better than Bush. But then you Buy the whole "this is all Bushes fault Line of BS" so I guess that's why.

Truth is Bush was bad, sure enough. Obama has Eclipsed him in many respects. Especially on Adding debt, and Compounding our Problems.
Obama is just trying to fire up his base... that he deserted... and now needs to be reelected.

Very Honest Assessment. The Problem is this, and I can't believe he is making this Mistake. His base is pissed at him yes, but his Base is Never going to vote for a Republican, so in the end he has their votes. He is and has been alienating Moderates and Independents and that my friend is how you lose an election. He can not win with out the Independents. Period.

That he continues to alienate all but his die-hard fans tells me that he doesn't want to be reelected. How can anyone believe that he wants another four years? He knows he sucks at the job, he knows he lacks the leadership qualities to be president, he realizes that 'community organizer' only sounds good on paper but offered nothing experience-wise to prepare for the job of potus, he knows he's quite frequently just a laughing stock, he has idiots working for him (witness all the bumbles and fumbles not to mention the nonsense that often spews from his mouth -- can his people not check things first before opens mouth and inserts foot?), and as bad as Bush was Obama is 10 times worse and he knows it. He thought being potus was all 'organizing' and holding 'beer summits'. . . . his system is in shock that he actually has to work. He does enjoy the perks though!

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