Obama has his own TV Channel

If ever there was a person worthy of the NPD label, it's Obama. Good grief. Let's see some more Obama Youth videos, I can never get enough of the blue shirts.
Channel 73 on the Dish Network is now The Obama Channel.

The Obama channel

This combined with his anti-free speech suit takes on a new flavor. What's next "Praise be to Obama Day"? "Let's All Declare Obama to be President-For-Life"? Every city and town ordered to put up a picture or statue of the guy? All egomaniacs are most in love with their own image above all else anyway.

The whole thing is getting pretty ripe odor to it, don't you think?
from the people who got really tired of you guys messing everything up,.

Glad to see you following the liberal mantra that the "real" enemy of this country is fellow Americans. Won't be such a big leap for you then when the left starts insisting that because "those guys" don't use them in a way they personally approve - "those guys" don't deserve to have the same rights you do, will it? After all, you know you are well on your way when you actually consider it "brilliant" to have a television station devoted to a single political leader.

Instead of sounding like the mindless cow who wrote "brilliant" - your time would be better spent asking yourself what is the real point of having an entire television station devoted to just a single politician - in a democracy, that is.
Why not an all Sarah Palin channel?

Or an all Miss Teen South Carolina channel?
I don't think Palin wants or needs a channel. By the way, your obsession with Miss Teen is noted. :cuckoo:

McCain is going to replace Palin with Miss Teen South Carolina, because she knows more about foreign policy than Palin does.
Hollywood has produced young children singing songs about Obama! Now that's scary.

Countries whom are run by ruthless dictators also have the children singing songs about the might of the leader.
If ever there was a person worthy of the NPD label, it's Obama. Good grief. Let's see some more Obama Youth videos, I can never get enough of the blue shirts.

I take note of Biden in the Home Depot apron, ha.ha. You know he talked about the shoppers he met inside the Home Depot, that were worried about the economy etc.

Obama & he want to tax corporations & people making over 250K. Now this is what I call trickle down pain. Home depot gets the crap taxed out of them, & he'll not only be talking to patrons of the store, he'll be talking to the Home Depot employee that just got his last pay-check.

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